NVIDIA-AI-IOT / deepstream_tao_apps

Sample apps to demonstrate how to deploy models trained with TAO on DeepStream
MIT License
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The Directory of pwd is empty during building the TensorRT OSS! #30

Open Sunhil opened 3 years ago

Sunhil commented 3 years ago

If run the code below,will directory of pwd be created? git clone -b release/6.0 https://github.com/nvidia/TensorRT cd TensorRT/ git submodule update --init --recursive I created the directory of pwd after running below code. Then I continue run the code below. export TRT_SOURCE=pwd cd $TRT_SOURCE mkdir -p build && cd build cmake .. -DGPU_ARCHS=61 -DTRT_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc -DTRT_BIN_DIR=pwd/out -DCUDA_VERSION=10.0 It shows below.

Building for TensorRT version:, library version: 6.0.1 -- Targeting TRT Platform: x86_64 -- CUDA version set to 10.0 -- cuDNN version set to 7.5 -- Protobuf version set to 3.0.0 -- Found CUDA: /usr/local/cuda-10.0 (found suitable version "10.0", minimum required is "10.0") -- Using libprotobuf /DATA/hhyang/tools/TensorRT/build/third_party.protobuf/lib/libprotobuf.a -- ========================= Importing and creating target nvinfer ========================== -- Looking for library nvinfer -- Library that was found nvinfer_LIB_PATH-NOTFOUND -- ========================= Importing and creating target nvuffparser ========================== -- Looking for library nvparsers -- Library that was found nvparsers_LIB_PATH-NOTFOUND -- Protobuf proto/trtcaffe.proto -> proto/trtcaffe.pb.cc proto/trtcaffe.pb.h -- /DATA/hhyang/tools/TensorRT/build/parsers/caffe Summary -- CMake version : 3.13.5 -- CMake command : /home/hhyang/cmake/bin/cmake -- System : Linux -- C++ compiler : /usr/bin/g++ -- C++ compiler version : 5.4.0 -- CXX flags : -Wno-deprecated-declarations -DBUILD_SYSTEM=cmake_oss -Wall -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wnon-virtual-dtor -- Build type : Release -- Compile definitions : _PROTOBUF_INSTALL_DIR=/DATA/hhyang/tools/TensorRT/build;ONNX_NAMESPACE=onnx2trt_onnx -- CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH : -- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX : /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/.. -- CMAKE_MODULE_PATH : -- ONNX version : 1.3.0 -- ONNX NAMESPACE : onnx2trt_onnx -- ONNX_BUILD_TESTS : OFF -- ONNX_BUILD_BENCHMARKS : OFF -- ONNX_USE_LITE_PROTO : OFF -- ONNXIFI_DUMMY_BACKEND : OFF -- Protobuf compiler : -- Protobuf includes : -- Protobuf libraries : -- BUILD_ONNX_PYTHON : OFF -- GPU_ARCH defined as 61. Generating CUDA code for SM 61 -- Found TensorRT headers at /DATA/hhyang/tools/TensorRT/include -- Find TensorRT libs at /DATA/hhyang/tools/TensorRT-;/DATA/hhyang/tools/TensorRT- -- Adding new sample: sample_char_rnn -- - Parsers Used: none -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_dynamic_reshape -- - Parsers Used: onnx -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_fasterRCNN -- - Parsers Used: caffe -- - InferPlugin Used: ON -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_googlenet -- - Parsers Used: caffe -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_int8 -- - Parsers Used: caffe -- - InferPlugin Used: ON -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_int8_api -- - Parsers Used: onnx -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_mlp -- - Parsers Used: caffe -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_mnist -- - Parsers Used: caffe -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_mnist_api -- - Parsers Used: caffe -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_movielens -- - Parsers Used: uff -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_movielens_mps -- - Parsers Used: uff -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_nmt -- - Parsers Used: none -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_onnx_mnist -- - Parsers Used: onnx -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_plugin -- - Parsers Used: caffe -- - InferPlugin Used: ON -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_reformat_free_io -- - Parsers Used: caffe -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_ssd -- - Parsers Used: caffe -- - InferPlugin Used: ON -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_uff_fasterRCNN -- - Parsers Used: uff -- - InferPlugin Used: ON -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_uff_maskRCNN -- - Parsers Used: uff -- - InferPlugin Used: ON -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_uff_mnist -- - Parsers Used: uff -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_uff_plugin_v2_ext -- - Parsers Used: uff -- - InferPlugin Used: OFF -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: sample_uff_ssd -- - Parsers Used: uff -- - InferPlugin Used: ON -- - Licensing: opensource -- Adding new sample: trtexec -- - Parsers Used: caffe;uff;onnx -- - InferPlugin Used: ON -- - Licensing: opensource -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /DATA/hhyang/tools/TensorRT/build ` Things seems going in the right direction. But when I run the below code, the error occured!

make nvinfer_plugin -j$(nproc) make[3]: No rule to make target 'nvinfer_LIB_PATH-NOTFOUND', needed by 'plugin/CMakeFiles/nvinfer_plugin.dir/cmake_device_link.o'. Stop. CMakeFiles/Makefile2:283: recipe for target 'plugin/CMakeFiles/nvinfer_plugin.dir/all' failed make[2]: [plugin/CMakeFiles/nvinfer_plugin.dir/all] Error 2 CMakeFiles/Makefile2:295: recipe for target 'plugin/CMakeFiles/nvinfer_plugin.dir/rule' failed make[1]: [plugin/CMakeFiles/nvinfer_plugin.dir/rule] Error 2 Makefile:238: recipe for target 'nvinfer_plugin' failed make: [nvinfer_plugin] Error 2

I can't figure out the reason. Ang suggestion will be appreciate! Thank you for your patient.

mchi-zg commented 3 years ago

It's \ pwd\