NVIDIA-AI-IOT / jetcard

An SD card image for web programming AI projects with NVIDIA Jetson Nano
MIT License
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Please delete this repo. Or maintain it? Almost none of it works. #22

Open ZiCog opened 4 years ago

ZiCog commented 4 years ago

A week or so ago I setup my Jetson Nano from instructions here:https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/learn/get-started-jetson-nano-devkit#write

Having made my way through the "Hello AI World" I decided to follow the course material here: Getting Started with AI on Jetson Nano: https://courses.nvidia.com/courses/course-v1:DLI+C-RX-02+V1/about

I was not about to download and install yet another SD card OS image as directed, that's just nuts, so I thought it should be possible to get everything required installed on top of my existing installation.

Searching around I found a suggestion in the forum saying I should use the install script in this repository. Great. https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/jupyter-notebook-in-jetson-nano/72586/6?u=zicog

Great except almost no part of it works. I have just spend some hours going through all the install steps and trying to work around their failures. I would list all the errors here but there are too many. Wrong node,js version, PyTorch is now broken, missing udev rules files, etc, etc.

Finally I have a JupyterLab up in my browser, except it has a Python console that is unresponsive, and the Chrome devtools tell me "jupyter_clickable_image_widget:plugin' failed to activate." (Which is odd because that is one thing that seemed to install without error).

To rub it in I now find this forum post: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/installing-jetcard-missing-opt-nvidia-l4t-usb-device-mode-nv-l4t-usb-device-mode-sh/107720/2 that tells me:

If you are using JetPack 4.2.2 SD card image as a base, please try using the "jetpack_4.2.2" branch. https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/jetcard/tree/jetpack_4.2.2 2

Which is fine except I have learned from previous searching around that it is impossible to find out what version of jetpack pertains to my Jetson Nano Ubuntu operating system. Many have asked, none have received an answer.

All in all this script has wasted many hours and hosed my installation.

Any help forthcoming in fixing this mess would be very welcome.

santaimpersonator commented 3 years ago

You can uses jetson-stats to determine the jetpack version of your OS.