NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS / isaac_ros_nvblox

NVIDIA-accelerated 3D scene reconstruction and Nav2 local costmap provider using nvblox
Apache License 2.0
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realsense_splitter_node fails to load on Jetson Xavier NX #77

Closed Timarrr closed 7 months ago

Timarrr commented 10 months ago

Did all the steps shown in tutorial and was met with:

[component_container-2] [INFO] [1693412582.159672551] [visual_slam_node]: cuVSLAM version: 11.0
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1693412582.354851402] [camera.camera]: RealSense ROS v4.54.1
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1693412582.357073772] [camera.camera]: Built with LibRealSense v2.54.1
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1693412582.357161196] [camera.camera]: Running with LibRealSense v2.54.1
[INFO] [launch_ros.actions.load_composable_nodes]: Loaded node '/camera/camera' in container '/realsense_container'
[component_container-1] [ERROR] [1693412582.412832049] [realsense_container]: Could not find requested resource in ament index
[ERROR] [launch_ros.actions.load_composable_nodes]: Failed to load node 'realsense_splitter_node' of type 'nvblox::RealsenseSplitterNode' in container '/realsense_container': Could not find requested resource in ament index
[component_container-3] [INFO] [1693412582.491397351] [nvblox_container]: Found class: rclcpp_components::NodeFactoryTemplate<nvblox::NvbloxHumanNode>
[component_container-3] [INFO] [1693412582.491597703] [nvblox_container]: Found class: rclcpp_components::NodeFactoryTemplate<nvblox::NvbloxNode>
[component_container-3] [INFO] [1693412582.491646119] [nvblox_container]: Instantiate class: rclcpp_components::NodeFactoryTemplate<nvblox::NvbloxNode>
[component_container-3] [INFO] [1693412583.320353558] [nvblox_node]: NvbloxNode::getParameters()
[component_container-3] [INFO] [1693412583.320940535] [nvblox_node]: static_projective_layer_type: TSDF (for occupancy set the use_static_occupancy_layer parameter)

and then an endless stream of:

[rviz2-4] Warning: Invalid frame ID "odom" passed to canTransform argument target_frame - frame does not exist
[rviz2-4]          at line 93 in /opt/ros/humble/src/geometry2/tf2/src/buffer_core.cpp

and some queue overflow errors if i run it for longer

tried to follow the troubleshooting thingie and it got me here

Timarrr commented 10 months ago

after rebuilding the container from scratch, the issue about splitter node is gone, but some topics after splitter aren't showing any images

jaiveersinghNV commented 8 months ago

Could you please try this again on the latest release and let us know if you're still seeing this issue?