NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS / isaac_ros_pose_estimation

Deep learned, NVIDIA-accelerated 3D object pose estimation
Apache License 2.0
137 stars 21 forks source link

Build from source isaac_ros_dope errors #38

Open u-decs opened 3 months ago

u-decs commented 3 months ago


I am getting a couple of errors that weren't appearing previously - some packages appear to already be in the core ROS workspace now. also there is an error associated with git. I've just done a fresh install of docker and image build and then using (https://nvidia-isaac-ros.github.io/repositories_and_packages/isaac_ros_pose_estimation/isaac_ros_dope/index.html) with build from source (on x86_64). It is okay to ignore these errors for now?

Many thanks

cd ${ISAAC_ROS_WS} && \
   colcon build --symlink-install --packages-up-to isaac_ros_dope
[0.232s] WARNING:colcon.colcon_core.package_selection:Some selected packages are already built in one or more underlay workspaces:
        'isaac_ros_tensor_list_interfaces' is in: /opt/ros/humble
        'isaac_ros_test' is in: /opt/ros/humble
        'isaac_ros_common' is in: /opt/ros/humble
If a package in a merged underlay workspace is overridden and it installs headers, then all packages in the overlay must sort their include directories by workspace order. Failure to do so may result in build failures or undefined behavior at run time.
If the overridden package is used by another package in any underlay, then the overriding package in the overlay must be API and ABI compatible or undefined behavior at run time may occur.

If you understand the risks and want to override a package anyways, add the following to the command line:
        --allow-overriding isaac_ros_common isaac_ros_tensor_list_interfaces isaac_ros_test

This may be promoted to an error in a future release of colcon-override-check.
Starting >>> isaac_ros_common
Starting >>> isaac_ros_tensor_list_interfaces
Starting >>> isaac_ros_test
--- stderr: isaac_ros_test
ERROR setuptools_scm._file_finders.git listing git files failed - pretending there aren't any
Finished <<< isaac_ros_test [0.98s]
Finished <<< isaac_ros_common [3.13s]
Starting >>> gxf_isaac_dope
--- stderr: isaac_ros_tensor_list_interfaces
ERROR setuptools_scm._file_finders.git listing git files failed - pretending there aren't any
Finished <<< isaac_ros_tensor_list_interfaces [3.29s]
Finished <<< gxf_isaac_dope [4.95s]
Starting >>> isaac_ros_dope
--- stderr: isaac_ros_dope
ERROR setuptools_scm._file_finders.git listing git files failed - pretending there aren't any
Finished <<< isaac_ros_dope [17.9s]

Summary: 5 packages finished [26.2s]
  3 packages had stderr output: isaac_ros_dope isaac_ros_tensor_list_interfaces isaac_ros_test
chpk commented 2 months ago

follow the below steps to overcome this error: 1) pip3 uninstall setuptools-scm 2) pip3 install setuptools==58.2.0 after this build the model again and you might not face issues

u-decs commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I'll give that a go

RenanMoreiraPinto commented 1 month ago

i tryed this and didn't solve my problem always broker on the gxf and i tryed to build it from source [component_container_mt-1] 2024-07-11 17:49:04.094 ERROR gxf/std/program.cpp@551: Attempted interrupting when not running (state=0). [component_container_mt-1] 2024-07-11 17:49:04.094 ERROR gxf/core/runtime.cpp@1468: Graph interrupt failed with error: GXF_INVALID_EXECUTION_SEQUENCE was you able to build it and run the example ??? if you use the binary version runs fine :/