NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS / isaac_ros_visual_slam

Visual SLAM/odometry package based on NVIDIA-accelerated cuVSLAM
Apache License 2.0
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Isaac SLAM with Luxonis OAK camera #107

Closed martinlucan closed 8 months ago

martinlucan commented 11 months ago

Hi there, I intend to use Isaac Visual SLAM in conjunction with Luxonis OAK-D-Pro camera. As far as I know, there is no direct integration of this camera in Isaac package. Is there any general approach how to configure Isaac stack to work with any suitable stereo camera?

Thank you.

swapnesh-wani-nvidia commented 10 months ago

Isaac ROS Visual Slam expects a pair of synchronized stereo images. Take a look and the following launch files on how to connect left and right image topics along with respective camerainfo topics

  1. isaac_ros_visual_slam_realsense.launch.py
  2. isaac_ros_visual_slam_hawk.launch.py
AlexKlimaj commented 10 months ago

I would like to get this running as well with the Oak D Pro Wide. It looks like this example might be all that's needed to get the stereo outputs. https://github.com/luxonis/depthai/blob/main/depthai_sdk/examples/streaming/ros_publishing.py

bradenwagstaff commented 10 months ago

So I've been playing with the ros_publishing.py script and am having a hard time getting it to mesh with Isaac VSLAM. If you look at the launch file for their realsense example it subscribes to the topics of the left and right camera, but also the camera_info for both.

As far as I can tell, the depthai script doesn't publish camera info on a topic. All I can get out of it is /color/compressed /imu /left/compressed /right/compressed

I've been going through the Depthai SDK documentation and can't find a way to publish that information. Please prove me wrong, but I'm going to move to Realsense to use Isaac VSLAM

Serafadam commented 10 months ago

Hi @bradenwagstaff @AlexKlimaj Depthai SDK currently proves limited functionality in terms of ROS publishing, when it comes to the ROS integration we recommend using depthai-ros packages, either via Docker images or by building it from source (this may change this year when Jetpack will support 22.04). Currently there is no official support for Isaac SLAM, but that might change in near future (you can also refer to the community integration here)