NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS / isaac_ros_visual_slam

Visual SLAM/odometry package based on NVIDIA-accelerated cuVSLAM
Apache License 2.0
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VSLAM Map & SLAM Tool box box #131

Open sandeepdutta opened 7 months ago

sandeepdutta commented 7 months ago

I have the visual SLAM working with a ZED camera, it can localizes very well. Is there a way to match the coordinates of the VSLAM generated map to the map generated by SLAM toolbox ? I would like to use the map->odom transform generated by VSLAM and use the rest of the NAV2 stack ..

Thank you Sandeep

hemalshahNV commented 7 months ago

You can use VSLAM as an odometry source with Nav2 (odom->base_link), but using the vslam poses (which can be used to update map->odom) can be a bit problematic. The VSLAM map origin needs to be registered with you obstacle map (occupancy grid map created by SLAM toolbox) (i.e., need to find the transform between vslam_map and og_map). This can be done by adding in physical features to align with in the OGM (like two boards covered in Apriltags at right angles in a V that you can see in both the OGM and the visual frames) or by some other method.

robotx10 commented 7 months ago

@hemalshahNV Hi Hemal, when can we expect the release of the document? @sandeepdutta were you able to implement the 3D to 2D tf2 projection as mentioned by hemal? Is there any other efficient solution that we adapt to?

sandeepdutta commented 7 months ago

Yes I was able to create a transform between the maps, it wasn't very stable. We are planning to use two camera's. Currently it looks like the package doesn't support two cameras . You can only merge the Visual odometry using EKF. Sandeep

robotx10 commented 7 months ago

@sandeepdutta may I know whats the reason behind fusing two cameras (Maybe you might different use case). Since the visual Inertial odometry from isaac_ros_vlsam work pretty well for me. I am using odom->base_link for nav2. I am having concerns about map->odom link. I was using slam_toolbox localization mode for map->odom (which i would like to skip and go with map->odom from vslam)

have you checked this? for fusing both cameras? https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_visual_slam/blob/main/isaac_ros_visual_slam/params/ekf_dual_nvslam.yaml