NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS / isaac_ros_visual_slam

Visual SLAM/odometry package based on NVIDIA-accelerated cuVSLAM
Apache License 2.0
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[bug] Linear velocities are in body frame #134

Closed dakejahl closed 7 months ago

dakejahl commented 7 months ago

odometry.twist.twist.linear are body frame velocities whereas everything else respects the child_frame_id which is FLU world.

swapnesh-wani-nvidia commented 7 months ago

Could you clarify the question a little bit? We do publish the odometry in child_frame_id as shown here.

dakejahl commented 7 months ago

Ah I missed this part http://docs.ros.org/en/noetic/api/nav_msgs/html/msg/Odometry.html

The pose in this message should be specified in the coordinate frame given by header.frame_id.

The twist in this message should be specified in the coordinate frame given by the child_frame_id