NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS / isaac_ros_visual_slam

Visual SLAM/odometry package based on NVIDIA-accelerated cuVSLAM
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request : localization only mode. #150

Open sandeepdutta opened 4 months ago

sandeepdutta commented 4 months ago


Would be great if the SLAM could be made to run in "localization" mode only. That is , it will not publish any vo_pose or odom->base_link if it cannot localize . If there is way to do this already then we will be happy to try.

Thank you Sandeep

swapnesh-wani-nvidia commented 4 months ago

Could you clarify this? Are you looking to localize on a different map than the one created by Isaac ROS Visual SLAM?

That is , it will not publish any vo_pose or odom->base_link if it cannot localize .

sandeepdutta commented 4 months ago

Hello Swapnesh,

We are trying to localize in the map generated by VSLAM. We are using EKF to fuse wheel odometry & visual odometry, in a premapped environment. If "Visual Tracking Lost" , the VSLAM algorithm reverts to "mapping" mode if it finds no loop closure and continues to publish visual_odometry with low "covariance" this confuses the EKF filter to rely on VSLAM more than it should. We are planning to update the "visual odometry" (set_odometry_pose) from the EKF fused odometry if visual odometry is lost. If we had a "localize" only mode, then it would make the fusion much easier. If you have a better suggestion we will be happy to try it.

Thank you Sandeep