NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS / isaac_ros_visual_slam

Visual SLAM/odometry package based on NVIDIA-accelerated cuVSLAM
Apache License 2.0
813 stars 126 forks source link

estabilishing communcation of ROS2 to another PC #166

Open adamanov opened 3 weeks ago

adamanov commented 3 weeks ago


we have 2 computers on our robot (A main industrial PC, and Jetson Xavier). Currently, our setup consists of the main PC running on Ubuntu 22 with the ROS2 Humble version. I was hoping to generate a Visual Odometry pose on Jetson Xavier (realsense plugged) with installed ROS1 Noetic and fuse it with our other odometry poses (i.e. Wheel Odometry, IMUs plugged into PC)

as we realized that Xavier does not support directly Humble. isaac_ros_visual_slam available only on ROS2 (?), though we research I found:

What would be a best practice to establish communication between Humble Docker or installed natively ROS2 Foxy where Visual Odometry data is generated, and stream it somehow to our main PC?

all best