NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS / isaac_ros_visual_slam

Visual SLAM/odometry package based on NVIDIA-accelerated cuVSLAM
Apache License 2.0
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ros2 topic cannot echo odometry topic #4

Closed FPSychotic closed 2 years ago

FPSychotic commented 2 years ago

ros2 topic echo /visual_odometry/tf_stamped Cannot echo topic '/visual_odometry/tf_stamped', as it contains more than one type: [isaac_ros_visual_odometry_interfaces/msg/VisualOdometryTransformStamped, nav_msgs/msg/Path]

willcmc commented 2 years ago

@FPSychotic How did you sort this out?

FPSychotic commented 2 years ago

@willcmc Really I don't remember what was the issue and even if it was in Xavier, I guess it was by the date. Whatever it was, they are close to release a new version and will be a new version of Jetpack with it 4.5 , I would wait to the JP4.5 production release and try again. I would investigate a little , but I have not a jetson nevermore.

willcmc commented 2 years ago

I just solved the problem (with my setup) - apparently, RViz was looking for PoseStamped, and my node was publishing Pose. ros2 topic info was showing two message types too. Just made my node publish PoseStamped, working fine now.