NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS / isaac_ros_visual_slam

Visual SLAM/odometry package based on NVIDIA-accelerated cuVSLAM
Apache License 2.0
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Elbrus do not publishes the topic /map. How can i use it with nav2? #44

Closed RailWar closed 1 year ago

RailWar commented 1 year ago

nav2 uses openvlsam is default. But I want use this project. But I get the message /map topic is not published. Can i use Elbrus and nav2? Or is there other engines for navigation? Are there examples for this? My ros2 version is humble.

hemalshahNV commented 1 year ago

We integrate Isaac VSLAM into Nav2 as an odometry source but not as a map/global localization source yet. What does your sensor setup look like and what workflow you're trying to build? The Nav2 community was developing full visual mapping & navigation using OpenVSLAM if I recall but I'm not sure what the status is. OpenVSLAM had shut down in favor of OrbSLAM at some point.

RailWar commented 1 year ago

I have to connect up to 4 Zed 2i cameras (instead high-cost lidar) to Jetson Xavier NX and get the navigation. Because Elbrus don't uses CUDA in Isaac SDK I want to make the pipe: ros2 = Zed 2i + Elbrus + nav2

hemalshahNV commented 1 year ago

In our upcoming release for Isaac ROS, we should have an example in Nvblox to use with Isaac VSLAM . Along with Nav2, you should have all of the building blocks for a visual navigation solution. We're still evaluating this on our reference robots, however, and your experience would be greatly appreciated.

hemalshahNV commented 1 year ago

Please take a look at the Nvblox/Isaac VSLAM tutorial here: https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_nvblox/blob/main/docs/tutorial-nvblox-vslam-realsense.md.