NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS / isaac_ros_visual_slam

Visual SLAM/odometry package based on NVIDIA-accelerated cuVSLAM
Apache License 2.0
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How to visualize map data(data.mdb) from SaveMap ROS 2 Action? #87

Closed mat-macnica closed 1 year ago

mat-macnica commented 1 year ago


We got a map data file "data.mdb" by following below link; https://github.com/NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS/isaac_ros_visual_slam/blob/main/docs/tutorial-isaac-sim.md#saving-and-using-the-map ros2 action send_goal /visual_slam/save_map isaac_ros_visual_slam_interfaces/action/SaveMap "{map_url: /path/to/save/the/map}"

Question: Are there any recommended way to visualize the "data.mdb" map file by using visualizing tool such as Rviz2?

-- Best regards,

jaiveersinghNV commented 1 year ago

There isn't a way to visualize the data.mdb file directly, but it can be loaded back into Isaac ROS Visual SLAM via the isaac_ros_visual_slam_interfaces/action/LoadMapAndLocalize Action and then visualized in RViz, as shown here.

mat-macnica commented 1 year ago


Thank you very much for prompt reply. I really appreciate your help. I'd like to check the behavior from your guide.

-- Best regards,