Open mzahana opened 1 year ago
I am not sure if this is a problem anymore, however, it looks like when you are moving your uav faster with your hand, it causes motion blur which will result in Tracker is lost
. Additionally, there are frame "drops" (warning messages showing that input images to Isaac ROS Visual Slam are not steady) and this will also result in bad tracking.
Hi @swapnesh-wani-nvidia Thanks for your reply. I have replaced the Jetson Xavier NX with Orin NX. I am suing the same camera D455. Here is the output
ros2 launch isaac_ros_visual_slam
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/admin/.ros/log/2023-08-21-07-13-37-588341-orin-nx-31595
[INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO
[INFO] [component_container-1]: process started with pid [31606]
[INFO] [realsense2_camera_node-2]: process started with pid [31608]
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602018.195577355] [visual_slam_launch_container]: Load Library: /workspaces/isaac_ros-dev/install/isaac_ros_visual_slam/lib/
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.210915211] []: RealSense ROS v4.51.1
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.211124594] []: Built with LibRealSense v2.54.1
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.211154387] []: Running with LibRealSense v2.54.1
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.466795712] []: Device with serial number 207322250752 was found.
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.466957222] []: Device with physical ID 2-3-5 was found.
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.466980903] []: Device with name Intel RealSense D455 was found.
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.467621340] []: Device with port number 2-3 was found.
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.467672190] []: Device USB type: 3.2
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602018.476514724] [visual_slam_launch_container]: Found class: rclcpp_components::NodeFactoryTemplate<isaac_ros::visual_slam::VisualSlamNode>
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602018.476636169] [visual_slam_launch_container]: Instantiate class: rclcpp_components::NodeFactoryTemplate<isaac_ros::visual_slam::VisualSlamNode>
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.478754799] []: getParameters...
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.483103328] []: JSON file is not provided
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.484236806] []: Device Name: Intel RealSense D455
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.484276551] []: Device Serial No: 207322250752
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.484305608] []: Device physical port: 2-3-5
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.484321289] []: Device FW version: 5.14.0
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.484350314] []: Device Product ID: 0x0B5C
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602018.484363114] []: Sync Mode: Off
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602018.542016013] [visual_slam_node]: cuVSLAM version: 11.0
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [WARN] [1692602022.427257981] []: re-enable the stream for the change to take effect.
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [WARN] [1692602023.343521644] []: re-enable the stream for the change to take effect.
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602023.457865926] []: Stopping Sensor: Stereo Module
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602023.899850255] []: Starting Sensor: Stereo Module
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602024.128711399] []: Open profile: stream_type: Infra(1), Format: Y8, Width: 640, Height: 360, FPS: 90
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602024.128861036] []: Open profile: stream_type: Infra(2), Format: Y8, Width: 640, Height: 360, FPS: 90
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602024.128989136] []: Stopping Sensor: Motion Module
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602024.148161229] []: Starting Sensor: Motion Module
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602024.232241816] []: Open profile: stream_type: Accel(0)Format: MOTION_XYZ32F, FPS: 200
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602024.233334012] []: Open profile: stream_type: Gyro(0)Format: MOTION_XYZ32F, FPS: 200
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [WARN] [1692602024.242075038] []:
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [INFO] [1692602024.254367767] []: RealSense Node Is Up!
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [WARN] [1692602024.904798919] []: XXX Hardware Notification:Motion Module failure,1.6926e+12,Error,Hardware Error
[realsense2_camera_node-2] [WARN] [1692602024.904963116] []: Hardware Notification:Motion Module failure,1.6926e+12,Error,Hardware Error
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602035.804148538] [visual_slam_node]: Time taken by CUVSLAM_WarmUpGPU(): 17.261979
[INFO] [launch_ros.actions.load_composable_nodes]: Loaded node '/visual_slam_node' in container '/visual_slam_launch_container'
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602035.816379790] [visual_slam_node]: left_pose_right reading from CameraInfo
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602035.816497778] [visual_slam_node]: Baseline is : 0.095124
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602035.816527315] [visual_slam_node]: left_camera_pose_imu reading from TF Tree
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602035.816700185] [visual_slam_node]: Use use_gpu: true
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602035.816723481] [visual_slam_node]: Enable IMU Fusion: true
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602035.816735290] [visual_slam_node]: gyroscope_noise_density: 0.000244
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602035.816749146] [visual_slam_node]: gyroscope_random_walk: 0.000019
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602035.816760283] [visual_slam_node]: accelerometer_noise_density: 0.001862
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602035.816770907] [visual_slam_node]: accelerometer_random_walk: 0.003000
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602035.816781051] [visual_slam_node]: frequency: 200.000000
[component_container-1] [INFO] [1692602035.840477898] [visual_slam_node]: Time taken by CUVSLAM_CreateTracker(): 0.023683
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602102.287425265] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [55.637248] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602102.307967743] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382912] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602102.331423562] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382912] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602102.452048648] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382912] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602102.666873724] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [66.765568] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602102.735556069] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382912] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602102.795024938] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.510208] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602102.804026120] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.509952] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602102.975146125] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [100.148480] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602103.003259596] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [66.764544] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602103.044393896] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382912] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602103.063819954] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382656] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602103.134840868] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382912] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602103.262656325] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382656] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602103.324321775] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.511232] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602103.359634226] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382912] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602103.472112747] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382656] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602103.487359024] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [55.637504] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602103.503826684] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382912] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602105.055418572] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [111.275776] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602105.146670399] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [155.784448] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602105.783245247] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382400] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602106.080468129] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [122.402048] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602106.091965614] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382400] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602106.392043174] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [66.765056] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602106.406191047] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382400] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602107.479466016] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382400] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602107.586975028] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382400] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602107.592642856] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382400] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602107.950217948] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [222.550016] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602108.258539761] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [111.275008] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602108.271172610] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.509696] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602108.569183599] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [55.638016] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602108.599987840] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.509696] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602109.045607703] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [77.892352] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602109.470589080] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382656] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602110.491127315] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382400] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602110.748886299] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382656] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602110.756979516] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [55.636992] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602111.057656146] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382400] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602111.383013651] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382656] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602111.691683203] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.509952] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602112.002517463] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [100.147712] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602112.302540144] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.510208] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602112.311156001] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602112.314272612] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382400] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602112.623021937] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [55.637248] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602112.635166801] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602112.654919651] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382656] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602113.255506242] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602113.256288090] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [55.638016] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602113.545871620] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382912] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602113.855534953] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.509696] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602113.865750701] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602113.867405153] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.382912] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602114.177402926] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602114.487118320] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602114.490468666] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.510976] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602114.800155546] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602115.112020926] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602115.114585871] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [100.147968] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602115.422399824] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602116.375076136] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [55.638016] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602116.459297036] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.509952] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602116.496063285] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [33.360128] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602116.514504892] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.512512] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602116.549682995] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.512768] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602116.974023664] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.513792] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602117.282149905] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [144.667392] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602117.296088905] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602117.607043234] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602117.917772597] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602118.217007673] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [55.640832] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602118.232370622] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602118.551892833] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [66.768896] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602118.568844408] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602118.720360101] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [44.513792] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602119.493896247] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602119.771192353] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [855.874560] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602119.820164490] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [300.322048] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602120.099730618] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [300.740352] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602120.409006064] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [301.826816] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602120.722135519] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [299.601664] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602121.028452567] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602121.029293809] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [301.417216] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602121.345375384] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602121.346111439] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [300.516608] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602121.681898851] [visual_slam_node]: Visual tracking is lost
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602121.704800437] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [300.184832] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602122.034775281] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [300.884480] is above threshold [22.000000]
[component_container-1] [WARN] [1692602122.274707829] [visual_slam_node]: Delta between current and previous frame [300.019456] is above threshold [22.000000]
There is a lot of jittering, and I am not sure why. I am using the same launch file for realsense camera.
This happens with the camera hand-held and with slow speed.
I am not sure how to fix this issue.
Could you check if the o/p from RealSense node is coming at the desired rate of 90 fps?
ros2 topic hz --window 100 <image_topic_name>
Hi @swapnesh-wani-nvidia
Here is the output.
ros2 topic hz --window 100 /camera/infra1/image_rect_raw
WARNING: topic [/camera/infra1/image_rect_raw] does not appear to be published yet
average rate: 67.906
min: 0.001s max: 0.032s std dev: 0.01376s window: 68
average rate: 75.018
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01436s window: 100
average rate: 66.711
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01518s window: 100
average rate: 46.834
min: 0.001s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01507s window: 100
average rate: 42.833
min: 0.001s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01444s window: 100
average rate: 78.792
min: 0.001s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01494s window: 100
average rate: 88.386
min: 0.001s max: 0.034s std dev: 0.01432s window: 100
average rate: 88.377
min: 0.001s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01432s window: 100
average rate: 88.419
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01445s window: 100
average rate: 88.282
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01440s window: 100
average rate: 90.837
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01425s window: 100
average rate: 90.711
min: 0.001s max: 0.032s std dev: 0.01423s window: 100
average rate: 88.261
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01423s window: 100
average rate: 90.780
min: 0.001s max: 0.032s std dev: 0.01416s window: 100
average rate: 88.235
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01430s window: 100
average rate: 90.883
min: 0.001s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01436s window: 100
average rate: 88.161
min: 0.001s max: 0.036s std dev: 0.01465s window: 100
average rate: 88.210
min: 0.001s max: 0.034s std dev: 0.01430s window: 100
average rate: 90.835
min: 0.001s max: 0.034s std dev: 0.01436s window: 100
average rate: 90.856
min: 0.001s max: 0.034s std dev: 0.01432s window: 100
average rate: 90.845
min: 0.001s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01422s window: 100
average rate: 90.786
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01434s window: 100
average rate: 90.832
min: 0.001s max: 0.032s std dev: 0.01438s window: 100
average rate: 88.207
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01454s window: 100
average rate: 90.764
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01428s window: 100
for the other image
ros2 topic hz --window 100 /camera/infra2/image_rect_raw
WARNING: topic [/camera/infra2/image_rect_raw] does not appear to be published yet
average rate: 38.718
min: 0.001s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01331s window: 40
average rate: 56.445
min: 0.001s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01567s window: 100
average rate: 63.738
min: 0.001s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01540s window: 100
average rate: 73.341
min: 0.001s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01479s window: 100
average rate: 88.232
min: 0.001s max: 0.032s std dev: 0.01420s window: 100
average rate: 88.149
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01438s window: 100
average rate: 88.376
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01436s window: 100
average rate: 90.783
min: 0.001s max: 0.032s std dev: 0.01418s window: 100
average rate: 88.230
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01425s window: 100
average rate: 90.875
min: 0.000s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01423s window: 100
average rate: 88.177
min: 0.000s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01445s window: 100
average rate: 90.918
min: 0.001s max: 0.034s std dev: 0.01424s window: 100
average rate: 88.111
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01439s window: 100
average rate: 90.784
min: 0.001s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01428s window: 100
average rate: 88.511
min: 0.001s max: 0.035s std dev: 0.01441s window: 100
average rate: 88.249
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01445s window: 100
average rate: 88.294
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01440s window: 100
average rate: 88.365
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01432s window: 100
average rate: 90.722
min: 0.001s max: 0.033s std dev: 0.01421s window: 100
average rate: 90.834
min: 0.000s max: 0.034s std dev: 0.01428s window: 100
average rate: 90.809
min: 0.001s max: 0.034s std dev: 0.01434s window: 100
Please note that I am also streaming RGB and depth images as I need them, and I am using USB C cable.
I've encountered similar issues with my current setup Orin Nano DevKit + d455. Although, I haven't encountered tracking loss yet.
Various factors seem to trigger the dropped or slow frames warning message on my setup including subscribing to the landmarks pointcloud on a remote machine connected via Ethernet to the Jetson and subscribing to the realsense depth or color topics (locally or on remote).
Do you have any solution in this state?
@furkansariyildiz unfortunately it didn't work well for me. The tracker can easily get lost even if I dampen the camera/imu.
I switched to open_vins package. It is much more stable, and I used it successfully in flight.
@mzahana Thanks for your answer, I will look that package.
Best Regards
@mzahana, could you try with depth stream off along with emitter off? Leaving the IR projector on could result in "Tracker Lost" output. See the troubleshooting section 5(iv). I understand that you need depth images for other things and I am suggesting turning off the depth images to find the root cause.
@swapnesh-wani-nvidia thanks for your reply. I already did that, and the issue is still there.
Hi! I have the following setup
) and localization (using depth), in addition to the infra1/2 for VSLAMI managed to run the VSLAM with realsense on Jetson Xavier NX. With relatively slow motion (quadcopter is not flying, but I move it by hand for testing), the odom is fine. When I start to move the quadcopter (by hand) faster, I start to get
Tracker lost
frequently although I am moving in feature-rich environment .*I get the following terminal output
So, what could be the issue, and how to solve it to get reliable odometry?
Thank you.