NVIDIA-Merlin / Transformers4Rec

Transformers4Rec is a flexible and efficient library for sequential and session-based recommendation and works with PyTorch.
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[QST] How to use session-level (single) and item-level (sequence) features together in next item prediction task? #556

Open zuoxingdong opened 1 year ago

zuoxingdong commented 1 year ago

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Existing examples in session-based/sequential recommendations only use item-level, sequence-based features. However, in many real-world scenarios, we do have access to either user/session features (e.g. user demographics or session contextual information)

For item-level sequence features, one uses tr.TabularSequenceFeatures

I am curious about how to combine tr.TabularSequenceFeatures with user-/session- level features tr.TabularFeatures and feed to PredictionTask via an aggregator.


To be more specific, taking this notebook as an example


In cell 5, we define an input module for item-level sequence.

inputs = tr.TabularSequenceFeatures.from_schema(
        max_sequence_length= sequence_length,
        masking = 'causal',

and then define a GRU model to process sequences

body = tr.SequentialBlock(
        tr.Block(torch.nn.GRU(input_size=d_model, hidden_size=d_model, num_layers=1), [None, 20, d_model])

However, if we have various user/session level features, say processed by NVT with column name *-first, e.g. age-first, gender-first, ...

Q: How should I integrate these features into the model above?

What I expected to have:

seq_inputs = tr.TabularSequenceFeatures.from_schema(
        max_sequence_length= sequence_length,
        masking = 'causal',
seq_body = tr.SequentialBlock(
        tr.Block(torch.nn.GRU(input_size=d_model, hidden_size=d_model, num_layers=1), [None, 20, d_model])

context_inputs = tr.TabularFeatures.from_schema(
context_body = tr.SequentialBlock(
body = tr.BlockAggregator([seq_body, context_body])
sararb commented 1 year ago

Thank you @zuoxingdong for your question! 

I can think of two different methods to support context features: 

Case 1 is already supported by the TabularSequenceFeatures module. The module automatically detects the contexts features and expands them to 3-D tensors by repeating the same value across all sequence positions. Case 2 will require additional custom code to convert the sequence vectors to a 2-D representation and to aggregate the two tower's outputs.

ralgond commented 11 months ago

@sararb Could you please show some codes for this question? Thank you.

karunaahuja commented 5 months ago

Case 2 will require additional custom code to convert the sequence vectors to a 2-D representation and to aggregate the two tower's outputs. @sararb Do you have an example of how to implement this ?