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cufft_lto_ea example does not work under windows #188

Open gbwg opened 3 months ago

gbwg commented 3 months ago

hello, I am trying to use the LTO EA version of cufft, but under windows 11 the r2c_c2r_lto_callback example output:

Example failed in cuFFT API on line 99 with error 8 ^^^^ the above error message ('Binary format for key...') can be safely ignored, it will be fixed in a future release Transforming signal cufftExecR2C Transforming signal cufftExecC2R Example failed in cuFFT API on line 108 with error 10 Transforming reference cufftExecR2C Transforming reference cufftExecC2R L2 error: 1.003510e+00__

It seems that cufftplan creation:
_CHECK_ERROR(cufftMakePlan1d(inverse_plan_cb, signal_size, CUFFT_C2R, batches, &worksize)); issues an error. And when I comment out the the line contains cufftXtSetJITCallback, the error is gone.

What is more, to avoid a stack overflow error, I make the following changes to the example:

_//Padded array for in-place transforms
float  input_signals[batches][2 * complex_signal_size] = {};
float output_signals[batches][2 * complex_signal_size];
float      reference[batches][2 * complex_signal_size];


_static float  input_signals[batches][2 * complex_signal_size] = {};
static float output_signals[batches][2 * complex_signal_size];
static float      reference[batches][2 * complex_signal_size];__

And my cuda version is 12.4.1 with cufft replace by the ea version cufft 11.1.0., and test with rtx2070 maxq.