NVIDIA / CUDALibrarySamples

CUDA Library Samples
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libcudss.so.0.3.0 does not exist #237

Open Xusj0w0 opened 5 days ago

Xusj0w0 commented 5 days ago

Sorry to interrupt. I was compiling ceres-solver with cudss. However, the file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/./libcudss.so.0.3.0 doesn't exist.

CMake Error at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/cudss/cudss-targets.cmake:94 (message):
  The imported target "cudss" references the file


  but this file does not exist.  Possible reasons include:

  * The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.

  * An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.

  * The installation package was faulty and contained


  but not all the files it references.

Call Stack (most recent call first):
  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/cudss/cudss-config.cmake:134 (include)
  CMakeLists.txt:355 (find_package)

I listed the files in the directory /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu and found libcudss.so and libcudss.so.0. I'm not familiar with the C++ compilation process. What should I do to solve the above problem? Image

Ubuntu 20.04 CUDA 12.4 GNU 9.4.0 cmake 3.31.0

kvoronin commented 23 hours ago

Hi @Xusj0w0!

Yes, it is a problem we are aware of. Basically, system-wide installation of cudss does not work as intended and due to the update-alternatives cannot find the shared library "by default".

We're going to fix this problem in cudss 0.4.0 (as well as add a cmake version file, which should also improve user experience with our cmake config).

Meanwhile, there are following workarounds:

Let me know if changing the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is not an option for you and I can give more details about the second workaround.

Btw, we're glad to hear you're using ceres with cudss!

Thanks, Kirill