Closed austinmw closed 2 years ago
Hi @austinmw,
apologies for creating multiple issues for questions recently!
No problem. We are happy to help.
If I try to swap this to use a dataset that has variable image sizes it breaks.
It is not expected, maybe there is an error in the example. Can you provide a self-contained repro we can run on our side?
I think that's because it's trying to do batched resizing when instead it should do single image resizing followed by batched augmentations for the rest.
It should not be the case, the external source operator can accept a batch of samples with irregular shapes. All DALI operators can process batches of o uniform data which is the main advantage over other frameworks, so no additional preprocessing is needed. The getting started example shows that DALI processes a batch of images, each with a different resolution.
Ah thanks that's great to here. I guess I must be doing something incorrectly. Below is an example I have. If I set batch_size=1
it seems to run, but with batch_size > 1 it errors.
# Download and unzip dogs classification dataset
!kaggle competitions download -c dog-breed-identification -p dog-breed-identification
!cd dog-breed-identification && unzip -q
import os
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import webdataset as wds
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm
import nvidia.dali as dali
from nvidia.dali import pipeline_def
import nvidia.dali.fn as fn
import nvidia.dali.types as types
from nvidia.dali.plugin.pytorch import DALIGenericIterator, DALIClassificationIterator, LastBatchPolicy
# Create wds shards
def write_dogs_wd(root_dir='./dog-breed-identification', shard_dir='./shards', maxsize=1e9, maxcount=100000):
assert maxsize > 10000000
assert maxcount < 1000000
if not os.path.exists(shard_dir):
root_dir = root_dir
image_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'train/')
img_list = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root_dir, 'labels.csv'))
breed2idx = {b: i for i, b in enumerate(idx2breed)}
nimages = img_list.shape[0]
print(f'nimages: {nimages}')
indexes = list(range(nimages))
# This is the output pattern under which we write shards
pattern = os.path.join(shard_dir, f'train-%06d.tar')
with wds.ShardWriter(pattern, maxsize=int(maxsize), maxcount=int(maxcount), compress=False) as sink:
for i in tqdm(indexes):
key = f'{i:07d}'
img_row = img_list.iloc[i]
label = breed2idx[img_row['breed']]
with open(os.path.join(image_dir, f"{img_row['id']}.jpg"), 'rb') as stream:
image =
# Construct a sample
sample = {'__key__': key, 'jpg': image, 'cls': label}
# Write the sample to the sharded tar archives
batch_size = 64
num_workers = 8
# The function below is used to later randomize the output from the dataset.
# The samples are first stored in a prefetch buffer,
# and then they're randomly yielded in a generator and replaced by a new sample.
def buffered_shuffle(generator_factory, initial_fill, seed):
def buffered_shuffle_generator():
nonlocal generator_factory, initial_fill, seed
generator = generator_factory()
# The buffer size must be positive
assert(initial_fill > 0)
# The buffer that will hold the randomized samples
buffer = []
# The random context for preventing side effects
random_context = random.Random(seed)
while len(buffer) < initial_fill: # Fills in the random buffer
while True: # Selects a random sample from the buffer and then fills it back in with a new one
idx = random_context.randint(0, initial_fill-1)
yield buffer[idx]
buffer[idx] = None
buffer[idx] = next(generator)
except StopIteration: # When the generator runs out of the samples flushes our the buffer
while buffer:
if buffer[-1] != None: # Prevents the one sample that was not filled from being duplicated
yield buffer[-1]
return buffered_shuffle_generator
# The next function is used for padding the last batch with the last sample,
# in order to make it the same size as all the other ones.
def last_batch_padding(generator_factory, batch_size):
def last_batch_padding_generator():
nonlocal generator_factory, batch_size
generator = generator_factory()
in_batch_idx = 0
last_item = None
while True: # Keeps track of the last sample and the sample number mod batch_size
if in_batch_idx >= batch_size:
in_batch_idx -= batch_size
last_item = next(generator)
in_batch_idx += 1
yield last_item
except StopIteration: # Repeats the last sample the necessary number of times
while in_batch_idx < batch_size:
yield last_item
in_batch_idx += 1
return last_batch_padding_generator
# The final function collects all the data into batches in order to be able to have a variable length batch for the last sample
def collect_batches(generator_factory, batch_size):
def collect_batches_generator():
nonlocal generator_factory, batch_size
generator = generator_factory()
batch = []
while True:
if len(batch) == batch_size:
# Converts tuples of samples into tuples of batches of samples
yield tuple(map(list, zip(*batch)))
batch = []
except StopIteration:
if batch is not []:
# Converts tuples of samples into tuples of batches of samples
yield tuple(map(list, zip(*batch)))
return collect_batches_generator
def read_webdataset(
# Parsing the input data
assert(cycle in {"quiet", "raise", "no"})
if extensions == None:
extensions = ';'.join(["jpg", "jpeg", "img", "image", "pbm", "pgm", "png"]) # All supported image formats
if type(extensions) == str:
extensions = (extensions,)
# For later information for batch collection and padding
max_batch_size = dali.pipeline.Pipeline.current().max_batch_size
if isinstance(urls, str) and 's3://' in urls:
urls = f'pipe:aws s3 cp --quiet {urls} -'
print(f'S3 paths: {urls}')
def webdataset_generator():
bytes_np_mapper = (lambda data: np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.uint8),)*len(extensions)
dataset_instance = (wds.WebDataset(urls, shardshuffle=True)
for sample in dataset_instance:
yield sample
dataset = webdataset_generator
# Adding the buffered shuffling
if random_shuffle:
dataset = buffered_shuffle(dataset, initial_fill, seed)
# Adding the batch padding
if pad_last_batch:
dataset = last_batch_padding(dataset, max_batch_size)
# Collecting the data into batches (possibly undefull)
# Handled by a custom function only when `silent_cycle` is False
if cycle != "quiet":
dataset = collect_batches(dataset, max_batch_size)
# Prefetching the data
if read_ahead:
return fn.external_source(
batch=(cycle != "quiet"), # If `cycle` is "quiet" then batching is handled by the external source
def decode_augment(img, seed=0):
img = fn.decoders.image(img)
img = fn.jitter(img.gpu(), seed=seed)
img = fn.resize(img, size=(224, 224))
return img
# Below we define the sample webdataset pipeline with our `external_source`-based loader,
# that just chains the previously defined reader and augmentation function together.
@dali.pipeline_def(batch_size=batch_size, num_threads=num_workers, device_id=0)
def webdataset_pipeline(
images, labels = read_webdataset(urls=urls,
extensions=("jpg", "cls"),
# PyTorch expects labels as INT64
labels = fn.cast(labels, dtype=types.INT64)
return decode_augment(images, seed=seed), labels
# PyTorch iterator
urls = './shards/train-{000000..000019}.tar'
pipeline = webdataset_pipeline(
urls=urls, # Paths for the sharded dataset
random_shuffle=True, # Random buffered shuffling on
pad_last_batch=False, # Last batch is filled to the full size
cycle="quiet") # All the data is preloaded into the memory
pipes = [pipeline]
for pipe in pipes:
dataset_size = 10222 // batch_size * batch_size
dali_iter = DALIClassificationIterator(pipes, last_batch_policy=LastBatchPolicy.DROP, auto_reset=True, size=dataset_size)
num_epochs = 3
for n in range(num_epochs):
for data in (pbar := tqdm(dali_iter, leave=True)):
Which for me results in:
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nvidia/dali/plugin/ Warning: Please set `reader_name` and don't set last_batch_padded and size manually whenever possible. This may lead, in some situations, to missing some samples or returning duplicated ones. Check the Sharding section of the documentation for more details.
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [1], in <module>
254 dataset_size = 10222 // batch_size * batch_size
--> 255 dali_iter = DALIClassificationIterator(pipes, last_batch_policy=LastBatchPolicy.DROP, auto_reset=True, size=dataset_size)
257 num_epochs = 3
258 for n in range(num_epochs):
File ~/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nvidia/dali/plugin/, in DALIClassificationIterator.__init__(self, pipelines, size, reader_name, auto_reset, fill_last_batch, dynamic_shape, last_batch_padded, last_batch_policy, prepare_first_batch)
357 def __init__(self,
358 pipelines,
359 size=-1,
365 last_batch_policy=LastBatchPolicy.FILL,
366 prepare_first_batch=True):
--> 367 super(DALIClassificationIterator, self).__init__(pipelines, ["data", "label"],
368 size,
369 reader_name=reader_name,
370 auto_reset=auto_reset,
371 fill_last_batch=fill_last_batch,
372 dynamic_shape=dynamic_shape,
373 last_batch_padded=last_batch_padded,
374 last_batch_policy=last_batch_policy,
375 prepare_first_batch=prepare_first_batch)
File ~/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nvidia/dali/plugin/, in DALIGenericIterator.__init__(self, pipelines, output_map, size, reader_name, auto_reset, fill_last_batch, dynamic_shape, last_batch_padded, last_batch_policy, prepare_first_batch)
177 if self._prepare_first_batch:
178 try:
--> 179 self._first_batch = DALIGenericIterator.__next__(self)
180 except StopIteration:
181 assert False, "It seems that there is no data in the pipeline. This may happen if `last_batch_policy` is set to PARTIAL and the requested batch size is greater than the shard size."
File ~/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nvidia/dali/plugin/, in DALIGenericIterator.__next__(self)
203 category_shapes = dict()
204 for category, out in category_outputs.items():
--> 205 category_tensors[category] = out.as_tensor()
206 category_shapes[category] = category_tensors[category].shape()
208 category_torch_type = dict()
RuntimeError: [/opt/dali/dali/pipeline/data/tensor_list.h:581] Assert on "this->IsDenseTensor()" failed: All tensors in the input TensorList must have the same shape and be densely packed.
Ah, it looks like it was the labels, not the images. It works with batch_size > 1 if I add label = label.to_bytes(1, 'big')
. Sorry and thanks!
I was about to write this. WebDataset encodes classes as strings, so the 10
value becomes "10"
string. In this example DALI converts it to uint8 numpy array - bytes_np_mapper = (lambda data: np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.uint8),)*len(extensions)
What you can do in this particular example is to change the mapper function to bytes_np_mapper = (lambda data: np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.uint8), lambda data: np.array([int(data)], dtype=np.int64))
so you can avoid labels = fn.cast(labels, dtype=types.INT64)
Another option is to use experimental numba function:
from nvidia.dali.plugin.numba.fn.experimental import numba_function
def label_setup(outs, _):
for i in range(len(outs)):
for sample_idx in range(len(outs[i])):
outs[i][sample_idx][0] = 1
def label_convert(out0, in0):
val = 0
for i in range(in0.shape[0]):
val = (in0[i] - 48) + val * 10
out0[0] = val
labels = numba_function(labels, run_fn=label_convert, setup_fn=label_setup,
out_types=[types.INT64], in_types=[types.UINT8],
outs_ndim=[1], ins_ndim=[1])
This way you should be able to use the DALI build-in webdataset reader:
from nvidia.dali.plugin.numba.fn.experimental import numba_function
def label_setup(outs, _):
for i in range(len(outs)):
for sample_idx in range(len(outs[i])):
outs[i][sample_idx][0] = 1
def label_convert(out0, in0):
val = 0
for i in range(in0.shape[0]):
val = (in0[i] - 48) + val * 10
out0[0] = val
@dali.pipeline_def(batch_size=batch_size, num_threads=num_workers, device_id=0)
def webdataset_pipeline(
images, labels = fn.readers.webdataset(paths =urls,
ext=["jpg", "cls"],
labels = numba_function(labels, run_fn=label_convert, setup_fn=label_setup,
out_types=[types.INT64], in_types=[types.UINT8],
outs_ndim=[1], ins_ndim=[1])
return decode_augment(images, seed=seed), labels
urls = [f'./shards/train-0000{i:02}.tar' for i in range(0, 20)]
Thanks that's great!
Hi, apologies for creating multiple issues for questions recently! However I noticed something in the external webdataset example that could be helpful to others as well.
It seems that the example only works as-is because the input data is MNIST which is always 28x28. If I try to swap this to use a dataset that has variable image sizes it breaks.
I think that's because it's trying to do batched resizing when instead it should do single image resizing followed by batched augmentations for the rest.
For a solution, which would be best (or other)?