NVIDIA / FastPhotoStyle

Style transfer, deep learning, feature transform
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Question about the `download_models.py` #81

Open FantasyJXF opened 5 years ago

FantasyJXF commented 5 years ago

I wonder why I couldn't download the model with the sh download_models.py command, it just didn't response, where can I download the model, thank you

FantasyJXF commented 5 years ago

I used the url to go to the website : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ENgQm9TgabE1R99zhNf5q6meBvX6WFuq/view

It's this the right model?

屏幕快照 2019-05-14 下午5 24 57
Lyccl commented 2 years ago

I used the url to go to the website : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ENgQm9TgabE1R99zhNf5q6meBvX6WFuq/view

It's this the right model?

屏幕快照 2019-05-14 下午5 24 57

it is this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ENgQm9TgabE1R99zhNf5q6meBvX6WFuq/view