NVIDIA / Fuser

A Fusion Code Generator for NVIDIA GPUs (commonly known as "nvFuser")
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Implement User Scheduling in Python Frontend #2259

Open rdspring1 opened 1 month ago

rdspring1 commented 1 month ago

Why are we doing this?

Facilitate rapid prototyping of new schedulers.

Open Questions:

How should we refactor the CPP scheduling API to improve usability?


Experimental Scheduling API?

Some aspects of NvFuser’s scheduling API are experimental. Backward and forward compatibility for experiment functions would not be guaranteed. Currently, an experimental API is denoted with an underscore appended to the front of the function's name.

Which scheduling operations to implement?


Scheduling Utilities

Filtering Utilities



rdspring1 commented 1 month ago

How to print transformed state of TensorView or Fusion in python frontend for debugging?

rdspring1 commented 1 month ago

Which functions to primitives implement?


Filtering Utilities

Scheduling Utilities