NVIDIA / Megatron-LM

Ongoing research training transformer models at scale
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[QUESTION] Why TE is not used for an MoE layer? #850

Closed Btlmd closed 3 weeks ago

Btlmd commented 1 month ago

I noticed that TransformerEngine implementation is not used when building an MoE layer even use_te is specified.


I wonder the reason for not using TE implementation.

yaox12 commented 3 weeks ago

MoE requires some small changes to TE (see this PR), which is only available since TE v1.7+. We have a plan to adopt TE's linear layer when enabling FP8 for MoE training. Stay tuned. For BF16, we need more comprehensive convergence tests before switching to TE's linear layer.

Btlmd commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks a lot 😀