NVIDIA / NeMo-Guardrails

NeMo Guardrails is an open-source toolkit for easily adding programmable guardrails to LLM-based conversational systems.
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[Feature Request] Anthropic model prompts #140

Open austinmw opened 11 months ago

austinmw commented 11 months ago

I'm having a bit of trouble taking the general.yml and creating a successful anthropic.yml. Since Claude models are being used very frequently, would anyone be willing to add examples for these?

drazvan commented 11 months ago

@austinmw: what type of troubles are you talking about? Are you getting the configuration to use the right prompts? or is it that the LLM does not respond correctly. If you can paste here the anthrophic.yml file you've tried and a log from nemoguardrails chat --verbose --config=... I can have a quick look.

austinmw commented 11 months ago

Hi @drazvan mainly it was getting the LLM to respond correctly. I found that using xml tags for sections and in some cases beginning the Assistant completion helped improve the results for Claude models.

This is very much a work in progress, but seems to perform a lot better than general.yml for Anthropic models in my testing:


  - task: general
      - amazon_bedrock/anthropic
    content: |-
      {{ general_instructions.strip() }}

      {{ history | user_assistant_sequence }}

    output_parser: custom_general_parser

  # Prompt for detecting the user message canonical form.
  - task: generate_user_intent
      - amazon_bedrock/anthropic
    content: |-
      {{ general_instruction.strip() }}

      This is how a conversation between a user and the bot can go:
      {{ sample_conversation.strip() }}

      This is how the user talks:
      {{ examples.strip() }}

      This is the current conversation between the user and the bot:
      {{ sample_conversation | first_turns(2) }}
      {{ history | colang }}

      Complete the user intent and write nothing else.

      Assistant: User intent: 

    output_parser: custom_intent_parser

  # Prompt for generating the next steps.
  - task: generate_next_steps
      - amazon_bedrock/anthropic
    content: |-
      {{ general_instruction.strip() }}

      # This is how a conversation between a user and the bot can go:
      {{ sample_conversation.strip() | remove_text_messages }}

      # This is how the bot thinks:
      {{ examples.strip() | remove_text_messages}}

      # This is the current conversation between the user and the bot:
      {{ sample_conversation.strip() | first_turns(2) | remove_text_messages}}
      {{ history | colang | remove_text_messages}}

  # Prompt for generating the bot message from a canonical form.
  - task: generate_bot_message
      - amazon_bedrock/anthropic
    content: |-
      {{ general_instruction.strip() }}
      Current date: {{ current_date }}

      This is how a conversation between a user and the bot can go:
      {{ sample_conversation.strip() }}

      {% if relevant_chunks %}
      This is some additional context:
      {{ relevant_chunks }}
  {% endif %}

  This is how the bot talks:
  {{ examples.strip() }}

  This is the current conversation between the user and the bot:
  {{ sample_conversation.strip() | first_turns(2) }}
  {{ history | colang }}

  Use the sample conversation, examples, and current conversation to write a reply for the bot.
  Make sure to pay close attention to the canonical form for what the bot should say (if applicable)!
  Only write the reply for the bot, and nothing else. Do not write the canonical form.


output_parser: custom_general_parser

Prompt for generating the value of a context variable.

austinmw commented 11 months ago

And I'm defining models in my yaml file like this:


  - type: main
    engine: amazon_bedrock
    model: anthropic
      model_id: anthropic.claude-instant-v1
      #model_id: anthropic.claude-v2
        max_tokens_to_sample: 4048
        stop_sequences: ["\n\nHuman:", "\nUser:"]

# Set embedding_search_provider
    name: amazon_bedrock
      embedding_engine: amazon_bedrock
      embedding_model: amazon.titan-embed-text-v1

# And for the knowledge base.
    name: amazon_bedrock
      embedding_engine: amazon_bedrock
      embedding_model: amazon.titan-embed-text-v1
carlsfert commented 10 months ago

Hey, did you find a solution? :)