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Audio/Stuttering on Jail2 #174

Open BoostAddicted opened 2 years ago

BoostAddicted commented 2 years ago

I noticed while playing tonight that the audio/game seems to stutter a bit on Jail2 in a very specific spot. There is an area you can navigate to in Jail2 after getting the key from Jail3. The specific area is the area with the grate that is above the room with the grenade launcher. Simply walking into this room and getting close to the grate is where the stutter begins. Leaving the room and going to another area removes the problem. I'm assuming that a new release is nearing, and I wanted to point out this issue for any future upcoming patch. See the attached screenshot for the room that I'm referring.

Room with audio stutter - Q2RTX

apanteleev commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I can't reproduce this, not on Windows at least. Sound seems to work fine in this location. I tried both software and OpenAL sound engines.

Rroff2 commented 2 years ago

Haven't been able to reproduce this either using OpenAL - haven't tried software.

I have, previously, encountered a kind of odd bug which might be related (think it might be solved in one of the recent changes) where after loading and reloading a map a few times (the jail complex has a lot of going back and forth) various entities start playing the wrong sound sample and seemingly related sometimes entities origin position will become corrupted. Sometimes that was resulting in random situational audio stutter which isn't reproducible.

Paril commented 2 years ago

I haven't ran into this in the times I've used Q2RTX, but it's possible there's a legacy bug in Q2PRO regarding OpenAL. Do you mean entities sound origins? Or the entities themselves being stuck in walls? If the actual entity position is changing, there's a bigger bug at play in the save/load system.

There is actually a legacy Quake II bug that can happen if a map manages to overflow the sound indices in a very specific way. I haven't been able to track it down exactly, but if I recall correctly, jail3 is one of those maps that pushes the sound limits close to the max (255) and sometimes after leaving and coming back, the sound IDs get shifted in a strange way. This is an old Q2 bug though, I don't think it's related to OpenAL.

Rroff2 commented 2 years ago

The entities themselves will move around between map loads or get stuck in walls - the same time that is happening some entities will play the incorrect sound for an action/event i.e. regular soldier will play the Bezerk attack sound on sighting the player, etc.

It seems to be an old bug as I've seen it, but rarely, with vanilla Quake 2 and other mods.

When I was modding the RTX version I was managing to trigger it happening more regularly - but my mod was throwing a ton more stuff at the game so not surprising.

Paril commented 2 years ago

If you register more sounds, then you're more likely to run into it. It's a legacy bug. Some day I'll try to repro it consistently.

If entities are getting stuck in walls though that's a different issue and probably just a bug with loading or saving. Sound IDs getting mixed up is likely unrelated. Entities do move somewhat on game loads (the game simulates 100 frames ahead on a map load), so that might be where them getting stuck in walls comes from.

BoostAddicted commented 2 years ago

Audio Stutter Save File.zip

I don't know if it will help, but I attached my save file which would start you right next to the room where the sound stutter occurs. Simply moving forward into the room starts the issue for me. I can hear some background ambiance sounds playing, the original CD music, and then looking down through the grate, I saw a prisoner and he made a few sounds like, "make it stop/it hurts". It seems leaving that area stops the audio issue.

Please let me know if there's any additional log information that I could grab which may help. I have had other occasional sound stutters, but I don't recall something as specific as this one.