NVIDIA® TensorRT™ is an SDK for high-performance deep learning inference on NVIDIA GPUs. This repository contains the open source components of TensorRT.
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bert-tensorrt engine infered failed with triton inference server #1000

Closed FengYue95 closed 2 years ago

FengYue95 commented 3 years ago


I build a tensorrt engine with bert demo in TensorRT project (master) modified myself and run inference.py in the bert-tensorrt docker successfully. However, when I try to use Triton Inference server to infer this engine, the server exits with core dumped. So I gdb the core file and get messages as follows. Is there any bug in my engine built code? How can I fix this problem?

[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
Core was generated by `tritonserver --model-repository=/models --model-control-mode=poll --repository-'.
Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
#0  0x00007ff62b0e718b in raise () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
[Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7feddbfff000 (LWP 542))]
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ff62b0e718b in raise () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
#1  0x00007ff62b0c6859 in abort () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
#2  0x00007ff60469784c in int bert::embSkipLayerNorm<float>(CUstream_st*, int, int, int, int const*, int const*, float const*, float const*, float const*, float const*, float const*, float*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvinfer_plugin.so.7
#3  0x00007ff60465627f in bert::EmbLayerNormPluginDynamic::enqueue(nvinfer1::PluginTensorDesc const*, nvinfer1::PluginTensorDesc const*, void const* const*, void* const*, void*, CUstream_st*) () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvinfer_plugin.so.7
#4  0x00007ff6065586f2 in nvinfer1::rt::cuda::PluginV2DynamicExtRunner::execute(nvinfer1::rt::CommonContext const&, nvinfer1::rt::ExecutionParameters const&) const ()
   from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvinfer.so.7
#5  0x00007ff6064dbf3c in nvinfer1::rt::ExecutionContext::enqueueInternal(CUevent_st**) () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvinfer.so.7
#6  0x00007ff6064de7d4 in nvinfer1::rt::ExecutionContext::enqueueV2(void**, CUstream_st*, CUevent_st**) () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvinfer.so.7
#7  0x00007ff62bc36f94 in nvidia::inferenceserver::PlanBackend::Context::Run(nvidia::inferenceserver::InferenceBackend*, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<nvidia::inferenceserver::InferenceRequest, std::default_delete<nvidia::inferenceserver::InferenceRequest> >, std::allocator<std::unique_ptr<nvidia::inferenceserver::InferenceRequest, std::default_delete<nvidia::inferenceserver::InferenceRequest> > > >&&) () from /opt/tritonserver/bin/../lib/libtritonserver.so
#8  0x00007ff62bc3d823 in nvidia::inferenceserver::PlanBackend::Run(unsigned int, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<nvidia::inferenceserver::InferenceRequest, std::default_delete<nvidia::inferenceserver::InferenceRequest> >, std::allocator<std::unique_ptr<nvidia::inferenceserver::InferenceRequest, std::default_delete<nvidia::inferenceserver::InferenceRequest> > > >&&) () from /opt/tritonserver/bin/../lib/libtritonserver.so
#9  0x00007ff62ba8c240 in nvidia::inferenceserver::DynamicBatchScheduler::SchedulerThread(unsigned int, int, std::shared_ptr<std::atomic<bool> > const&, std::promise<bool>*) () from /opt/tritonserver/bin/../lib/libtritonserver.so
#10 0x00007ff62b4d5d84 in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6
#11 0x00007ff62b96e609 in start_thread () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
#12 0x00007ff62b1c3293 in clone () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6


TensorRT Version: 7.2.2 (TensorRT- Triton inference server Version: 20.12 (docker : nvcr.io/nvidia/tritonserver:20.12-py3) GPU Type: Tesla P40 Nvidia Driver Version: 450.57

Relevant Files

builder.py used to build engine:

import argparse
import ctypes
import json
import numpy as np
import os
import os.path
import re
import sys
import time
import onnx
import pycuda.autoinit

# TensorRT
import tensorrt as trt
from helpers.calibrator import BertCalibrator as BertCalibrator

    from tensorflow.python import pywrap_tensorflow as pyTF
except ImportError as err:
    sys.stderr.write("""Error: Failed to import tensorflow module ({})\n""".format(err))

TensorRT Initialization
TRT_LOGGER = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.INFO)

handle = ctypes.CDLL("libnvinfer_plugin.so", mode=ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
if not handle:
    raise RuntimeError("Could not load plugin library. Is `libnvinfer_plugin.so` on your LD_LIBRARY_PATH?")

trt.init_libnvinfer_plugins(TRT_LOGGER, "")
plg_registry = trt.get_plugin_registry()
emln_plg_creator = plg_registry.get_plugin_creator("CustomEmbLayerNormPluginDynamic", "1", "")
qkv2_plg_creator = plg_registry.get_plugin_creator("CustomQKVToContextPluginDynamic", "1", "")
skln_plg_creator = plg_registry.get_plugin_creator("CustomSkipLayerNormPluginDynamic", "1", "")
fc_plg_creator = plg_registry.get_plugin_creator("CustomFCPluginDynamic", "1", "")

Attentions Keys
WQ = "self_query_kernel"
BQ = "self_query_bias"
WK = "self_key_kernel"
BK = "self_key_bias"
WV = "self_value_kernel"
BV = "self_value_bias"
WQKV = "self_qkv_kernel"
BQKV = "self_qkv_bias"

Transformer Keys
W_AOUT = "attention_output_dense_kernel"
B_AOUT = "attention_output_dense_bias"
AOUT_LN_BETA = "attention_output_layernorm_beta"
AOUT_LN_GAMMA = "attention_output_layernorm_gamma"
W_MID = "intermediate_dense_kernel"
B_MID = "intermediate_dense_bias"
W_LOUT = "output_dense_kernel"
B_LOUT = "output_dense_bias"
LOUT_LN_BETA = "output_layernorm_beta"
LOUT_LN_GAMMA = "output_layernorm_gamma"

class BertConfig:
    def __init__(self, bert_config_path, use_fp16, use_int8, use_strict, use_fc2_gemm, use_int8_skipln, use_int8_multihead, use_qat):
        with open(bert_config_path, "r") as f:
            data = json.load(f)
            self.num_attention_heads = data["num_attention_heads"]
            self.hidden_size = data["hidden_size"]
            self.intermediate_size = data["intermediate_size"]
            self.num_hidden_layers = data["num_hidden_layers"]
            self.head_size = self.hidden_size // self.num_attention_heads
            self.use_fp16 = use_fp16
            self.use_int8 = use_int8
            self.use_fc2_gemm = use_fc2_gemm
            self.use_strict = use_strict
            self.use_int8_skipln = use_int8_skipln
            self.use_int8_multihead = use_int8_multihead
            self.is_calib_mode = False
            self.use_qat = use_qat

def set_tensor_name(tensor, prefix, name):
    tensor.name = prefix + name

def set_output_name(layer, prefix, name, out_idx = 0):
    set_tensor_name(layer.get_output(out_idx), prefix, name)

def set_output_range(layer, maxval, out_idx = 0):
    layer.get_output(out_idx).set_dynamic_range(-maxval, maxval)

def get_mha_dtype(config):
    dtype = trt.float32
    if config.use_fp16:
        dtype = trt.float16
    # Multi-head attention doesn't use INT8 inputs and output by default unless it is specified.
    if config.use_int8 and config.use_int8_multihead and not config.is_calib_mode:
        dtype = trt.int8
    return int(dtype)

def attention_layer_opt(prefix, config, init_dict, network, input_tensor, imask):
    Add the attention layer
    assert(len(input_tensor.shape) == 5)
    B, S, hidden_size, _, _ = input_tensor.shape
    num_heads = config.num_attention_heads
    head_size = int(hidden_size / num_heads)

    Wall = init_dict[prefix + WQKV]
    Ball = init_dict[prefix + BQKV]

    # FC_attention
    if config.use_int8:
        mult_all = network.add_convolution(input_tensor, 3 * hidden_size, (1, 1), Wall, Ball)
        mult_all = network.add_fully_connected(input_tensor, 3 * hidden_size, Wall, Ball)

    if config.use_qat:
        dr_qkv = max(
            init_dict[prefix + 'self_qv_a_input_quantizer_amax'],
            init_dict[prefix + 'self_qv_b_input_quantizer_amax'],
            init_dict[prefix + 'self_av_b_input_quantizer_amax'],
        set_output_range(mult_all, dr_qkv)
    set_output_name(mult_all, prefix, "qkv_mult")

    has_mask = imask is not None

    # QKV2CTX
    pf_type = trt.PluginField("type_id", np.array([get_mha_dtype(config)], np.int32), trt.PluginFieldType.INT32)
    pf_hidden_size = trt.PluginField("hidden_size", np.array([hidden_size], np.int32), trt.PluginFieldType.INT32)
    pf_num_heads = trt.PluginField("num_heads", np.array([num_heads], np.int32), trt.PluginFieldType.INT32)
    pf_has_mask = trt.PluginField("has_mask", np.array([has_mask], np.int32), trt.PluginFieldType.INT32)
    if config.use_qat:
        dr_probs = init_dict[prefix + 'self_av_a_input_quantizer_amax']
        dq_probs = dr_probs / 127.0
        pf_dq_probs =  trt.PluginField("dq_probs", np.array([dq_probs], np.float32), trt.PluginFieldType.FLOAT32)
        pfc = trt.PluginFieldCollection([pf_hidden_size, pf_num_heads, pf_has_mask, pf_type, pf_dq_probs])
        pfc = trt.PluginFieldCollection([pf_hidden_size, pf_num_heads, pf_has_mask, pf_type])
    qkv2ctx_plug = qkv2_plg_creator.create_plugin("qkv2ctx", pfc)

    qkv_in = [mult_all.get_output(0)]
    if has_mask:
    qkv2ctx = network.add_plugin_v2(qkv_in, qkv2ctx_plug)

    if config.use_qat:
        dr_ctx = init_dict[prefix + 'output_dense_input_amax']
        set_output_range(qkv2ctx, dr_ctx)
    set_output_name(qkv2ctx, prefix, "context_layer")
    return qkv2ctx

def skipln(prefix, config, init_dict, network, input_tensor, skip, bias=None):
    Add the skip layer
    idims = input_tensor.shape
    assert len(idims) == 5
    hidden_size = idims[2]

    dtype = trt.float32
    if config.use_fp16:
        dtype = trt.float16
    # Skip layernorm doesn't use INT8 inputs and output by default unless it is specified.
    if config.use_int8 and config.use_int8_skipln and not config.is_calib_mode:
        dtype = trt.int8

    pf_ld = trt.PluginField("ld", np.array([hidden_size], np.int32), trt.PluginFieldType.INT32)
    wbeta = init_dict[prefix + "beta"]
    pf_beta = trt.PluginField("beta", wbeta.numpy(), trt.PluginFieldType.FLOAT32)
    wgamma = init_dict[prefix + "gamma"]
    pf_gamma = trt.PluginField("gamma", wgamma.numpy(), trt.PluginFieldType.FLOAT32)
    pf_type = trt.PluginField("type_id", np.array([int(dtype)], np.int32), trt.PluginFieldType.INT32)

    fields = [pf_ld, pf_beta, pf_gamma, pf_type ]

    if bias:
        pf_bias = trt.PluginField("bias", bias.numpy(), trt.PluginFieldType.FLOAT32)

    pfc = trt.PluginFieldCollection(fields)
    skipln_plug = skln_plg_creator.create_plugin("skipln", pfc)

    skipln_inputs = [input_tensor, skip]
    layer = network.add_plugin_v2(skipln_inputs, skipln_plug)
    return layer

def custom_fc(config, network, input_tensor, out_dims, W):
    pf_out_dims = trt.PluginField("out_dims", np.array([out_dims], dtype=np.int32), trt.PluginFieldType.INT32)
    pf_W = trt.PluginField("W", W.numpy(), trt.PluginFieldType.FLOAT32)
    pf_type = trt.PluginField("type_id", np.array([1 if config.use_fp16 else 0], np.int32), trt.PluginFieldType.INT32)
    pfc = trt.PluginFieldCollection([pf_out_dims, pf_W, pf_type])
    fc_plugin = fc_plg_creator.create_plugin("fcplugin", pfc)
    plug_inputs = [input_tensor]
    out_dense = network.add_plugin_v2(plug_inputs, fc_plugin)
    return out_dense

def transformer_layer_opt(prefix, config, init_dict, network, input_tensor, imask):
    Add the transformer layer
    idims = input_tensor.shape
    assert len(idims) == 5
    hidden_size = idims[2]

    if config.use_qat:
        dr_input = init_dict[prefix + 'attention_self_query_input_amax'] 
        assert(dr_input ==init_dict[prefix + 'attention_self_key_input_amax'] )
        assert(dr_input ==init_dict[prefix + 'attention_self_value_input_amax'] )
        input_tensor.set_dynamic_range(-dr_input, dr_input)

    context_transposed = attention_layer_opt(prefix + "attention_", config, init_dict, network, input_tensor, imask)
    attention_heads = context_transposed.get_output(0)

    # FC0
    B_aout = init_dict[prefix + B_AOUT]
    if config.use_int8:
        W_aout = init_dict[prefix + W_AOUT]
        attention_out_fc = network.add_convolution(attention_heads, hidden_size, (1, 1), W_aout, B_aout)
        B_aout = None

        if not config.use_int8_skipln:
            attention_out_fc.set_output_type(0, trt.DataType.HALF if config.use_fp16 else trt.DataType.FLOAT)

        if config.use_qat:
            dr_fc_aout = init_dict[prefix + 'attention_output_add_local_input_quantizer_amax']
            set_output_range(attention_out_fc, dr_fc_aout)
        W_aoutT = init_dict[prefix + W_AOUT + "_notrans"]
        attention_out_fc = custom_fc(config, network, attention_heads, hidden_size, W_aoutT)

    skiplayer = skipln(prefix + "attention_output_layernorm_",config, init_dict, network, attention_out_fc.get_output(0), input_tensor, B_aout)
    attention_ln = skiplayer.get_output(0)
    if config.use_qat:
        dr_skln1 = init_dict[prefix + 'intermediate_dense_input_amax']
        set_output_range(skiplayer, dr_skln1)

    # FC1 + GELU
    B_mid = init_dict[prefix + B_MID]
    W_mid = init_dict[prefix + W_MID]
    if config.use_int8:
        mid_dense = network.add_convolution(attention_ln, config.intermediate_size, (1, 1), W_mid, B_mid)
        mid_dense = network.add_fully_connected(attention_ln, config.intermediate_size, W_mid, B_mid)

    mid_dense_out = mid_dense.get_output(0)
    POW = network.add_constant((1, 1, 1, 1, 1), trt.Weights(np.ascontiguousarray([3.0], dtype=np.float32)))
    MULTIPLY = network.add_constant((1, 1, 1, 1, 1), trt.Weights(np.ascontiguousarray([0.044715], dtype=np.float32)))
    SQRT = network.add_constant((1, 1, 1, 1, 1), trt.Weights((np.ascontiguousarray([0.79788456080286535587989211986876], dtype=np.float32))))
    ONE = network.add_constant((1, 1, 1, 1, 1), trt.Weights((np.ascontiguousarray([1.0], dtype=np.float32))))
    HALF = network.add_constant((1, 1, 1, 1, 1), trt.Weights((np.ascontiguousarray([0.5], dtype=np.float32))))
    X_pow = network.add_elementwise(mid_dense_out, POW.get_output(0), trt.ElementWiseOperation.POW)
    X_pow_t = X_pow.get_output(0)
    X_mul = network.add_elementwise(X_pow_t, MULTIPLY.get_output(0), trt.ElementWiseOperation.PROD)
    X_add = network.add_elementwise(mid_dense_out, X_mul.get_output(0), trt.ElementWiseOperation.SUM)
    X_sqrt = network.add_elementwise(X_add.get_output(0), SQRT.get_output(0), trt.ElementWiseOperation.PROD)
    X_sqrt_tensor = X_sqrt.get_output(0)
    X_tanh = network.add_activation(X_sqrt_tensor, trt.ActivationType.TANH)
    X_tanh_tensor = X_tanh.get_output(0)
    X_one = network.add_elementwise(X_tanh_tensor, ONE.get_output(0), trt.ElementWiseOperation.SUM)
    CDF = network.add_elementwise(X_one.get_output(0), HALF.get_output(0), trt.ElementWiseOperation.PROD)
    gelu_layer = network.add_elementwise(CDF.get_output(0), mid_dense_out, trt.ElementWiseOperation.PROD)

    intermediate_act = gelu_layer.get_output(0)
    set_tensor_name(intermediate_act, prefix, "gelu")
    if config.use_int8:
        if config.use_qat:
            dr_gelu = init_dict[prefix + 'output_dense_input_amax']
            set_output_range(gelu_layer, dr_gelu)
            # use gelu10 according to whitepaper http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.09602 
            set_output_range(gelu_layer, 10)

    # FC2
    # Dense to hidden size
    B_lout = init_dict[prefix + B_LOUT]
    if config.use_int8 and not config.use_fc2_gemm:
        W_lout = init_dict[prefix + W_LOUT]
        out_dense = network.add_convolution(intermediate_act, hidden_size, (1, 1), W_lout, B_lout)
        B_lout = None

        if not config.use_int8_skipln:
            out_dense.set_output_type(0, trt.DataType.HALF if config.use_fp16 else trt.DataType.FLOAT)
        W_loutT = init_dict[prefix + W_LOUT + "_notrans"]
        out_dense = custom_fc(config, network, intermediate_act, hidden_size, W_loutT)

    if config.use_qat:
        dr_fc_out = init_dict[prefix + 'output_add_local_input_quantizer_amax']
        set_output_range(out_dense, dr_fc_out)
    set_output_name(out_dense, prefix + "output_", "dense")

    out_layer = skipln(prefix + "output_layernorm_", config, init_dict, network, out_dense.get_output(0), attention_ln, B_lout)
    set_output_name(out_layer, prefix + "output_", "reshape")

    return out_layer

def bert_model(config, init_dict, network, input_tensor, input_mask):
    Create the bert model
    prev_input = input_tensor
    for layer in range(0, config.num_hidden_layers):
        ss = "l{}_".format(layer)
        out_layer = transformer_layer_opt(ss, config,  init_dict, network, prev_input, input_mask)
        prev_input = out_layer.get_output(0)

    if config.use_qat:
        dr_out = init_dict["bert_encoder_final_input_quantizer_amax"]
        set_output_range(out_layer, dr_out)
    return prev_input

def squad_output(prefix, config, init_dict, network, input_tensor):

    idims = input_tensor.shape
    assert len(idims) == 5
    S, B, hidden_size, _, _ = idims

    shape = network.add_shape(input_tensor).get_output(0)
    mask = network.add_constant(shape=(5, ), weights=np.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 1], dtype=np.int32)).get_output(0)
    inv_mask = network.add_constant(shape=(5, ), weights=np.array([1, 0, 1, 0, 0], dtype=np.int32)).get_output(0)
    hiddensize = network.add_constant(shape=(5, ), weights=np.array([1, 0, hidden_size, 0, 0], dtype=np.int32)).get_output(0)
    start_tensor = network.add_constant(shape=(5, ), weights=np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.int32)).get_output(0)   

    slice_tensor = network.add_elementwise(network.add_elementwise(shape, mask, trt.ElementWiseOperation.PROD).get_output(0),
                                           network.add_elementwise(hiddensize,inv_mask, trt.ElementWiseOperation.PROD).get_output(0),
    # slice first token  
    slice_output = network.add_slice(input_tensor, start=(0,0,0,0,0), shape=(1,-1,hidden_size,1,1), stride=(1,1,1,1,1))
    slice_output.set_input(0, input_tensor)
    slice_output.set_input(1, start_tensor)
    slice_output.set_input(2, slice_tensor)
    slice_data = slice_output.get_output(0)

    # pooler layer weight
    p_w = init_dict["bert_pooler_dense_kernel"]
    p_b = init_dict["bert_pooler_dense_bias"]

    # pooler layer output
    pool_output = network.add_fully_connected(slice_data, hidden_size, p_w, p_b)
    pool_data = pool_output.get_output(0)
    # pooler layer activation(tanh)
    tanh = network.add_activation(pool_data, trt.tensorrt.ActivationType.TANH)
    tanh_output = tanh.get_output(0)

    # loss layer weight
    W_out = init_dict["loss_logit_layer_kernel"]
    B_out = init_dict["loss_logit_layer_bias"]

    # loss layer output
    dense = network.add_fully_connected(tanh_output, 1, W_out, B_out)
    dense_data = dense.get_output(0)
    # loss layer activation(sigmoid)
    OUT = network.add_activation(dense_data, trt.tensorrt.ActivationType.SIGMOID)
    set_output_name(OUT, "", "output")
    return OUT

def load_tf_weights(inputbase, config):
    Load the weights from the tensorflow checkpoint
    weights_dict = dict()

        reader = pyTF.NewCheckpointReader(inputbase)
        tensor_dict = reader.get_variable_to_shape_map()

        # There might be training-related variables in the checkpoint that can be discarded
        param_names = [key for key in sorted(tensor_dict) if "adam" not in key and "global_step" not in key]
        count = len(param_names)
        TRT_LOGGER.log(TRT_LOGGER.INFO, "Found {:} entries in weight map".format(count))

        for pn in param_names:
            toks = pn.lower().split("/")
            if "encoder" in pn:
                assert ("layer" in pn)
                l = (re.findall("\d+", pn))[0]
                outname = "l{}_".format(l) + "_".join(toks[3:])
                outname = "_".join(toks)

            tensor = reader.get_tensor(pn)
            shape = tensor.shape
            if pn.find("kernel") != -1:
                weights_dict[outname + "_notrans"] = trt.Weights(np.ascontiguousarray(tensor).flatten())

                TRT_LOGGER.log(TRT_LOGGER.VERBOSE, "Transposing {}\n".format(np))
                tensor = np.transpose(tensor)

            shape = tensor.shape
            flat_tensor = tensor.flatten()
            shape_str = "{} ".format(len(shape)) + " ".join([str(d) for d in shape])
            weights_dict[outname] = trt.Weights(flat_tensor)

            TRT_LOGGER.log(TRT_LOGGER.VERBOSE, "Original name: {:}, TensorRT name: {:}, shape: {:}".format(pn, outname, shape_str))

        N = config.num_attention_heads
        H = config.head_size

        additional_dict = dict()
        for key, value in weights_dict.items():
            pos = key.find(BQ)
            if pos != -1:
                hidden_size = value.size
                prefix = key[:pos]

                Bq_ = value
                Bk_ = weights_dict[prefix + BK]
                Bv_ = weights_dict[prefix + BV]
                Wq_ = weights_dict[prefix + WQ]
                Wk_ = weights_dict[prefix + WK]
                Wv_ = weights_dict[prefix + WV]

                mat_size = hidden_size * hidden_size
                wcount = 3 * mat_size
                Wall = np.zeros(wcount, np.float32)
                bcount = 3 * hidden_size
                Ball = np.zeros(bcount, np.float32)
                Wall[0:mat_size] = Wq_.numpy()[0:mat_size]
                Wall[mat_size:2*mat_size] = Wk_.numpy()[0:mat_size]
                Wall[2*mat_size:3*mat_size] = Wv_.numpy()[0:mat_size]
                Ball[0:hidden_size] = Bq_.numpy()[0:hidden_size]
                Ball[hidden_size:2*hidden_size] = Bk_.numpy()[0:hidden_size]
                Ball[2*hidden_size:3*hidden_size] = Bv_.numpy()[0:hidden_size]

                Wall = np.ascontiguousarray(Wall.reshape((3, N, H, N, H)).transpose((1, 0, 2, 3, 4)), dtype=np.float32)
                Ball = np.ascontiguousarray(Ball.reshape((3, N, H)).transpose((1, 0, 2)), dtype=np.float32)

                additional_dict[prefix + WQKV] = trt.Weights(Wall)
                additional_dict[prefix + BQKV] = trt.Weights(Ball)

                additional_dict[prefix + WQKV + "_notrans"] = trt.Weights(Wall.T)

    except Exception as error:
        TRT_LOGGER.log(TRT_LOGGER.ERROR, str(error))

    return weights_dict

def onnx_to_trt_name(onnx_name):
    Converting variables in the onnx checkpoint to names corresponding to the naming convention used in the TF version, expected by the builder
    onnx_name = onnx_name.lower()
    toks = [t.strip('_') for t in onnx_name.split('.')]
    if toks[0] == 'bert': #embeddings or encoder
        if toks[1] == 'encoder': #transformer

            if toks[-2] == 'layernorm': #bias->beta, weight->gamma
                toks[-1] = 'beta' if toks[-1] == 'bias' else 'gamma'
            elif (toks[-2] == 'dense' or toks[-2] in {'key', 'value', 'query'}) and toks[-1] == 'weight':
                toks[-1] = 'kernel'
            elif (toks[-3] == 'dense' or toks[-3] in {'key', 'value', 'query'}) and toks[-1] == 'amax':
                if toks[-2] == 'weight_quantizer':
                    toks[-2] = 'kernel'
                elif toks[-2] == 'input_quantizer':
                    toks[-2] = 'input'

            if 'final_input_quantizer' not in toks[2]:
                toks = toks[3:]
                toks[0] = 'l{}'.format(int(toks[0]))
            if toks[-2] == 'layernorm': #bias->beta, weight->gamma
                toks[-1] = 'beta' if toks[-1] == 'bias' else 'gamma'
            else: #embeddings: drop "_weight" suffix
                if toks[-1] == 'amax':
                    toks[-2] = 'amax'
                toks = toks[:-1]
    elif 'qa' in onnx_name:
        name = 'cls_squad_output_bias' if toks[-1] == 'bias' else 'cls_squad_output_weights'
        return name
        print("Encountered unknown case:", onnx_name)
    parsed = '_'.join(toks)
    return parsed

def load_onnx_weights_and_quant(path, config):
    Load the weights from the onnx checkpoint
    N = config.num_attention_heads
    H = config.head_size
    hidden_size = config.hidden_size

    model = onnx.load(path)
    weights = model.graph.initializer
    tensor_dict = dict([(onnx_to_trt_name(w.name), np.frombuffer(w.raw_data, np.float32).reshape(w.dims)) for w in weights])

    weights_dict = dict()
    for outname, tensor in tensor_dict.items():
        if outname.find("_amax") != -1:
            weights_dict[outname] = tensor
        elif outname.find(BQ) != -1:
            prefix = outname[:outname.find(BQ)]

            Wqkv = np.zeros((3, hidden_size, hidden_size), np.float32)
            Bqkv = np.zeros((3, hidden_size), np.float32)

            Wqkv[0,:,:] = tensor_dict[prefix + WQ]
            Wqkv[1,:,:] = tensor_dict[prefix + WK]
            Wqkv[2,:,:] = tensor_dict[prefix + WV]
            Bqkv[0,:] = tensor
            Bqkv[1,:] = tensor_dict[prefix + BK]
            Bqkv[2,:] = tensor_dict[prefix + BV]

            Wqkv = np.ascontiguousarray(Wqkv.reshape((3, N, H, N, H)).transpose((1,0,2,3,4)))
            Bqkv = np.ascontiguousarray(Bqkv.reshape((3, N, H)).transpose((1,0,2)))

            weights_dict[prefix + WQKV] = trt.Weights(Wqkv)
            weights_dict[prefix + BQKV] = trt.Weights(Bqkv)
            weights_dict[prefix + WQKV + "_notrans"] = trt.Weights(Wqkv.T)

        elif outname.find(BK) != -1 or outname.find(BV) != -1 or outname.find(WQ) != -1 or outname.find(WK) != -1 or outname.find(WV) != -1:
            flat_tensor = np.ascontiguousarray(tensor).flatten()
            weights_dict[outname] = trt.Weights(flat_tensor)

            if outname.find("kernel") != -1:
                tensor = np.transpose(tensor)
                weights_dict[outname + "_notrans"] = trt.Weights(np.ascontiguousarray(tensor).flatten())

    TRT_LOGGER.log(TRT_LOGGER.INFO, "Found {:} entries in weight map".format(len(weights_dict)))
    return weights_dict

def emb_layernorm(builder, network, config, weights_dict, builder_config, sequence_lengths, batch_sizes):
    if len(batch_sizes) > 1 or len(sequence_lengths) > 1:
        # int8 only support some of the sequence length, we dynamic on sequence length is not allowed.
        #input_ids = network.add_input(name="input_ids", dtype=trt.int32, shape=(-1 if len(sequence_lengths) > 1 else sequence_lengths[0], -1 if len(batch_sizes) > 1 else batch_sizes[0]))
        #segment_ids = network.add_input(name="segment_ids", dtype=trt.int32, shape=(-1 if len(sequence_lengths) > 1 else sequence_lengths[0], -1 if len(batch_sizes) > 1 else batch_sizes[0]))
        #input_mask = network.add_input(name="input_mask", dtype=trt.int32, shape=(-1 if len(sequence_lengths) > 1 else sequence_lengths[0], -1 if len(batch_sizes) > 1 else batch_sizes[0]))

        input_ids = network.add_input(name="input_ids", dtype=trt.int32, shape=(-1 if len(batch_sizes) > 1 else batch_sizes[0], -1 if len(sequence_lengths) > 1 else sequence_lengths[0]))
        segment_ids = network.add_input(name="segment_ids", dtype=trt.int32, shape=(-1 if len(batch_sizes) > 1 else batch_sizes[0], -1 if len(sequence_lengths) > 1 else sequence_lengths[0]))
        input_mask = network.add_input(name="input_mask", dtype=trt.int32, shape=(-1 if len(batch_sizes) > 1 else batch_sizes[0], -1 if len(sequence_lengths) > 1 else sequence_lengths[0]))

        # Specify profiles for the batch sizes we're interested in.
        # Make sure the profile also works for all sizes not covered by the previous profile.
        prev_batch_size = 0
        for batch_size in sorted(batch_sizes):
            if len(sequence_lengths) == 1:
                profile = builder.create_optimization_profile()
                #min_shape = (sequence_lengths[0], prev_batch_size + 1)
                #shape = (sequence_lengths[0], batch_size)
                min_shape = (prev_batch_size + 1, sequence_lengths[0])
                shape = (batch_size, sequence_lengths[0])
                profile.set_shape("input_ids", min=min_shape, opt=shape, max=shape)
                profile.set_shape("segment_ids", min=min_shape, opt=shape, max=shape)
                profile.set_shape("input_mask", min=min_shape, opt=shape, max=shape)
                prev_sequence_length = 0
                for sequence_length in sorted(sequence_lengths):
                    profile = builder.create_optimization_profile()
                    #min_shape = (prev_sequence_length + 1, prev_batch_size + 1)
                    #shape = (sequence_length, batch_size)
                    min_shape = (prev_batch_size + 1, prev_sequence_length + 1)
                    shape = (batch_size, sequence_length)
                    profile.set_shape("input_ids", min=min_shape, opt=shape, max=shape)
                    profile.set_shape("segment_ids", min=min_shape, opt=shape, max=shape)
                    profile.set_shape("input_mask", min=min_shape, opt=shape, max=shape)
                    prev_sequence_length = sequence_length
            prev_batch_size = batch_size
        #input_ids = network.add_input(name="input_ids", dtype=trt.int32, shape=(sequence_lengths[0], batch_sizes[0]))
        #segment_ids = network.add_input(name="segment_ids", dtype=trt.int32, shape=(sequence_lengths[0], batch_sizes[0]))
        #input_mask = network.add_input(name="input_mask", dtype=trt.int32, shape=(sequence_lengths[0], batch_sizes[0]))
        input_ids = network.add_input(name="input_ids", dtype=trt.int32, shape=(batch_sizes[0], sequence_lengths[0]))
        segment_ids = network.add_input(name="segment_ids", dtype=trt.int32, shape=(batch_sizes[0], sequence_lengths[0]))
        input_mask = network.add_input(name="input_mask", dtype=trt.int32, shape=(batch_sizes[0], sequence_lengths[0]))

    wbeta = trt.PluginField("bert_embeddings_layernorm_beta", weights_dict["bert_embeddings_layernorm_beta"].numpy(), trt.PluginFieldType.FLOAT32)
    wgamma = trt.PluginField("bert_embeddings_layernorm_gamma", weights_dict["bert_embeddings_layernorm_gamma"].numpy(), trt.PluginFieldType.FLOAT32)
    wwordemb = trt.PluginField("bert_embeddings_word_embeddings", weights_dict["bert_embeddings_word_embeddings"].numpy(), trt.PluginFieldType.FLOAT32)
    wtokemb = trt.PluginField("bert_embeddings_token_type_embeddings", weights_dict["bert_embeddings_token_type_embeddings"].numpy(), trt.PluginFieldType.FLOAT32)
    wposemb = trt.PluginField("bert_embeddings_position_embeddings", weights_dict["bert_embeddings_position_embeddings"].numpy(), trt.PluginFieldType.FLOAT32)

    output_fp16 = trt.PluginField("output_fp16", np.array([1 if config.use_fp16 else 0]).astype(np.int32), trt.PluginFieldType.INT32)
    mha_type = trt.PluginField("mha_type_id", np.array([get_mha_dtype(config)], np.int32), trt.PluginFieldType.INT32)

    pfc = trt.PluginFieldCollection([wbeta, wgamma, wwordemb, wtokemb, wposemb, output_fp16, mha_type])
    fn = emln_plg_creator.create_plugin("embeddings", pfc)

    #inputs = [input_ids, segment_ids, input_mask]

    input_ids = network.add_shuffle(input_ids)
    input_ids.second_transpose = (1, 0)
    segment_ids = network.add_shuffle(segment_ids)
    segment_ids.second_transpose = (1, 0)
    input_mask = network.add_shuffle(input_mask)
    input_mask.second_transpose = (1, 0)

    inputs = [input_ids.get_output(0),
    emb_layer = network.add_plugin_v2(inputs, fn)

    if config.use_qat:
        set_output_range(emb_layer, 1, 1)
    set_output_name(emb_layer, "embeddings_", "output")
    return emb_layer

def build_engine(batch_sizes, workspace_size, sequence_lengths, config, weights_dict, squad_json, vocab_file, calibrationCacheFile, calib_num):
    explicit_batch_flag = 1 << int(trt.NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.EXPLICIT_BATCH)

    with trt.Builder(TRT_LOGGER) as builder, builder.create_network(explicit_batch_flag) as network, builder.create_builder_config() as builder_config:
        builder_config.max_workspace_size = workspace_size * (1024 * 1024)
        if config.use_fp16:
        if config.use_int8:
            if not config.use_qat:
                calibrator = BertCalibrator(squad_json, vocab_file, calibrationCacheFile, 1, sequence_lengths[-1], calib_num)
                builder_config.int8_calibrator = calibrator
        if config.use_strict:

        # only use the largest sequence when in calibration mode
        if config.is_calib_mode:
            sequence_lengths = sequence_lengths[-1:]

        # Create the network
        emb_layer = emb_layernorm(builder, network, config, weights_dict, builder_config, sequence_lengths, batch_sizes)
        embeddings = emb_layer.get_output(0)
        mask_idx = emb_layer.get_output(1)

        bert_out = bert_model(config, weights_dict, network, embeddings, mask_idx)

        squad_logits = squad_output("cls_", config, weights_dict, network, bert_out)
        squad_logits_out = squad_logits.get_output(0)


        build_start_time = time.time()
        engine = builder.build_engine(network, builder_config)
        build_time_elapsed = (time.time() - build_start_time)
        TRT_LOGGER.log(TRT_LOGGER.INFO, "build engine in {:.3f} Sec".format(build_time_elapsed))
        if config.use_int8 and not config.use_qat:
        return engine

def generate_calibration_cache(sequence_lengths, workspace_size, config, weights_dict, squad_json, vocab_file, calibrationCacheFile, calib_num):
    BERT demo needs a separate engine building path to generate calibration cache.
    This is because we need to configure SLN and MHA plugins in FP32 mode when
    generating calibration cache, and INT8 mode when building the actual engine.
    This cache could be generated by examining certain training data and can be
    reused across different configurations.
    # dynamic shape not working with calibration, so we need generate a calibration cache first using fulldims network
    if not config.use_int8 or os.path.exists(calibrationCacheFile):
        return calibrationCacheFile

    # generate calibration cache
    saved_use_fp16 = config.use_fp16
    config.use_fp16 = False
    config.is_calib_mode = True

    with build_engine([1], workspace_size, sequence_lengths, config, weights_dict, squad_json, vocab_file, calibrationCacheFile, calib_num) as engine:
        TRT_LOGGER.log(TRT_LOGGER.INFO, "calibration cache generated in {:}".format(calibrationCacheFile))

    config.use_fp16 = saved_use_fp16
    config.is_calib_mode = False

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="TensorRT BERT Sample", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
    parser.add_argument("-m", "--ckpt", required=False,
                        help="The checkpoint file basename, e.g.: basename(model.ckpt-766908.data-00000-of-00001) is model.ckpt-766908")
    parser.add_argument("-x", "--onnx", required=False, help="The ONNX model file path.")
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", required=True, default="bert_base_384.engine", help="The bert engine file, ex bert.engine")
    parser.add_argument("-b", "--batch-size", default=[], action="append", help="Batch size(s) to optimize for. The engine will be usable with any batch size below this, but may not be optimal for smaller sizes. Can be specified multiple times to optimize for more than one batch size.", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--sequence-length", default=[], action="append", help="Sequence length of the BERT model", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-c", "--config-dir", required=True,
                        help="The folder containing the bert_config.json, which can be downloaded e.g. from https://github.com/google-research/bert#pre-trained-models or by running download_models.py in dle/TensorFlow/LanguageModeling/BERT/data/pretrained_models_google")
    parser.add_argument("-f", "--fp16", action="store_true", help="Indicates that inference should be run in FP16 precision", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("-i", "--int8", action="store_true", help="Indicates that inference should be run in INT8 precision", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("-t", "--strict", action="store_true", help="Indicates that inference should be run in strict precision mode", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("-w", "--workspace-size", default=1000, help="Workspace size in MiB for building the BERT engine", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-j", "--squad-json", default="squad/dev-v1.1.json", help="squad json dataset used for int8 calibration", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--vocab-file", default="./pre-trained_model/uncased_L-24_H-1024_A-16/vocab.txt", help="Path to file containing entire understandable vocab", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("-n", "--calib-num", default=100, help="calibration batch numbers", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-p", "--calib-path", help="calibration cache path", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("-g", "--force-fc2-gemm", action="store_true", help="Force use gemm to implement FC2 layer", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("-iln", "--force-int8-skipln", action="store_true", help="Run skip layernorm with INT8 (FP32 or FP16 by default) inputs and output", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("-imh", "--force-int8-multihead", action="store_true", help="Run multi-head attention with INT8 (FP32 or FP16 by default) input and output", required=False)

    args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
    args.batch_size = args.batch_size or [1]
    args.sequence_length = args.sequence_length or [128]

    cc = pycuda.autoinit.device.compute_capability()
    if cc[0] * 10 + cc[1] < 75 and args.force_int8_multihead:
        raise RuntimeError("--force-int8-multihead option is only supported on Turing+ GPU.")
    if cc[0] * 10 + cc[1] < 72 and args.force_int8_skipln:
        raise RuntimeError("--force-int8-skipln option is only supported on Xavier+ GPU.")

    bert_config_path = os.path.join(args.config_dir, "bert_config.json")
    TRT_LOGGER.log(TRT_LOGGER.INFO, "Using configuration file: {:}".format(bert_config_path))

    config = BertConfig(bert_config_path, args.fp16, args.int8, args.strict, args.force_fc2_gemm, args.force_int8_skipln, args.force_int8_multihead, args.int8 and args.onnx != None)

    if args.calib_path != None:
        calib_cache = args.calib_path
        calib_cache = "BertSquadL{}H{}A{}S{}CalibCache".format(config.num_hidden_layers, config.head_size, config.num_attention_heads, "-".join(str(len) for len in args.sequence_length))

    if args.onnx != None:
        weights_dict = load_onnx_weights_and_quant(args.onnx, config)
    elif args.ckpt != None:
        weights_dict = load_tf_weights(args.ckpt, config)
        generate_calibration_cache(args.sequence_length, args.workspace_size, config, weights_dict, args.squad_json, args.vocab_file, calib_cache, args.calib_num)
        raise RuntimeError("You need either specify TF checkpoint using option --ckpt or ONNX using option --onnx to build TRT BERT model.")

    with build_engine(args.batch_size, args.workspace_size, args.sequence_length, config, weights_dict, args.squad_json, args.vocab_file, calib_cache, args.calib_num) as engine:
        TRT_LOGGER.log(TRT_LOGGER.VERBOSE, "Serializing Engine...")
        serialized_engine = engine.serialize()
        TRT_LOGGER.log(TRT_LOGGER.INFO, "Saving Engine to {:}".format(args.output))
        with open(args.output, "wb") as fout:
        TRT_LOGGER.log(TRT_LOGGER.INFO, "Done.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

model configuration file:

name: "rel_saved_model"
platform: "tensorrt_plan"
max_batch_size: 1001
input [
  name: "input_ids"
  data_type: TYPE_INT32
  dims: [32]
  name: "input_mask"
  data_type: TYPE_INT32
  dims: [32]
  name: "segment_ids"
  data_type: TYPE_INT32
  dims: [32]
output [
  name: "output"
  data_type: TYPE_FP32
  dims: [1,1,1,1]
ttyio commented 3 years ago

Hello @FengYue95 , thanks for reporting. Since it works in native TRT, not sure what's the limitation here in TRTIS, could you create the issue in https://github.com/triton-inference-server/server/issues? thanks!

FengYue95 commented 3 years ago

Hello @FengYue95 , thanks for reporting. Since it works in native TRT, not sure what's the limitation here in TRTIS, could you create the issue in https://github.com/triton-inference-server/server/issues? thanks!

Thank you! In fact that I have reported in triton-server issue too, and they suggest to use the 20.12 version of the NGC tensorrt container. I will try this method later. What I want to know now is that which version of tensorrt is in the NGC tensorrt container 20.12? Is it different from the version that I have used(Tensorrt 7.2.2)? And if I want to use Tensorrt 7.2.2, is there any version of triton-server you have tried that matches?

ttyio commented 3 years ago

Hello @FengYue95 We have TensorRT 7.2.2 in 20.12, see https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/tensorrt/container-release-notes/rel_20-12.html

And for the triton-server, it is a separate project, current we have no support matrix in TRT side. Could you ask in triton repo? thanks.

FengYue95 commented 3 years ago

@ttyio Hello!Finally I found where the problem is !

As described,I use TensorRT download from NVIDIA Developer Zone and it works. However, when I try to use NGC Tensorrt container 20.12 to infer locally, it fails too. I compare all the environment path and library files and then find out that the version of Tensorrt NGC container used and triton inference server used is TensorRT

Two versions( vs are different in file libnvinfer_plugin.so.7.2.2, where the core dumped file exits in. So I replace the file libnvinfer_plugin.so.7.2.2 with the one in TensorRT, and the problem was gone.

Therefore, I think the problem is in the libnvinfer_plugin.so.7.2.2 file of Tensorrt where int bert::embSkipLayerNorm is defined. What's the difference between tensorrt and Why this problem occurs?

ttyio commented 3 years ago

Hello @FengYue95 , I have checked log Between and, we add support for dynamic shape on sequence dimension; there is no changes to BERT plugin between and

FengYue95 commented 3 years ago

@ttyio Hello~ I compare the md5 of two different libnvinfer_plugin.so.7.2.2:

the one in TensorRT-

the one in nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorrt:20.12-py3 and nvcr.io/nvidia/tritonserver:20.12-py3:

Only use the one in TensorRT- can I build bert engine successfully~

ttyio commented 3 years ago

@FengYue95 Hmmm, the plugin in nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorrt:20.12-py3 is built from opensource, could you try the 7.2.2 download from https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-tensorrt-download? plugin in this package is built from internal repo. We can ask @rajeevsrao for help if the internal 7.2.2 build works but the opensource one failed. Thanks!

FengYue95 commented 3 years ago

Hello @ttyio @rajeevsrao The package (TensorRT- ) which I have used was exactly download from https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-tensorrt-download. It works but the opensource one failed.

nvpohanh commented 2 years ago

@FengYue95 Could you try TRT 8.2/8.4 and see if the issue still exists? If it does, we will debug it. Thanks

nvpohanh commented 2 years ago

Closing due to >14 days without activity. Please feel free to reopen if the issue still exists in TRT 8.4. Thanks