Closed Nuwan1654 closed 1 year ago
You can try constant folding the ONNX model:
Thank you for the reply, but even after the constant folding, I am getting the same error.
The reason why is failed it's simple: TRT expect your Range_290's range is an initializer, not a tensor. you can compare your static model and the dynamic model to see if you can make the range shape static and modify it as a constant. e.g. with onnx-graphsurgeon.
closing since no activity for more than 3 weeks, please reopen if you still have question, thanks!
Hi, I am trying to convert yolov5m model into tensort model for batch inference (batch size of 4). but I am getting an error while
conversion. This error does not happen when I dont use the--dynamic
parameter. I am also not clear that the following steps are correct for generating a tensorRT model for batch inference, but following the documentation, It seems to be the correct way. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks
TensorRT Version: NVIDIA GPU: 1024-core NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPU (Jetson Orin) CUDA Version: 11.4 Operating System: Linux ubuntu Python Version (if applicable): 3.8.10 PyTorch Version (if applicable): 1.11.0
For exporting yolov5 PyTorch model to ONNX I used
Steps To Reproduce
generate the yolov5 onnx model and convert the to ONNX with
argumentpython3 --weights --include onnx --data coco128.yaml --dynamic
Convert to tensorRT model with
trtexec --onnx=yolov5m.onnx --fp16 --minShapes=image:1x3x640x640 --optShapes=image:4x3x640x640 --maxShapes=image:8x3x640x640 --saveEngine=yolov5m_dynamic.engine
When converting to tensoRT I get the following error.
[09/09/2022-01:05:31] [E] [TRT] ModelImporter.cpp:748: While parsing node number 290 [Range -> "onnx::Reshape_466"]: [09/09/2022-01:05:31] [E] [TRT] ModelImporter.cpp:749: --- Begin node --- [09/09/2022-01:05:31] [E] [TRT] ModelImporter.cpp:750: input: "onnx::Range_464" input: "onnx::Range_463" input: "onnx::Range_465" output: "onnx::Reshape_466" name: "Range_290" op_type: "Range"
[09/09/2022-01:05:31] [E] [TRT] ModelImporter.cpp:751: --- End node --- [09/09/2022-01:05:31] [E] [TRT] ModelImporter.cpp:753: ERROR: ModelImporter.cpp:162 In function parseGraph: [6] Invalid Node - Range_290 All inputs to range should be initializers. [09/09/2022-01:05:31] [E] Failed to parse onnx file [09/09/2022-01:05:31] [I] Finish parsing network model [09/09/2022-01:05:31] [E] Parsing model failed [09/09/2022-01:05:31] [E] Failed to create engine from model or file. [09/09/2022-01:05:31] [E] Engine set up failed