NVIDIA / caffe

Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning.
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error occur while compilation #560

Closed WangWangPoint closed 5 years ago

WangWangPoint commented 5 years ago

Hi, While compiling am getting the following error: command used : make

 NVCC src/caffe/quantized_layer.cu
./3rdparty/half_float/half.hpp(1659): warning: calling a __host__ function("half_float::detail::round_half<( ::std::float_round_style)1> ") from a __host__ __device__ function("half_float::detail::functions::rint") is not allowed

 Kindly share your comments to fix it. Thanks.
drnikolaev commented 5 years ago

@WangWangPoint The file you refer to is not a part of NVCaffe source code: https://github.com/NVIDIA/caffe/tree/caffe-0.17/src/caffe