NVIDIA / caffe

Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning.
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0.17.3 SSD Test net output mAP is 0 #579

Open cvhuang opened 4 years ago

cvhuang commented 4 years ago

Hi, Is anyone have used 0.17.3 training ssd model. I trained a ssd net in 0.17.2, it works and mAP is 0.85. I copied the *prototxt, python and dataset files to 0.17.3 and retrained it, but the Test net output mAP is 4.53444e-05(almost 0). The train mbox_loss is around 3.5. Any hints? ps: I used model parameter file which was trained in 0.17.2 to inference in 0.17.3. They have same result.