NVIDIA / caffe

Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning.
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Some error break out in the Test phase #593

Open zhoupan9109 opened 3 years ago

zhoupan9109 commented 3 years ago

When this caffe integrating with the cuDNN v8.0.4, there are lots of errors breaking out in t cuDNNConvolution layer test. The details explain as follow:

  1. make the order 'make runtest'.
  2. Any layers else but cuDNNConvolution layer test didn't break out error.
  3. The cuDNNConvolution layer errors break out in TestSetupCuDNN,TestCconvolutionGroupCuDNN, TestGradientCuDNN and TestSimpleConvolutionCuDNN. one of the error is that the different between compute_gradient and estimated_gradient.

The Nvidia environment: CUDA: 11.1, cuDNN 8.0.4