NVIDIA / cuda-python

CUDA Python Low-level Bindings
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more inference time in cuda env compared to cpu (occured only for a layer) #19

Closed koalaaaaaaaaa closed 3 weeks ago

koalaaaaaaaaa commented 2 years ago

Dear sir/madam: When I inference on a deep learning model (slowfast model), I'm facing a problem that my python program seems to take more inference time in cuda env compared to cpu. It's not the whole model but one specific layer takes more time on cuda env than cpu. I'm so confused that hope someone can help me with it. Here is the details. the specific layer is "slowway-conv1" layer as showned in the pic below representing the model structure of slowfast. image And my confusing result is as follows. the first for cuda and the second for cpu. image image In cuda env, I found the processing time of "conv1" (0.97s) accounts for a great proportion of the processing time of the whole model (1.04s), while in cpu env, the processing time of "conv1" (0.07s) only accounts for a very small proportion of the processing time of the whole model (4.43s). And I reckon that the proportion in cpu env is reasonable considering the calculation budget. Is my method of time measurement mistaken? I used the following code to measure time cost. image image If it's my fault that causing the confusing result, please kindly point out, or please give me some ideas to help me solve this problem. Thank you very much! Yours, Koala

leofang commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry for lack of response, but this is not a cuda-python question, but a PyTorch one.