NVIDIA / cuda-python

CUDA Python Low-level Bindings
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Missing docs for cudaStreamCreateWithFlags #21

Closed jrwaine closed 2 years ago

jrwaine commented 2 years ago

On the API reference, there is no documentation about cudaStreamCreateWithFlags, despite other streams functions mentioning it (as here).

Also, it was not clear for me how to specify flags in stream, for example, what is the value or where can I find CU_STREAM_DEFAULT or CU_STREAM_NON_BLOCKING.

I'm looking forward to migrate from pycuda to cuda-python, great to see this effort!

jakirkham commented 2 years ago

Maybe this is helpful?

That said, can see in the "See also" section not all of the functions get cross-referenced.

vzhurba01 commented 2 years ago

With release of CUDA Python 11.7.0 the docs have been refactored. The cross-module linkage (as well as in-module) has been added.

A couple of additional improvements:
