NVIDIA / cuda-quantum

C++ and Python support for the CUDA Quantum programming model for heterogeneous quantum-classical workflows
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LLVM aarch64 relocation overflow #1421

Open Kenny-Heitritter opened 3 months ago

Kenny-Heitritter commented 3 months ago

Required prerequisites

Describe the bug

When running VQEs requiring larger amounts of memory from within the CUDA Quantum docker container (v0.6.0) on NVIDIA GH200, there is an increasing chance of getting the following error:

python: /llvm-project/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/RuntimeDyldELF.cpp:514: void llvm::RuntimeDyldELF::resolveAArch64Relocation(const llvm::SectionEntry&, uint64_t, uint64_t, uint32_t, int64_t): Assertion `isInt<33>(Result) && "overflow check failed for relocation"' failed.

Steps to reproduce the bug

# The following has been adapted from Marwa Farag's code at https://github.com/marwafar/QChem-cudaq/blob/main/LiH-full-space/Full-space-cudaq.py
# To reproduce the error, run this code from within the CUDA Quantum v0.6.0 container (docker run --rm -it --gpus=all nvcr.io/nvidia/cuda-quantum:0.6.0)

import cudaq
from cudaq import spin
from pyscf import gto, scf, mp, mcscf, fci, cc
from pyscf import ao2mo
from pyscf.tools import molden
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np

from openfermion import generate_hamiltonian
from openfermion.transforms import jordan_wigner

from typing import List, Tuple

def init_param_CCSD(qubits_num,nele_cas,t1,t2):


    for i in range(qubits_num):
        if i%2 == 0:

# thetas for single excitation
# theta for double excitation


    for p_occ in range(nele_cas):
        for r_vir in range(nele_cas,qubits_num):
            if (sz[r_vir]-sz[p_occ]==0):

    for p_occ in range(nele_cas-1):
        for q_occ in range(p_occ+1,nele_cas):
            for r_vir in range(nele_cas,qubits_num-1):
                for s_vir in range(r_vir+1,qubits_num):
                    if (sz[r_vir]+sz[s_vir]-sz[p_occ]-sz[q_occ])==0:

    init_params=np.concatenate((thetas_2,thetas_1), axis=0)
    return init_params,tot_params

    atom='Li 0.0 0.0 0.0; H 0.0 0.0 1.5',

## 1- Classical preprocessing

print('Beginning of classical preprocessing', '\n')
print ('Energies from classical simulations','\n')

# Mean field (HF)

nelec = mol.nelectron
print('Total number of electrons= ', nelec, '\n')
norb = myhf.mo_coeff.shape[1]
print('Total number of orbitals= ', norb, '\n')

print('RHF energy= ', myhf.e_tot, '\n')

print('Total CCSD energy= ', mycc.e_tot, '\n')

result= myfci.kernel()
print('FCI energy= ', result[0], '\n')

# Compute the 1e integral in atomic orbital then convert to HF basis
h1e_ao = mol.intor("int1e_kin") + mol.intor("int1e_nuc")
## Ways to convert from ao to mo
h1e=reduce(np.dot, (myhf.mo_coeff.conj().T, h1e_ao, myhf.mo_coeff))

# Compute the 2e integrals then convert to HF basis
h2e_ao = mol.intor("int2e_sph", aosym='1')
h2e=ao2mo.incore.full(h2e_ao, myhf.mo_coeff)

# Reorder the chemist notation (pq|rs) ERI h_pqrs to h_prqs
# to "generate_hamiltonian" in openfermion 

nuclear_repulsion = myhf.energy_nuc()

print('h1e_shape ', h1e.shape, '\n')
print('h2e_shape ', h2e.shape, '\n')


ham_operator = jordan_wigner(mol_ham)


# We will be optimizing over a custom objective function that takes a vector
# of parameters as input and returns either the cost as a single float,
# or in a tuple of (cost, gradient_vector) depending on the optimizer used.

# In this case, we will use the spin Hamiltonian and ansatz from `simple_vqe.py`
# and find the `thetas` that minimize the expectation value of the system.
hamiltonian = spin_ham

kernel, thetas = cudaq.make_kernel(list)
qubits = kernel.qalloc(qubits_num)

for i in range(nelec):
cudaq.kernels.uccsd(kernel, qubits, thetas, nelec, qubits_num)
parameter_count = cudaq.kernels.uccsd_num_parameters(nelec,qubits_num)


# Define the optimizer that we'd like to use.
optimizer = cudaq.optimizers.Adam()
optimizer.max_iterations = 1
# optimizer = cudaq.optimizers.COBYLA()

# Since we'll be using a gradient-based optimizer, we can leverage
# CUDA Quantum's gradient helper class to automatically compute the gradient
# vector for us. The use of this class for gradient calculations is
# purely optional and can be replaced with your own custom gradient
# routine.
gradient = cudaq.gradients.CentralDifference()

def objective_function(parameter_vector: List[float],
                       kernel=kernel) -> Tuple[float, List[float]]:
    Note: the objective function may also take extra arguments, provided they
    are passed into the function as default arguments in python.

    # Call `cudaq.observe` on the spin operator and ansatz at the
    # optimizer provided parameters. This will allow us to easily
    # extract the expectation value of the entire system in the
    # z-basis.

    # We define the call to `cudaq.observe` here as a lambda to
    # allow it to be passed into the gradient strategy as a
    # function. If you were using a gradient-free optimizer,
    # you could purely define `cost = cudaq.observe().expectation()`.
    get_result = lambda parameter_vector: cudaq.observe(
        kernel, hamiltonian, parameter_vector, shots_count=100).expectation()
    # `cudaq.observe` returns a `cudaq.ObserveResult` that holds the
    # counts dictionary and the `expectation`.
    cost = get_result(parameter_vector)
    print(f"<H> = {cost}")
    # Compute the gradient vector using `cudaq.gradients.STRATEGY.compute()`.
    gradient_vector = gradient_strategy.compute(parameter_vector, get_result,

    # Return the (cost, gradient_vector) tuple.
    return cost, gradient_vector

cudaq.set_random_seed(13)  # make repeatable
import time
start = time.time()
energy, parameter = optimizer.optimize(dimensions=1,
tot_time = time.time()-start
print(f"time per iteration {tot_time}")

print(f"\nminimized <H> = {round(energy,16)}")
print(f"optimal theta = {round(parameter[0],16)}")

Expected behavior

The code should run without producing an error.

Is this a regression? If it is, put the last known working version (or commit) here.

Not a regression



No response

bmhowe23 commented 3 months ago

Thank you very much for this bug report, @Kenny-Heitritter. We just released version 0.7.0, can you please tell us if the problem is more likely or less likely to occur on 0.7.0? There are no direct fixes for this issue in 0.7.0, but the timing likely changed, so it would be good to know if we should focus our debug efforts on a specific version or not.

A few items to note:

  1. The Docker image isn't quite on our main channel yet, so please use nvcr.io/nvidia/nightly/cuda-quantum:0.7.0 (which includes nightly in the path). This will only be necessary for the next week or so and then you will see it on the main channel.

  2. The Python UCCSD API changed slightly in 0.7.0, so you'll need to apply this change to your test script.

--- test_0.6.0.py       2024-03-20 13:21:03.138949476 +0000
+++ test_0.7.0.py       2024-03-20 13:31:09.739183293 +0000
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@

 for i in range(nelec):
-cudaq.kernels.uccsd(kernel, qubits, thetas, nelec, qubits_num)
+kernel.apply_call(cudaq.kernels.uccsd, qubits, thetas, nelec, qubits_num)
 parameter_count = cudaq.kernels.uccsd_num_parameters(nelec,qubits_num)
Kenny-Heitritter commented 3 months ago

Thanks @bmhowe23! Just tested the same test script, modulo the new UCCSD API shown above, and it does appear the issue is present to the same degree in 0.7.0. Please do let me know if there are any other tests I can run which would be helpful.

bmhowe23 commented 3 months ago

@Kenny-Heitritter I am still trying to reproduce the issue on servers that I have access to (unsuccessfully thus far), but if you would like to try https://github.com/NVIDIA/cuda-quantum/pkgs/container/cuda-quantum-dev/196615788?tag=pr-1444-base [edit: see new link in comment below] on your system, please feel free. This is a "cuda-quantum-dev" image, so it will slightly different than a "cuda-quantum" image, but I think you should be able to run any C++/Python examples that you place in the container, just like normal. One notable difference is that the binaries are installed in /usr/local/cudaq instead of /opt/nvidia/cudaq. Hopefully that doesn't matter to you.

bmhowe23 commented 2 months ago

@Kenny-Heitritter I am still trying to reproduce the issue on servers that I have access to (unsuccessfully thus far), but if you would like to try https://github.com/NVIDIA/cuda-quantum/pkgs/container/cuda-quantum-dev/196615788?tag=pr-1444-base on your system, please feel free. This is a "cuda-quantum-dev" image, so it will slightly different than a "cuda-quantum" image, but I think you should be able to run any C++/Python examples that you place in the container, just like normal. One notable difference is that the binaries are installed in /usr/local/cudaq instead of /opt/nvidia/cudaq. Hopefully that doesn't matter to you.

The old link expired, so here is a new one: https://github.com/NVIDIA/cuda-quantum/pkgs/container/cuda-quantum-dev/200241787?tag=pr-1444-base

bmhowe23 commented 5 days ago

@Kenny-Heitritter We've seen some positive results from this image and will likely include the change in this image in our next release. Feel free to test it out if you'd like: https://github.com/NVIDIA/cuda-quantum/pkgs/container/cuda-quantum-dev/235623747?tag=pr-1444-base.

(Thanks @jfriel-oqc!)