NVIDIA / cuda-samples

Samples for CUDA Developers which demonstrates features in CUDA Toolkit
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All Cuda samples vcxproj have the same ProjectGuid causing bad performance in VS IDE #200

Open olgaark opened 1 year ago

olgaark commented 1 year ago

The issue was reported to Visual Studio https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/First-opening-of-CUDA-samples-project-ta/10346825

The problem is caused by all vcxproj files having the same <ProjectGuid>{997E0757-EA74-4A4E-A0FC-47D8C8831A15}</ProjectGuid>

which is used is project ID and supposed to be unique. Please fix your projects.

guilt commented 1 year ago

@olgaark I wrote a scratch python script to just re-Id these files. Do run it and see if it helps at all?

[Update]: I just updated the script to take projectIds from top level SLN files and just apply them.

import glob

GLOBAL_ID_DUP = '{997E0757-EA74-4A4E-A0FC-47D8C8831A15}'

def inPlaceReplace(fileName, oldString, newString):
    if oldString == newString:

    contents = None

    with open(fileName) as fileRead:
        contents = fileRead.read()
        if oldString not in contents:

    with open(fileName, 'w') as fileWrite:
        newContents = contents.replace(oldString, newString)

def reIdConsistentVcx(vcxFileName, newProjectId):
    inPlaceReplace(vcxFileName, GLOBAL_ID_DUP, f"{{{newProjectId}}}")
    slnFileName = vcxFileName.replace('vcxproj', 'sln')
    inPlaceReplace(slnFileName, GLOBAL_ID_DUP, f"{{{newProjectId}}}")

def getVcxIdsInSln(slnFileName):
    projectIds = {}
    with open(slnFileName) as slnFileRead:
        lines = slnFileRead.readlines()
        for line in lines:
            if not line or not line.startswith('Project("') or not "vcxproj" in line:
                lineParts = line.split('"')
                projectIdSln, projectName, vcxFileName, projectId = lineParts[1].lstrip('{').rstrip('}'), lineParts[3], lineParts[5], lineParts[7].lstrip('{').rstrip('}')
                projectIds[vcxFileName] = projectId
    return projectIds

def main():
  for slnFileName in glob.glob('CUDA-Samples/*.sln'):
    projectIds = getVcxIdsInSln(slnFileName)
    for vcxFileName in projectIds:
        projectId = projectIds[vcxFileName]    
        print("File: ", vcxFileName, projectId)
        reIdConsistentVcx('CUDA-Samples\\'+vcxFileName, projectId)

if __name__ == '__main__':

On Windows, I put this outside the CUDA-Samples folder and ran it as: python3 ReId.py ... Then just loaded the sln file (top level and individual ones). Seems to build and run fine.

What seems to have happened is that all individual vcx/sln files have taken the same UUID as Samples\6_Performance\UnifiedMemoryPerf\UnifiedMemoryPerf_* so this fix should do its job.

guilt commented 1 year ago

If it does solve the IDE issue, do comment, let's ask @rnertney to merge the new vcxproj/sln files in.