NVIDIA / flownet2-pytorch

Pytorch implementation of FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks
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Implementations of the custom layers in C++ and Native Pytorch for CPU support. #212

Open zsameem opened 4 years ago

zsameem commented 4 years ago

Implementation of Correlation, Resample2D layer and the ChannelNorm layer in native Pytorch and C++ to support inference on CPU.

The main bottleneck is the Correlation Layer on which the FlowNetC architecture relies. This PR provides 2 implementations of the Correlation layer.

-PyTorch native implementation. This requires no extra setup -Optimized C++ implementation for inference on CPU.

Also provided are Pytorch native implementations for Resample2D and Channelnorm. Since the Pytorch implementation is quite efficient (compeletely vectorized) with no python for loops, C++ implementation is not needed. These layers also work by default on the GPU dependening on if the input tensors are on gpu and are slightly slower than the provided cuda implementation.

See comments at the top of models.py and networks/FlowNetC.py for more details and how to switch to CPU mode.

Backward passes are not yet implemented but will be added in the future.

run_a_pair.py is replaced with a generic script called test.py to simply test functionality. run_a_pair.py had hardcoded paths. Also 2 frames from sintel added in test_images dir so that functionality and setup can be swiftly checked.

Resolves: #190

Ahleroy commented 3 years ago

I do not see backward method for the Correlation implementations (PyTorch and C++).

EDIT : I mean not completed

zsameem commented 3 years ago

I do not see backward method for the Correlation implementations (PyTorch and C++).

EDIT : I mean not completed

I did not implement them because I only needed forward methods for inference.

Ahleroy commented 3 years ago

So they do not work for training ? I see the PyTorch correlation is not compatible with the last version of PyTorch. Foward and backward functions must be static method.

zsameem commented 3 years ago

Yes, they will not work for training. And yes, newer PyTorch versions introduced some API changes such as making forward and backward static and slightly different calling syntax for nn.Function classes. These have not been updated yet.

batsheva-knecht commented 1 year ago

Hi, I tried to export the model FlowNet2 to onnx (the one with Correlation, Resample2d and ChannelNorm in PyTorch version), However I get: RuntimeError: ONNX export failed: Couldn't export Python operator CorrelationFunction. Does someone know how to solve it?

andreyiva111 commented 1 year ago

Hi! @batsheva-knecht , did you manage to convert to the onnx format? I have the same problem. (with one difference that it is a model PWCNet) The only thing I can think of is to convert the model piece by piece to the onnx format. And between calls to these parts apply correlation kernels cuda... Maybe there are other options?