NVIDIA / k8s-device-plugin

NVIDIA device plugin for Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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allPossibleMigStrategiesAreNone is false when using default values #670

Open jakubkrzykowski opened 3 weeks ago

jakubkrzykowski commented 3 weeks ago

1. Quick Debug Information


2. Issue or feature description

When trying to deploy the latest (also tested on v0.13.0) version of the helm chart with the default values file I can see that NVIDIA_MIG_MONITOR_DEVICES env var are being set to all and securityContext.capabilities.add are being set to SYS_ADMIN. allPossibleMigStrategiesAreNone checks if migStrategy is set to "none" but doesn't cover the scenario when this value is null (not set at all), which is the default behavior of the helm chart.

Is this intentional?

elezar commented 3 weeks ago

@jakubkrzykowski this sounds like a bug. Looking at the helm helper, we definitely don't check for the null value.

Would you be able to submit a PR with a fix?

As a workaround, please set the value to none for the time being.

jakubkrzykowski commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @elezar ! I was able to workaround it by setting it explicitly to none as you suggested. Just wanted to be sure if this is not intentional. Happy to raise a PR with a fix.

jakubkrzykowski commented 3 weeks ago

I've checked the _helpers.tpl file thoroughly and found that the problem lies with {{- else if ne (include "nvidia-device-plugin.configMapName" .) "true" -}} in the allPossibleMigStrategiesAreNone definition. With the default values, it will never be true because configMapName will always be an empty string, not the string "true", according to this:

{{- define "nvidia-device-plugin.configMapName" -}}
{{- $result := "" -}}
{{- if .Values.config.name -}}
  {{- $result = .Values.config.name -}}
{{- else if not (empty .Values.config.map) -}}
  {{- $result = printf "%s-%s" (include "nvidia-device-plugin.fullname" .) "configs" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $result -}}
{{- end -}}
jakubkrzykowski commented 3 weeks ago

@elezar here is the PR to address that - https://github.com/NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin/pull/675