NVIDIA / modulus

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🐛[BUG]: PyTorch DDP Fails for CorrDiff training before the training starts #523

Closed pgarg7 closed 1 month ago

pgarg7 commented 1 month ago


Modulus 24.04

On which installation method(s) does this occur?


Describe the issue

PyTorch DDP throws an error about converting group to int resulting into an overflow when there is a multi-GPU training for CorrDiff. The network and its weights are all fine as I checked each rank's network parameters in the log file. As pointed out on the slack channel, the issue is most likely due to not specifying wandb group while initializing on rank 0.

Minimum reproducible example

if dist.world_size > 1:
     ddp = DistributedDataParallel(
     ddp = net

Relevant log output

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/lustre/fs4/portfolios/coreai/users/piyushg/modulus/examples/generative/corrdiff/train_goes.py", line 346, in main
  File "/lustre/fs4/portfolios/coreai/users/piyushg/modulus/examples/generative/corrdiff/training/training_loop_goes.py", line 184, in training_loop
    ddp = DistributedDataParallel(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/nn/parallel/distributed.py", line 798, in __init__
    _verify_param_shape_across_processes(self.process_group, parameters)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/distributed/utils.py", line 269, in _verify_param_shape_across_processes
    return dist._verify_params_across_processes(process_group, tensors, logger)
  File "/lustre/fs4/portfolios/coreai/users/piyushg/modulus/examples/generative/corrdiff/train_goes.py", line 346, in main
  File "/lustre/fs4/portfolios/coreai/users/piyushg/modulus/examples/generative/corrdiff/training/training_loop_goes.py", line 184, in training_loop
    ddp = DistributedDataParallel(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/nn/parallel/distributed.py", line 798, in __init__
    _verify_param_shape_across_processes(self.process_group, parameters)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/distributed/utils.py", line 269, in _verify_param_shape_across_processes
    return dist._verify_params_across_processes(process_group, tensors, logger)
RuntimeError: value cannot be converted to type int without overflow

Environment details

Enroot import docker://nvcr.io/nvidia/modulus/modulus:24.04
mnabian commented 1 month ago

Confirmed that specifying the group arg upon initializing wandb fixes this issue.