NVIDIA / nvidia-docker

Build and run Docker containers leveraging NVIDIA GPUs
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config.toml created by nvidia-ctk doesn't work properly #1788

Closed wanghm closed 8 months ago

wanghm commented 8 months ago


After using the config.toml generated automatically according to the new installation guide, the vGPU (cuda) test fails. https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/1.14.1/install-guide.html# It may also be affecting the normal operation of Worker nodes: → Sometimes it falsely reports overload → causing nodes to become not ready → unable to deploy Pods.

Can anyone confirm the config files and tell us how to configure it?

Environment info

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS 5.15.0-79-generic containerd: 1.6.22 Kubernetes: 1.26.0

~# nvidia-smi +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 525.105.17 Driver Version: 525.105.17 CUDA Version: 12.0 | ~# nvidia-container-cli -V cli-version: 1.14.2 lib-version: 1.14.2

Containerd Configuration Files:

[1) config.toml_20230828_default_runc.toml
   Containerd command generation, only changed systemd_cgroup (false -> true).

2) config.toml_nvidia_202308_manual_created.toml
   Manually modified, runc -> nvidia.
   vGPU test passes, but there are occasional Pod crash issues upon node restart.

3) config.toml_nvidia_20231012_auto_generated_by_ctk1.14.2.toml
  Generated using commands according to the new installation guide (1.14.1).
  No Pod crash issues, but vGPU test fails.

config.toml_20230828_default_runc.toml https://gist.github.com/wanghm/873a14cf6ac637d4507d9d5ee797b970

config.toml_nvidia_202308_manual_created.toml https://gist.github.com/wanghm/996002594502f354df53201728e1b946

config.toml_nvidia_20231012_auto_generated_by_ctk1.14.2.toml https://gist.github.com/wanghm/42f2fdee9fa25fa74237e6a631e0f67b

Error Messages:

From test pod:

  Warning  UnexpectedAdmissionError  15s   kubelet  Allocate failed due to can't allocate unregistered device nvidia.com/gpu, which is unexpected

From nvidia-device-plugin:

W1013 04:38:12.532753       1 factory.go:31] No valid resources detected, creating a null CDI handler
I1013 04:38:12.532789       1 factory.go:107] Detected non-NVML platform: could not load NVML library: libnvidia-ml.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I1013 04:38:12.532822       1 factory.go:107] Detected non-Tegra platform: /sys/devices/soc0/family file not found
E1013 04:38:12.532830       1 factory.go:115] Incompatible platform detected
E1013 04:38:12.532833       1 factory.go:116] If this is a GPU node, did you configure the NVIDIA Container Toolkit?
E1013 04:38:12.532837       1 factory.go:117] You can check the prerequisites at: https://github.com/NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin#prerequisites
E1013 04:38:12.532843       1 factory.go:118] You can learn how to set the runtime at: https://github.com/NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin#quick-start
E1013 04:38:12.532846       1 factory.go:119] If this is not a GPU node, you should set up a toleration or nodeSelector to only deploy this plugin on GPU nodes
I1013 04:38:12.532850       1 main.go:287] No devices found. Waiting indefinitely.```
wanghm commented 8 months ago

I already confirmed libnvidia-ml.so.1 has been correctly installed in the worker nodes.

~# ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvidia-ml.so.1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Oct 12 14:27 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvidia-ml.so.1 -> libnvidia-ml.so.525.105.17

:~# ldconfig -p | grep "libnvidia-ml.so.1"
        libnvidia-ml.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnvidia-ml.so.1
wanghm commented 8 months ago

I researched this today. Seems line 79 default_runtime_name needs to be changed to nvidia.

Tried this way, nvidia-device-plugin can detect GPU device now. (after recreate the demonset pods)

sudo containerd config default | sudo tee /etc/containerd/config.toml
sed -i 's/SystemdCgroup = false/SystemdCgroup = true/g' /etc/containerd/config.toml
sed -i 's/default_runtime_name = "runc"/default_runtime_name = "nvidia"/' /etc/containerd/config.toml
sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=containerd

sudo systemctl restart containerd
sudo systemctl restart kubelet
elezar commented 8 months ago

Another option would be to create a RuntimeClass associated with the nvidia runtime. This would have to be added to the pod spec for the device plugin.

Note that the --set-as-default flag could also be used to set the default when running nvidia-ctk runtime configure

wanghm commented 8 months ago

@elezar Thanks. So is this correct to configure config.toml nvidia runtime for containerd?

sudo containerd config default | sudo tee /etc/containerd/config.toml
sed -i 's/SystemdCgroup = false/SystemdCgroup = true/g' /etc/containerd/config.toml
sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=containerd --set-as-default

I confirmed that if /etc/containerd/config.toml doesn't exist, nvidia-ctk runtime configure command only generates the file with differences, and it fails to start the containerd service with it.

elezar commented 8 months ago

@wanghm if the file doesn't exist, the NVIDIA Container runtime will create the file with only the NVIDIA Container Runtime specific configuration changes. As far as I am aware, containerd should generate a default config in memory and then apply the changes from any files loaded.

wanghm commented 8 months ago

@elezar Thanks for your help. Yes, if the file doesn't exist, sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=containerd --set-as-default create the file with only the NVIDIA Container Runtime. It's same as: https://github.com/NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin#configure-containerd

Tested it again, seems containerd, kubelet service works. But after restarting the node, part of the pods(CNI, CSI related) are becoming unstable, status are varying between CrashLoopBackOff and Running. I tried add SystemdCgroup = true in the last line, now it's working. Can you please confirm if this is the correct config file we should use?

version = 2
      default_runtime_name = "nvidia"

          privileged_without_host_devices = false
          runtime_engine = ""
          runtime_root = ""
          runtime_type = "io.containerd.runc.v2"

            BinaryName = "/usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime"
            SystemdCgroup = true
elezar commented 8 months ago

@wanghm yes, this looks correct. In cases where the file exists, we infer settings such as SystemdCgroup = true from the runc settings defined in the config.

I will create an internal ticket to track handling this correctly.

klueska commented 8 months ago

I believe older versions of containerd had SystemdCgroup = false by default, and newer ones have flipped it to SystemdCgroup = true by default.

Maybe the right thing to do if no config.toml file exists is to just run containerd config default into an in-memory buffer and then do exactly what we normally would have done if we had read the config.toml file from disk.

wanghm commented 8 months ago

Thank you. I'd like to delete /etc/containerd/config.toml at first, and run sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=containerd --set-as-default, then add SystemdCgroup = true manually.

It would be helpful if the command can generate it as well.

wanghm commented 8 months ago

Close this issue.