NVIDIA / partialconv

A New Padding Scheme: Partial Convolution based Padding
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Demo not working #24

Closed aciobanusebi closed 3 years ago

aciobanusebi commented 4 years ago

The demo at https://www.nvidia.com/research/inpainting/ is not working.

After uploading the image, erasing and clicking "Apply Model", the things are loading forever: "Creating Inpainted Image Analyzing masks...".

liuguilin1225 commented 3 years ago

The demo should be working. You may try a different browser.

bugsarekillingme commented 1 year ago

Tried three different browsers. It's not working.

babaq commented 1 year ago

@liuguilin1225 The demo process goes well, but the result is not shown, tried with Edge and Firefox in win11

Halynsky commented 1 year ago


Eger37 commented 1 year ago


4rz0 commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that the Demo is not working. The process finishes but no result image is generated and instead just a single pixel is shown.

encaion commented 1 year ago


michaelskyba commented 1 year ago

I'm also having this issue. When checking the Sources tab in my browser's developer tools, the result file seems to say that there is an access error. Could this be related?


Additionally, it looks like the actual inpainting request has a gateway error. So, I don't think the browser of the user is relevant to the issue.


mikila85 commented 1 year ago

LOL closed, still not working...

ISelyakov commented 1 year ago

Can confirm 502 response code.

@liuguilin1225 reopen please.

michaelskyba commented 1 year ago

There have been other, newer issues and liuguilin1225 seems to have no activity on his GitHub, so he probably won't see/fix this, unfortunately. It looks like it would be a pretty easy fix too, since it's just some kind of network update

JoshMayberry commented 11 months ago

The demo is still doing this. Seems this project was abandoned. :(