NVIDIA / spark-rapids-ml

Spark RAPIDS MLlib – accelerate Apache Spark MLlib with GPUs
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test_classifier failed with error "ValueError: Unsupported param 'enable_sparse_data_optim'" #546

Open johnnyzhon opened 6 months ago

johnnyzhon commented 6 months ago

enviroment: L4, colossus machine, spark3.4.2-python39-cuda12.2.2-cuml23.12-ubuntu20.04

error message: this test case located in tests/test_logistic_regression.py

      spark_lr = LogisticRegression(

enable_sparse_data_optim=convert_to_sparse, fitIntercept=fit_intercept, regParam=reg_param, elasticNetParam=elasticNet_param, num_workers=gpu_number, )


/root/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyspark/init.py:139: in wrapper return func(self, kwargs) /root/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/spark_rapids_ml/classification.py:910: in init self._set_params(self._input_kwargs) /root/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/spark_rapids_ml/classification.py:1080: in _set_params super()._set_params(**kwargs)

self = LogisticRegression_56e60d0d4432 kwargs = {'elasticNetParam': 0.0, 'enable_sparse_data_optim': False, 'fitIntercept': True, 'num_workers': 2, ...} param_map = {'aggregationDepth': None, 'elasticNetParam': 'l1_ratio', 'family': '', 'fitIntercept': 'fit_intercept', ...} spark_param = 'maxBlockSizeInMB', cuml_param = None k = 'enable_sparse_data_optim', v = False

def _set_params(self: P, **kwargs: Any) -> P:
    Set the kwargs as Spark ML Params and/or cuML parameters, while maintaining parameter
    and value mappings defined by the _CumlClass.
    param_map = self._param_mapping()

    # raise error if setting both sides of a param mapping
    for spark_param, cuml_param in param_map.items():
        if (
            spark_param != cuml_param
            and spark_param in kwargs
            and cuml_param in kwargs
            raise ValueError(
                f"'{cuml_param}' is an alias of '{spark_param}', set one or the other."

    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        if self.hasParam(k):
            # standard Spark ML Param
            self._set(**{str(k): v})  # type: ignore
            self._set_cuml_param(k, v, silent=False)
        elif k in self.cuml_params:
            # cuml param
            self._cuml_params[k] = v
            for spark_param, cuml_param in param_map.items():
                if k == cuml_param:
                    # also set matching Spark Param, if exists
                    # TODO: map cuml values back to Spark equivalents?
                        self._set(**{str(spark_param): v})
                    except TypeError:
                        # Spark params have a converter, which may not work
                        # as expected. Eg, it can't convert float back to
                        # str param.
                        # TypeError: Invalid param value given for param "featureSubsetStrategy".
                        # Could not convert <class 'float'> to string type

        elif k == "num_workers":
            # special case, since not a Spark or cuML param
            self._num_workers = v
        elif k == "float32_inputs":
            self._float32_inputs = v
          raise ValueError(f"Unsupported param '{k}'.")

E ValueError: Unsupported param 'enable_sparse_data_optim'.

Analyze: This parameter is existed in following API doc. But not existed in class declaration. File it to track. https://nvidia.github.io/spark-rapids-ml/api/python-draft/api/spark_rapids_ml.classification.LogisticRegression.html#spark_rapids_ml.classification.LogisticRegression

johnnyzhon commented 5 months ago

This issue is not existed any more when using the latest release package.