NVIDIA / warp

A Python framework for high performance GPU simulation and graphics
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Can I use implementation details from hashgrid in another project #215

Open SteffenPL opened 4 weeks ago

SteffenPL commented 4 weeks ago

Dear NVIDIA-Warp Team,

I'm working on a Julia package for spatial hash tables (SpatialHashTables.jl).

After reading your code in warp/native/hashgrid.h, hashgrid.cpp and hashgrid.cu it is hard to unsee certain tricks.

Is it OK to use these three files as an inspiration for the Julia package? [I am in particular aiming at a decent GPU performance via CUDA.jl.]

I'm asking in particular in order to satisfy the file's license which states:

/** Copyright (c) 2022 NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
 * NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
 * and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
 * and any modifications thereto.  Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
 * distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
 * license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.

Please let me know if an e-mail is better suited for this question.

Kind regards, Steffen