NVIDIAGameWorks / FleX

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Cloth visual not updating #1

Open ngartner opened 7 years ago

ngartner commented 7 years ago


I just tested the new FleX Demo version and I had an issue with the visual of clothes. The particles positions and velocities and the dynamic effects with solids and fluids are correctly calculated, but the mesh stays at original place.

No errors for the first Scene thought.

Don't know if it comes from my device or from the program. (Maybe some typos in the GLUT part).


Cheers, Nicolas Gartner

mmacklin commented 7 years ago

Hi Nicolas,

I haven't been able to reproduce this locally - did it occur with the CUDA or D3D build?

I see you have a Quadro M1000M which is not a card we test regularly on, so it may be a GPU specific bug. Are there any repro steps that cause it to happen reliably? e.g.: specific order of scenes tested?

Cheers, Miles

ngartner commented 7 years ago

Hi Miles,

This occured with the CUDA build. Actually when I tried to make it happen again I found out this might be coming from my own program being executed before the Demo.

What happens step by step :

And then it happens. If I want it to work correctly again I have to restart the computer. It could be something that remains in the RAM or in the GPU.

(Launching several instances of the program might create that bug too)

However interacting with some points of the object makes the mesh updating. image



No specific order for the scene tested. It happens only with cloth mesh and for any scene having cloth but "Pot Pourri", "Local Space Cloth" and "Parachuting bunnies".

Cheers, Nicolas

rozentill commented 5 years ago

Hi, did you solve this problem? I met this problem too. It worked well before, but after I updated CUDA and graphics driver versions(for other purposes), the cloth mesh began to stuck, but particles/springs are displaying normally.

ngartner commented 5 years ago

Hi. No I have no clue how to solve that problem.