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NpShape::SetQueryFilterData crash with PVD connected #286

Open zemlifr opened 4 years ago

zemlifr commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have encountered crash when setting QueryFilterData with PVD connected. I am using PhysX 4.0

Callstack is like this:

PhysX_64.dll!`anonymous namespace'::PvdOutStream::setPropertyMessage(const void instance, const physx::pvdsdk::NamespacedName & msgName, physx::pvdsdk::DataRef data) Line 663 C++ PhysX_64.dll!physx::pvdsdk::PvdInstanceDataStream::setPropertyMessage(const void instance, const physx::PxShapeGeneratedValues & value) Line 164 C++ PhysX_64.dll!physx::Vd::PvdMetaDataBinding::sendAllProperties(physx::pvdsdk::PvdDataStream & inStream, const physx::PxShape & inObj) Line 1007 C++ PhysX_64.dll!physx::Vd::ScbScenePvdClient::updatePvdProperties(const physx::Scb::Shape * shape) Line 668 C++ PhysX_64.dll!updatePvdProperties(const physx::Scb::Shape & shape) Line 48 C++ PhysX_64.dll!physx::NpShape::setQueryFilterData(const physx::PxFilterData & data) Line 385 C++

There is assert: PxPvdDataStream.cpp(663) : Assertion failed: isInstanceValid(instance)

and then nullptr crash.

jankrassnigg commented 4 years ago

Have a look at #306, maybe you have the same problem as I had.