NVIDIAGameWorks / PhysX

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About PhysX engine #604

Open webmasterinaffitto opened 1 year ago

webmasterinaffitto commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've in my PC 1 2080 Super and 1 1660 Super.

I've set the first as main graphic card and second as dedicated Physx card (in the options of the driver).

I've set on the verify to the screen when PC use Physx.

Yesterday I've launced the "Secret World Legends" by FUNCOM and on the screan appeared:


Why? Is possible that a software can modify my driver option? It not compare something like

PHYSX -> GPU or PHYSX -> 1660 ?

Anyway, I've played also to HALO and it was the same, PhysX alway on CPU even if by driver is set to 1660 Super.

I've tested also to force PhysX to 2080, but on the screen of both games appears always PhysX -> CPU.

So, I'm asking if the developers can force the PhysX engine to CPU or if is there a way to force this option by some way.

Thank you for answer

Nolram12345 commented 1 year ago

The individual application needs to implement support for GPU Rigid Bodies. Many games don't do this, as it would limit support for physics to NVIDIA hardware, as PhysX on the GPU requires CUDA (which is an NVIDIA-exclusive technique). So in short, the driver option can only force PhysX to the CPU, and optionally allows you to select which GPU to use, but it can't force something to use the GPU if its not setup for it.