NVIDIAGameWorks / RayTracingDenoiser

NVIDIA Ray Tracing Denoiser
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[RELAX] Specular reflections behaving incorrectly upon camera translation #46

Closed LeonBrands closed 11 months ago

LeonBrands commented 1 year ago

We recently updated from NRD 2.9.0 to 3.7.0, and started noticing issues with specular reflections that seem to interact with surrounding shadows incorrectly upon camera translation.

See the video below: https://youtu.be/PuE9Us28NZU&vq=hd1080

Left view = NRD on Right view = NRD off

As is visible in the video (although a little difficult to see through compression), the shadow of the box gets dragged along camera translation around the area of the floor that is specularly lit. We didn't have this problem in previous versions of NRD, but we also didn't notice the issue in the 3.7.0 sample, which seems to imply that this is a problem on our side. I've tried comparing our NRD integration to the official sample but unfortunately to no avail. I'm posting here in the hope that someone with more experience with the API might be able to identify the issue.

In case it is helpful, I've included a file with our integration, thank you in advance for any help 🙂 yar_nrd.txt

dzhdanNV commented 1 year ago

Hi @LeonBrands ! I believe your NRD integration is correct. I managed to reproduce your problem in the sample. You can easily do it too:

I see in your video that in your case roughness is bigger, but I hope that these issues are related...

What's next?

LeonBrands commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your swift response! I'll run the tests you mentioned and get back to you ASAP

LeonBrands commented 1 year ago

The linear roughness on the floor and boxes in my video is 0.55294, I tried the tests and while a bit more nuanced, I do notice a similar type of ghosting yes!

dzhdanNV commented 1 year ago

@LeonBrands Please, try v3.8.0. It will be our new baseline. This issue is not a regression. I have been trying to tune the algorithm to behave "good on average" under any conditions. And, unfortunately, in your case we have hit a situation, where an older version behaves better in this case. If the issue persists, please, try to repro in the NRD sample, add a test and drop BistroInterior.bin file here.

dzhdanNV commented 1 year ago

Please, try the latest...

LeonBrands commented 1 year ago

Sorry I missed your messages! I'll give it a try tomorrow morning

LeonBrands commented 1 year ago

The ghosting is unfortunately still present; https://youtu.be/4f-jxYdWTlo

I did some testing and got the same effect with the NRDSample (test 44) using Bistro Interior, FPS capped to 30, and ray samples to 8: https://youtu.be/PpUwOpmn6l0. It appears that more noise (lowering the sample count) seems to somehow result in less ghosting.

dzhdanNV commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reproducing the problem in your environment and the NRD sample. I will try to improve. Please, give me a few days. I will return back to you soon.

dzhdanNV commented 1 year ago

@LeonBrands How many rays per pixel do you use in your app?

LeonBrands commented 1 year ago

The engine uses an implementation of RTXDI; approximately 2 rays (initial sampling + final visibility), but with the checkerboard configuration, so ultimately 1 ray/pixel. The signal from RTXDI is fairly clean.

LeonBrands commented 1 year ago

We do use heavy upscaling (DLSS + our own VR upscaling tech), so I believe RTXDI and NRD only run on approximately a 900x900 resolution

dzhdanNV commented 1 year ago

Can you, please, do a simple experiment for me (assuming that you use REBLUR)? Find this code (it's in PrePass):

            if( ( GetLuma( s ) > minHitDistLuma && w != 0.0 )
                minHitDist = min( minHitDist, ExtractHitDist( s ) );

And replace to:

            if( w != 0.0 )
                minHitDist = min( minHitDist, ExtractHitDist( s ) );

Is there an improvement?

LeonBrands commented 1 year ago

Oh sorry I forgot to mention that, no we use RELAX

dzhdanNV commented 1 year ago

I see. Is it difficult to switch to REBLUR for comparison? In any case I will redirect the issue to RELAX dev. In test 44 (with described above conditions) smearing in RELAX is higher.

LeonBrands commented 1 year ago

Hmm we don't currently have REBLUR implemented but I'll try to find some time to do so this week...

dzhdanNV commented 1 year ago

Thanks. No rush.

dzhdanNV commented 1 year ago

In case of many RPP passing min hitT across all paths fixes the issue. It's hard to say how relevant this fact is to your case, but straightforward averaging works badly, because "far" samples can outweigh sample with smaller hit distances. It breaks virtual motion tracking. It worked better before, because in older versions motion was shifted more towards "surface" motion and you was lucky enough to avoid bumping into issues related to it :)

LeonBrands commented 1 year ago

Hmm in our case our hitT is simply computed as the distance from the world position to the light that was sampled, so there's really only one hitT that we could be passing along

dzhdanNV commented 1 year ago

Please, try to do this simple experiment in your environment - find this line in RELAX/PrePass:

        specularIllumination.a = max(1.0e-6, lerp(specularHitT, minHitT, NoV));

And replace with:

        specularIllumination.a = max(1.0e-6, minHitT);

If you want to compare BEFORE/AFTER in real-time then use this:

        specularIllumination.a = max(1.0e-6, lerp(specularHitT, minHitT, gDebug > 0.0 ? 1.0 : NoV));

You will need to pass something into CommonSettings::debug.

LeonBrands commented 1 year ago

Tried that; seems to have fairly little effect unfortunately (left debug = 1.0, right debug = 0.0) https://youtu.be/PwJeMhHImKw

dzhdanNV commented 1 year ago

Thanks! You use default settings specularPrepassBlurRadius = 50.0f, right? In the NRD sample with 8 rpp and/or locked FPS in test 44 it fixes reprojection behavior.

(not claiming anything, just gathering info)

LeonBrands commented 1 year ago

Correct, I set all my settings to their defaults to make comparisons easier

dzhdanNV commented 1 year ago

Please, update to the latest. I believe this issue is fixed now.

LeonBrands commented 1 year ago

Thank you, I will try that

dzhdanNV commented 1 year ago

@LeonBrands Hi! Any news?

dzhdanNV commented 11 months ago

Closing. RELAX has evolved a lot. Feel free to reopen if the issue is still there.