NVIDIAGameWorks / Streamline

Streamline Integration Framework
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Using DLAA mode for implementing anti-aliasing in custom engine, the rendered image flickers significantly. #41

Open wsyOverflow opened 1 month ago

wsyOverflow commented 1 month ago


Version and Platform:

I referred to the documentation and the implementation of the Streamline_Sample. Below, I will describe the specific implementation process.

1. Initialize

I use manual hooking to enable sl feature and call slSetVulkanInfo to hook vulkan API. Then I know that kFeatureDLSS is supported by calling slIsFeatureSupported.

2. Setup DLSSOptions

sl::DLSSOptions dlss_options{};
dlss_options.mode = sl::DLSSMode::eDLAA;
dlss_options.outputWidth = ;
dlss_options.outputHeight =;
dlss_options.colorBuffersHDR = sl::Boolean::eTrue;
dlss_options.useAutoExposure = sl::Boolean::eFalse;

3. Setup Constants

3.1 Camera

I used the default column-major matrices and the left-handed coordinate system of OpenGL. When configuring the camera-related properties, I converted the matrices to row-major order.

3.2 Motion Vector

Motion vector is computed in uv space as following codes, thus it is already in [-1, 1].

vec2 velocity = vec2(vertex.clip_position.xy / vertex.clip_position.w - last_clip_pos.xy) * 0.5;

I also compare the motion vectors with and without correctness operation described as below.

if (correct_y) {
    constants.jitterOffset = { jitter.x, -jitter.y }; // Negate Y-axis
    constants.mvecScale = { -1.f, 1.f };  // Negate the direction of motion vector and negate Y-axis
} else {
    constants.jitterOffset = { jitter.x, jitter.y };
    constants.mvecScale = { 1.f, 1.f };



I didn't find any difference.

jake-nv commented 1 month ago

Those mvecs look a little suspect. It should be the same format as FG and look similar to https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/Streamline/blob/main/docs/ProgrammingGuideDLSS_G.md#buffers-to-tag.

If you haven’t already, read the DLSS-SR SDK docs (https://developer.nvidia.com/rtx/dlss). It covers the “native” NGX API rather than SL, but goes into a lot more detail.

wsyOverflow commented 1 month ago

Those mvecs look a little suspect. It should be the same format as FG and look similar to https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/Streamline/blob/main/docs/ProgrammingGuideDLSS_G.md#buffers-to-tag.

If you haven’t already, read the DLSS-SR SDK docs (https://developer.nvidia.com/rtx/dlss). It covers the “native” NGX API rather than SL, but goes into a lot more detail.

I'm sorry, I only wrote part of the information earlier. I just finished my description. Please take a look. I have carefully reviewed the documentation you mentioned, including the documents within the DLSS SDK. I also feel that the flickering issue might be related to the motion vector, but despite trying many modifications, it had no effect. I wonder if you can identify any implementation issues from my description.

jake-nv commented 1 month ago

You should turn auto-exposure on (if you’re not tagging an exposure buffer). Otherwise, only the mvecs stick out.

All your inputs should be similar to slSample. A tool like Nsight Graphics or renderdoc could help you compare your integration with the sample and debug what input is the issue. If you have any post-processing, etc you might try turning that off to help narrow things down.

wsyOverflow commented 1 month ago

Those mvecs look a little suspect. It should be the same format as FG and look similar to https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/Streamline/blob/main/docs/ProgrammingGuideDLSS_G.md#buffers-to-tag.

If you haven’t already, read the DLSS-SR SDK docs (https://developer.nvidia.com/rtx/dlss). It covers the “native” NGX API rather than SL, but goes into a lot more detail.

I found when I disable constants.motionVectorsJittered

You should turn auto-exposure on (if you’re not tagging an exposure buffer). Otherwise, only the mvecs stick out.

All your inputs should be similar to slSample. A tool like Nsight Graphics or renderdoc could help you compare your integration with the sample and debug what input is the issue. If you have any post-processing, etc you might try turning that off to help narrow things down.

Thank you for your response. I will try your suggestions.

I just find that when constants.motionVectorsJittered is set to false, the flickering disappears. However, my motion vector includes jitter. This is the same issue I encountered when implementing the DLSS-SR SDK before, https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/motion-vector-flag-nvsdk-ngx-dlss-feature-flags-mvjittered-seems-to-work-abnormally/294576. It seems to be related to the handling of jitter, but I don't know the exact reason.


jake-nv commented 1 month ago

I’ve found some internal threads regarding confusion around those values, but not in a form that’s readily digestible. I’ll create a task for people more familiar with the algorithm to elaborate that section of the documentation.

wsyOverflow commented 1 month ago

I’ve found some internal threads regarding confusion around those values, but not in a form that’s readily digestible. I’ll create a task for people more familiar with the algorithm to elaborate that section of the documentation.

Thank you for your support and look forward to your update.

wsyOverflow commented 1 month ago

When the camera moves, the aliasing effect in DLAA mode is very obvious. I tried many modifications, such as changing the direction of the motion vector, but none improved the situation. I hope to get some optimization suggestions.


wsyOverflow commented 4 weeks ago

Regarding the previously mentioned constants.motionVectorsJittered, I realized that I was mistaken. In my code, the motion vector I calculated does not include jitter, so there is no issue with it.