NVIDIAGameWorks / kaolin-wisp

NVIDIA Kaolin Wisp is a PyTorch library powered by NVIDIA Kaolin Core to work with neural fields (including NeRFs, NGLOD, instant-ngp and VQAD).
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New configuration system #150

Closed orperel closed 1 year ago

orperel commented 1 year ago

The current wisp apps rely on argparse for configuration, which introduces the following problems:

  1. The main files are quite verbose.
  2. Trainers receive many args, some split into extra_args which are not properly tracked.

We've drafted a new config system instead, relying on a combination of tyro and hydra-zen.

The proposed config system should have minimal impact on the way library components are accessed (that is, signatures of existing functions should remain the same, except for required cleanups and typing annotations added). Trainers are expected to be heavily revised by this change.

An example usage of the various methods is as follows:

    from wisp.config import configure, autoconfig, parse_config, instantiate
    from wisp.models.nefs import NeuralRadianceField
    from wisp.models.grids import HashGrid, TriplanarGrid
    import torch
    from typing import Union, Tuple

    # For classes and functions which don't use python typing annotations,
    # the best practice is to create a config class, which specifies which args are configurable
    # and what their types are:
    @configure(target=torch.optim.Adam)     # This config can build torch.optim.Adam
    class ConfigAdam:
        lr: float
        betas: Tuple[float, float] = (0.9, 0.999)
        eps: float = 1e-8
        weight_decay: float = 0.0

    @configure(target=torch.optim.RMSprop)  # This config can build torch.optim.RMSprop
    class ConfigRMSprop:
        lr: float = 1e-2
        alpha: float = 0.99
        eps: float = 1e-8
        weight_decay: float = 0.0
        momentum: float = 0.0

    @configure  # @configure without a target is equivalent to a @dataclass.
    class AppConfig:
        # AppConfig is a dataclass holding all configuration fields. 
        # autoconfig() scans the classes for all available constructors, and generate a config dataclass for each.
        # This is useful for classes like grids, which have many types and constructors.
        # The resulting configs are similar to ConfigAdam and ConfigRMSprop above.
        # autoconfig() requires functions to annotate args with typings.
        grid: autoconfig(TriplanarGrid, HashGrid)    # type: Union[ConfigTriplanarGrid, ConfigHashGrid, ConfigHashGridFromGeometric, ...]

        # You can also use autoconfig() with a single class or function
        nerf: autoconfig(NeuralRadianceField)        # type: ConfigNeuralRadianceField

        # Explicit config set. This is useful, i.e., because the type annotations of torch are incomplete.
        # We specify we want to use the config classes we manually defined above with @configure(target=...)
        optimizer: Union[ConfigAdam, ConfigRMSprop] 

    # parse_config will read arg values from the CLI to create an AppConfig instance.
    # If `--config <path>.yaml` is given, it will also read values from it.
    cfg = parse_config(AppConfig, yaml_arg='--config')

    grid = instantiate(cfg.grid)                # Build grid instance directly from config
    nerf = instantiate(cfg.nerf, grid=grid)     # Build nerf instance from config and grid
    optimizer = instantiate(cfg.optimizer, params=nerf.decoder.parameters())      # Build optimizer from config

Running the program above and specifying args from CLI:

python main.py grid:HashGrid.from-geometric optimizer:adam --lr 0.001 --optimizer.eps 0.000001

or with a config file:

 constructor: 'HashGrid.from_geometric'
 constructor: 'Adam'
 lr: 1e-3
 eps: 1e-8