NVIDIAGameWorks / kaolin-wisp

NVIDIA Kaolin Wisp is a PyTorch library powered by NVIDIA Kaolin Core to work with neural fields (including NeRFs, NGLOD, instant-ngp and VQAD).
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Operel/new configparser #91

Closed orperel closed 1 year ago

orperel commented 1 year ago

The lion part of the reformat finally breaks backwards compatibility to introduce the new config parser and clear separation to apps.

  1. Be aware of what got deprecated:
    • main.py and main_interactive.py
    • Everything under configs.yaml is no longer relevant, apps have their own configs
    • Similarly, configs that existed under examples/funny_nerf were deprecated
    • The templates folder
  2. config_parser.py heavily revised.
  3. app/nerf, app/nglod - each app now has it's own argument parsing, additional requirements.txt (if needed), README, and so forth. Args aim to be as close as possible to what we had before this change. Some args were removed, and defaults may have been re-set to different values (usually, if this is done it's due to recent commits which updated the configs, or due to a parameter deemed unused).
  4. examples/ folder - both the SIGG demo and SPC browser are now more concise, as they should be :)
  5. additional changes: tracers no longer taking kwargs (on purpose), cuda_guard fixed by Clement to avoid interference with the gui libraries own argparse, the SDFDataset having a different signature

Authors: Clement Fuji-Tsang, Or Perel