NVIDIAGameWorks / rtx-remix

Combined repo for the RTX-Remix runtime
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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Bug Reports #114

Open Joshhhuaaa opened 1 year ago

Joshhhuaaa commented 1 year ago

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (SC1) runs on Unreal Engine 2 with a DirectX8 renderer. D3D8to9 will need to be used in order to have it hook into RTX Remix.

Bug 1: Full-screen mode does not work correctly and will only run in 640x480.

The game is currently limited to a resolution of 640x480. If you try to run it at a higher resolution, the game will still appear in a 640x480 window with it partially cut off screen.

Under RTX Remix, Splinter Cell fails to handle full-screen mode correctly. Instead, the game changes the desktop resolution to match the in-game settings and opens in a borderless window even when full-screen is enabled in the configuration file. To avoid this issue, it is recommended to run the game with ThirteenAG's Splinter Cell Widescreen Fix.

The image below illustrates the issue where the game only shows a 640x480 window when attempting to run it at a 2560x1440 resolution without any fixes applied. SC1_BootNativeRes

Logs generated for when the game is trying to run the game without any fixes. d3d9.log SplinterCell_d3d9.log NvRemixBridge.log

Bug 2: Running SplinterCell.exe directly will not work, you must force load a level and specify your resolution in a batch file.

Attempting to run Splinter Cell normally will result in a black screen. Strangely, force loading into a level using a batch file fixes this even if the level is the Main Menu too. In the batch, you will want to force load a level and input the resolution you wish to run the game at.

SplinterCell.exe Menu\Menu.scl RESOLUTION=3840x2160

Bug 3: "Bloom" Effects stay on the screen and never update past the first frame.

Prior to moving the camera at all in the level. The scene looks fine, take note of the red emergency light on the right side. NvRemixBridge_2023_05_24_19_31_54_285

The effect of the red emergency light stays stuck on the right part of the screen and never updates. NvRemixBridge_2023_05_24_19_31_57_490

Logs generated from loading into this level and having the effects stuck on screen. d3d9.log SplinterCell_d3d9.log NvRemixBridge.log

Bug 4: Bink Video FMV's do not currently render anything on screen and will keep the game on a black screen.

Splinter Cell uses Bink Video (.BIK) video files from RAD Game tools with most of them being 640x480 resolution.

Splinter Cell has video files that play when starting the game and prior to starting each level. RTX Remix will show a black screen when they are playing but audio can be heard. However skipping these cutscenes will not help, many times once loaded your screen will remain black.

For a workaround, it is necessary to rename/delete the "Videos" folder in the Splinter Cell directory so that the game no longer detects them and instead skips them.

Logs generated from watching the two intro Bink Videos then the game will become non-responsive. d3d9.log SplinterCell_d3d9.log NvRemixBridge.log

Additional information about Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Splinter Cell offers two options for rendering shadows in the game, referred to as "ShadowMode" in the configuration files: "Shadow Projector" mode and "Shadow Buffer" mode. When playing with RTX Remix, it is possibly safer to use "Shadow Projector" mode, as it is a less demanding graphical option.

Shadow buffers was a technology from NVIDIA's GeForce 3/4 era which is now obsolete. Today's graphics cards cannot accurately render this mode without the assistance of a wrapper, such as dgVoodoo 2, which emulates a GeForce 4 Ti 4800.

There are two ways to switch your game to "Shadow Projector" mode:

Method 1: System\SplinterCell.ini:
[D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice] ForceShadowMode=0

Method 2: Add the launch parameter -shadowmode=projector to SplinterCell.exe.

If using ThirteenAG's Splinter Cell Widescreen Fix, System\Scripts\SplinterCell.WidescreenFix.ini ForceShadowBufferMode = 0

The above bug reports are with "Shadow Projector" mode enabled.

DieQuelle commented 4 months ago

@Joshhhuaaa can you report some changes or improvements over the last year? I wanted to try rtx remix and im really suprised that i can not find a way to run it properly with splinter cell 1.

NV-LL commented 4 months ago

Hello! Will you please test this on the latest release and let us know if these issues persist? Thank you!

Joshhhuaaa commented 4 months ago

Hello! Will you please test this on the latest release and let us know if these issues persist? Thank you!

Hey, I've just started testing Splinter Cell again on remix 0.5, and good news, some of the minor issues to get the game started have been fixed from this post.

Bug 1: Full-screen mode does not work correctly and will only run in 640x480.

This bug still persists unfortunately, so I would highly recommend using ThirteenAG's Widescreen Fix as a workaround when playing the game, so you can use native resolution.

Also, Alt+Tab still isn't working in fullscreen either, if the game gets unfocused after starting, you usually have to restart the game. A workaround is while using ThirteenAG's Widescreen Fix, go into SplinterCell.ini and set StartupFullscreen to False. This will basically have your game running in fullscreen windowed and you will be able to refocus to the game.

Bug 2: Running SplinterCell.exe directly will not work, you must force load a level and specify your resolution in a batch file.

It seems that this bug has been fixed. I was able to launch the game using the executable without any issues on remix 0.5.

Bug 3: "Bloom" Effects stay on the screen and never update past the first frame.

The game doesn't seem to have Bloom at all now, so the bug technically isn't here. Also, geometry is sometimes coming in and out, so you can see through walls, I don't recall that being an issue in prior versions.

SC1-remix-0 5-1 A screenshot to compare with the original in the post. Notice the bloom is missing now and can't see through the window glass on the left.

SC1-remix-0 5-3 Here is an example of the BSP geometry missing depending on the camera angle.

Bug 4: Bink Video FMV's do not currently render anything on screen and will keep the game on a black screen.

Additionally, this bug has been fixed. The FMVs before the main menu and for levels are functioning correctly with Remix hooked.

I didn't mention it in this post, but thermal vision was previously broken. A workaround was to use EmulateGF2Mode=1 (GeForce2 rendering) in SplinterCell.ini, which was worse visually but rendered thermal fine. However, remix 0.5 also seems to fix thermal vision, so this workaround should no longer be needed.