NVISOsecurity / disable-flutter-tls-verification

A Frida script that disables Flutter's TLS verification
307 stars 51 forks source link

Flutter library found, but ssl_verify_peer_cert could not be found #27

Closed motattack closed 3 months ago

motattack commented 4 months ago

Hi. Can you please add new signatures for x64?

apk (gdrive)

Frida log:

[+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (1/5)
[!] Flutter library not found
[+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (2/5)
[!] Flutter library found, but ssl_verify_peer_cert could not be found.
[+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (2/5)
[!] Flutter library found, but ssl_verify_peer_cert could not be found.
[+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (3/5)
[!] Flutter library found, but ssl_verify_peer_cert could not be found.
[+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (4/5)
[!] Flutter library found, but ssl_verify_peer_cert could not be found.
[+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (5/5)
[!] ssl_verify_peer_cert not found. Please open an issue at https://github.com/NVISOsecurity/disable-flutter-tls-verification/issues
[!] Max attempts reached, stopping

verify.py log:

user>python3 verify.py
.\android\arm64-v8a\libapp.so >  NOK
.\android\arm64-v8a\libflutter.so >  OK  [0xd4b308] [fe0f1cf8f85f01a9f65702a9f44f03a9e5dc0b94681a40f9]
.\android\arm64-v8a\libsqlite3.so >  NOK
.\android\armeabi-v7a\libapp.so >  NOK
.\android\armeabi-v7a\libflutter.so >  OK  [0x93a8c8] [2de9fe43d0f800808146d8f81800d0f888]
.\android\armeabi-v7a\libsqlite3.so >  NOK
.\android\x86\libsqlite3.so >  NOK
.\android\x86_64\libapp.so >  NOK
.\android\x86_64\libflutter.so >  NOK
.\android\x86_64\libsqlite3.so >  NOK
RahmatAliMalik5 commented 4 months ago

Same error for me for this app.

BTW, I can't find the md5sum in the samples folder for the app. The same app is updated just before some days and the script was working fine before on it.

Here are md5sum results:

lib/arm64-v8a/libflutter.so : b58d91db28b4a2900624882d9ad6311c lib/armeabi-v7a/libflutter.so : 94ddce9a58b90ed6cbd54f3bb278dcfb lib/x86_64/libflutter.so : c59db9f239fa3b2f4887d5e988d0679c

RahmatAliMalik5 commented 4 months ago

I have noticed in Gahidra that the address for the pinning function is changed now. Added the address at the end of the x64 array in the script and it's started to work again. Maybe the code is a little changed in the newer version of the apk.

Address (it's 71 now after 74 not 70 anymore): 55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 38 C6 02 50 48 8B AF A8 00 00 00 48 85 ED 74 71 48 83 7D 00 00 74

Also, I have to update the return type from 0 to 1 as I have mentioned in issue #22 for the mentioned app in previous message.

motattack commented 4 months ago

I have noticed in Gahidra that the address for the pinning function is changed now. Added the address at the end of the x64 array in the script and it's started to work again. Maybe the code is a little changed in the newer version of the apk.

Address (it's 71 now after 74 not 70 anymore): 55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 38 C6 02 50 48 8B AF A8 00 00 00 48 85 ED 74 71 48 83 7D 00 00 74

Also, I have to update the return type from 0 to 1 as I have mentioned in issue #22 for the mentioned app in previous message.

Thank you. I've updated the code to include your address.


A Frida script that disables Flutter's TLS verification

This script works on Android x86, Android x64 and iOS x64. It uses pattern matching to find [ssl_verify_peer_cert in handshake.cc](https://github.com/google/boringssl/blob/master/ssl/handshake.cc#L323)

If the script doesn't work, take a look at https://github.com/NVISOsecurity/disable-flutter-tls-verification#warning-what-if-this-script-doesnt-work 


// Configuration object containing patterns to locate the ssl_verify_peer_cert function
// for different platforms and architectures.
var config = {
    "ios": {
        "modulename": "Flutter",
        "patterns": {
            "arm64": [{
                "pattern": "FF 83 01 D1 FA 67 01 A9 F8 5F 02 A9 F6 57 03 A9 F4 4F 04 A9 FD 7B 05 A9 FD 43 01 91 F? 03 00 AA ?? 0? 40 F9 ?8 1? 40 F9 15 ?? 4? F9 B5 00 00 B4",
                "address_flag": 0
    "android": {
        "modulename": "libflutter.so",
        "patterns": {
            "arm64": [{
                    "pattern": "F? 0F 1C F8 F? 5? 01 A9 F? 5? 02 A9 F? ?? 03 A9 ?? ?? ?? ?? 68 1A 40 F9",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "F? 43 01 D1 FE 67 01 A9 F8 5F 02 A9 F6 57 03 A9 F4 4F 04 A9 13 00 40 F9 F4 03 00 AA 68 1A 40 F9",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "FF 43 01 D1 FE 67 01 A9 ?? ?? 06 94 ?? 7? 06 94 68 1A 40 F9 15 15 41 F9 B5 00 00 B4 B6 4A 40 F9",
                    "address_flag": 0
            "arm": [{
                "pattern": "2D E9 F? 4? D0 F8 00 80 81 46 D8 F8 18 00 D0 F8 ??",
                "address_flag": 0
            "x64": [{
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 50 49 89 f? 4c 8b 37 49 8b 46 30 4c 8b a? ?? 0? 00 00 4d 85 e? 74 1? 4d 8b",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 18 49 89 FF 48 8B 1F 48 8B 43 30 4C 8B A0 28 02 00 00 4D 85 E4 74",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 38 C6 02 50 48 8B AF A8 00 00 00 48 85 ED 74 70 48 83 7D 00 00 74",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 38 C6 02 50 48 8B AF A8 00 00 00 48 85 ED 74 71 48 83 7D 00 00 74",
                    "address_flag": 1

// Flag to check if TLS validation has already been disabled
var TLSValidationDisabled = false;
var flutterLibraryFound = false;
var tries = 0;
var maxTries = 5;
var timeout = 1000;

// Main function to disable TLS validation for Flutter
function disableTLSValidation() {

    // Stop if ready
    if (TLSValidationDisabled) return;

    if (tries > maxTries) {
        console.log('[!] Max attempts reached, stopping');

    console.log(`[+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (${tries}/${maxTries})`)

    // Get reference to module. Necessary for iOS, and usefull check for Android
    var platformConfig = config[Java.available ? "android" : "ios"];
    var m = Process.findModuleByName(platformConfig["modulename"]);

    if (m === null) {
        console.log('[!] Flutter library not found');
        setTimeout(disableTLSValidation, timeout);
    } else {
        // reset counter so that searching for ssl_verify_peer_cert also gets x attempts
        if (flutterLibraryFound == false) {
            flutterLibraryFound = true;
            tries = 1;

    if (Process.arch in platformConfig["patterns"]) {
        var ranges;
        if (Java.available) {
            // On Android, getting ranges from the loaded module is buggy, so we revert to Process.enumerateRanges
            ranges = Process.enumerateRanges({
                protection: 'r-x'

        } else {
            // On iOS, there's no issue
            ranges = m.enumerateRanges('r-x')

        findAndPatch(ranges, platformConfig["patterns"][Process.arch], Java.available && Process.arch == "arm" ? 1 : 0);
    } else {
        console.log('[!] Processor architecture not supported: ', Process.arch);

    if (!TLSValidationDisabled) {
        if (tries < maxTries) {
            console.log(`[!] Flutter library found, but ssl_verify_peer_cert could not be found.`)
        } else {
            console.log('[!] ssl_verify_peer_cert not found. Please open an issue at https://github.com/NVISOsecurity/disable-flutter-tls-verification/issues');

// Find and patch the method in memory to disable TLS validation
function findAndPatch(ranges, patterns, thumb) {

    ranges.forEach(range => {
        patterns.forEach(patternInfo => {
            var matches = Memory.scanSync(range.base, range.size, patternInfo["pattern"]);
            matches.forEach(match => {
                var info = DebugSymbol.fromAddress(match.address);
                console.log(`[+] ssl_verify_peer_cert found at offset: ${info.name}`);
                TLSValidationDisabled = true;
                hook_ssl_verify_peer_cert(match.address.add(thumb), patternInfo["address_flag"]);
                console.log('[+] ssl_verify_peer_cert has been patched');

            if (matches.length > 1) {
                console.log('[!] Multiple matches detected. This can have a negative impact and may crash the app. Please open a ticket');

    // Try again. disableTLSValidation will not do anything if TLSValidationDisabled = true
    setTimeout(disableTLSValidation, timeout);

function isFlutterRange(range) {
    var address = range.base
    var info = DebugSymbol.fromAddress(address)
    if (info.moduleName != null) {
        if (info.moduleName.toLowerCase().includes("flutter")) {
            return true;
    return false;

// Replace the target function's implementation to effectively disable the TLS check
function hook_ssl_verify_peer_cert(address, address_flag) {
    Interceptor.replace(address, new NativeCallback((pathPtr, flags) => {
        return address_flag;
    }, 'int', ['pointer', 'int']));

it's work app

RahmatAliMalik5 commented 4 months ago

Yes, it works for me now. Working for your apk as well?

motattack commented 4 months ago

Yes, it works for me now. Working for your apk as well?


M4st3r1337 commented 3 months ago

I have noticed in Gahidra that the address for the pinning function is changed now. Added the address at the end of the x64 array in the script and it's started to work again. Maybe the code is a little changed in the newer version of the apk. Address (it's 71 now after 74 not 70 anymore): 55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 38 C6 02 50 48 8B AF A8 00 00 00 48 85 ED 74 71 48 83 7D 00 00 74 Also, I have to update the return type from 0 to 1 as I have mentioned in issue #22 for the mentioned app in previous message.

Thank you. I've updated the code to include your address.


A Frida script that disables Flutter's TLS verification

This script works on Android x86, Android x64 and iOS x64. It uses pattern matching to find [ssl_verify_peer_cert in handshake.cc](https://github.com/google/boringssl/blob/master/ssl/handshake.cc#L323)

If the script doesn't work, take a look at https://github.com/NVISOsecurity/disable-flutter-tls-verification#warning-what-if-this-script-doesnt-work 


// Configuration object containing patterns to locate the ssl_verify_peer_cert function
// for different platforms and architectures.
var config = {
    "ios": {
        "modulename": "Flutter",
        "patterns": {
            "arm64": [{
                "pattern": "FF 83 01 D1 FA 67 01 A9 F8 5F 02 A9 F6 57 03 A9 F4 4F 04 A9 FD 7B 05 A9 FD 43 01 91 F? 03 00 AA ?? 0? 40 F9 ?8 1? 40 F9 15 ?? 4? F9 B5 00 00 B4",
                "address_flag": 0
    "android": {
        "modulename": "libflutter.so",
        "patterns": {
            "arm64": [{
                    "pattern": "F? 0F 1C F8 F? 5? 01 A9 F? 5? 02 A9 F? ?? 03 A9 ?? ?? ?? ?? 68 1A 40 F9",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "F? 43 01 D1 FE 67 01 A9 F8 5F 02 A9 F6 57 03 A9 F4 4F 04 A9 13 00 40 F9 F4 03 00 AA 68 1A 40 F9",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "FF 43 01 D1 FE 67 01 A9 ?? ?? 06 94 ?? 7? 06 94 68 1A 40 F9 15 15 41 F9 B5 00 00 B4 B6 4A 40 F9",
                    "address_flag": 0
            "arm": [{
                "pattern": "2D E9 F? 4? D0 F8 00 80 81 46 D8 F8 18 00 D0 F8 ??",
                "address_flag": 0
            "x64": [{
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 50 49 89 f? 4c 8b 37 49 8b 46 30 4c 8b a? ?? 0? 00 00 4d 85 e? 74 1? 4d 8b",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 18 49 89 FF 48 8B 1F 48 8B 43 30 4C 8B A0 28 02 00 00 4D 85 E4 74",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 38 C6 02 50 48 8B AF A8 00 00 00 48 85 ED 74 70 48 83 7D 00 00 74",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 38 C6 02 50 48 8B AF A8 00 00 00 48 85 ED 74 71 48 83 7D 00 00 74",
                    "address_flag": 1

// Flag to check if TLS validation has already been disabled
var TLSValidationDisabled = false;
var flutterLibraryFound = false;
var tries = 0;
var maxTries = 5;
var timeout = 1000;

// Main function to disable TLS validation for Flutter
function disableTLSValidation() {

    // Stop if ready
    if (TLSValidationDisabled) return;

    if (tries > maxTries) {
        console.log('[!] Max attempts reached, stopping');

    console.log(`[+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (${tries}/${maxTries})`)

    // Get reference to module. Necessary for iOS, and usefull check for Android
    var platformConfig = config[Java.available ? "android" : "ios"];
    var m = Process.findModuleByName(platformConfig["modulename"]);

    if (m === null) {
        console.log('[!] Flutter library not found');
        setTimeout(disableTLSValidation, timeout);
    } else {
        // reset counter so that searching for ssl_verify_peer_cert also gets x attempts
        if (flutterLibraryFound == false) {
            flutterLibraryFound = true;
            tries = 1;

    if (Process.arch in platformConfig["patterns"]) {
        var ranges;
        if (Java.available) {
            // On Android, getting ranges from the loaded module is buggy, so we revert to Process.enumerateRanges
            ranges = Process.enumerateRanges({
                protection: 'r-x'

        } else {
            // On iOS, there's no issue
            ranges = m.enumerateRanges('r-x')

        findAndPatch(ranges, platformConfig["patterns"][Process.arch], Java.available && Process.arch == "arm" ? 1 : 0);
    } else {
        console.log('[!] Processor architecture not supported: ', Process.arch);

    if (!TLSValidationDisabled) {
        if (tries < maxTries) {
            console.log(`[!] Flutter library found, but ssl_verify_peer_cert could not be found.`)
        } else {
            console.log('[!] ssl_verify_peer_cert not found. Please open an issue at https://github.com/NVISOsecurity/disable-flutter-tls-verification/issues');

// Find and patch the method in memory to disable TLS validation
function findAndPatch(ranges, patterns, thumb) {

    ranges.forEach(range => {
        patterns.forEach(patternInfo => {
            var matches = Memory.scanSync(range.base, range.size, patternInfo["pattern"]);
            matches.forEach(match => {
                var info = DebugSymbol.fromAddress(match.address);
                console.log(`[+] ssl_verify_peer_cert found at offset: ${info.name}`);
                TLSValidationDisabled = true;
                hook_ssl_verify_peer_cert(match.address.add(thumb), patternInfo["address_flag"]);
                console.log('[+] ssl_verify_peer_cert has been patched');

            if (matches.length > 1) {
                console.log('[!] Multiple matches detected. This can have a negative impact and may crash the app. Please open a ticket');

    // Try again. disableTLSValidation will not do anything if TLSValidationDisabled = true
    setTimeout(disableTLSValidation, timeout);

function isFlutterRange(range) {
    var address = range.base
    var info = DebugSymbol.fromAddress(address)
    if (info.moduleName != null) {
        if (info.moduleName.toLowerCase().includes("flutter")) {
            return true;
    return false;

// Replace the target function's implementation to effectively disable the TLS check
function hook_ssl_verify_peer_cert(address, address_flag) {
    Interceptor.replace(address, new NativeCallback((pathPtr, flags) => {
        return address_flag;
    }, 'int', ['pointer', 'int']));

it's work app

your code doesn't work in my case I have no idea why , it gives :

[+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (2/5) [!] Flutter library found, but ssl_verify_peer_cert could not be found. [+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (2/5) [!] Flutter library found, but ssl_verify_peer_cert could not be found. [+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (3/5) [!] Flutter library found, but ssl_verify_peer_cert could not be found. [+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (4/5) [!] Flutter library found, but ssl_verify_peer_cert could not be found. [+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (5/5) [!] ssl_verify_peer_cert not found. Please open an issue at https://github.com/NVISOsecurity/disable-flutter-tls-verification/issues [!] Max attempts reached, stopping

please help

motattack commented 3 months ago

Hi, @M4st3r1337 Without an app package name, I can't solve this problem for you. Share the apk or libflutter.so (inside the apk)

M4st3r1337 commented 3 months ago

Hi, @M4st3r1337 Without an app package name, I can't solve this problem for you. Share the apk or libflutter.so (inside the apk)

Hey , @motattack I appreciate your help , here is the app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.g705&hl=en

motattack commented 3 months ago

Hi, @M4st3r1337 Without an app package name, I can't solve this problem for you. Share the apk or libflutter.so (inside the apk)

Hey , @motattack I appreciate your help , here is the app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.g705&hl=en

work for me: image

try it:


A Frida script that disables Flutter's TLS verification

This script works on Android x86, Android x64 and iOS x64. It uses pattern matching to find [ssl_verify_peer_cert in handshake.cc](https://github.com/google/boringssl/blob/master/ssl/handshake.cc#L323)

If the script doesn't work, take a look at https://github.com/NVISOsecurity/disable-flutter-tls-verification#warning-what-if-this-script-doesnt-work 


// Configuration object containing patterns to locate the ssl_verify_peer_cert function
// for different platforms and architectures.
var config = {
    "ios": {
        "modulename": "Flutter",
        "patterns": {
            "arm64": [{
                "pattern": "FF 83 01 D1 FA 67 01 A9 F8 5F 02 A9 F6 57 03 A9 F4 4F 04 A9 FD 7B 05 A9 FD 43 01 91 F? 03 00 AA ?? 0? 40 F9 ?8 1? 40 F9 15 ?? 4? F9 B5 00 00 B4",
                "address_flag": 0
    "android": {
        "modulename": "libflutter.so",
        "patterns": {
            "arm64": [{
                    "pattern": "F? 0F 1C F8 F? 5? 01 A9 F? 5? 02 A9 F? ?? 03 A9 ?? ?? ?? ?? 68 1A 40 F9",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "F? 43 01 D1 FE 67 01 A9 F8 5F 02 A9 F6 57 03 A9 F4 4F 04 A9 13 00 40 F9 F4 03 00 AA 68 1A 40 F9",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "FF 43 01 D1 FE 67 01 A9 ?? ?? 06 94 ?? 7? 06 94 68 1A 40 F9 15 15 41 F9 B5 00 00 B4 B6 4A 40 F9",
                    "address_flag": 0
            "arm": [{
                "pattern": "2D E9 F? 4? D0 F8 00 80 81 46 D8 F8 18 00 D0 F8 ??",
                "address_flag": 0
            "x64": [{
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 50 49 89 f? 4c 8b 37 49 8b 46 30 4c 8b a? ?? 0? 00 00 4d 85 e? 74 1? 4d 8b",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 18 49 89 FF 48 8B 1F 48 8B 43 30 4C 8B A0 28 02 00 00 4D 85 E4 74",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 38 C6 02 50 48 8B AF A8 00 00 00 48 85 ED 74 70 48 83 7D 00 00 74",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 38 C6 02 50 48 8B AF A8 00 00 00 48 85 ED 74 71 48 83 7D 00 00 74",
                    "address_flag": 1
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 ec 38 c6 02 50 48 8b af a0 00 00 00 48 85 ed 74 71 48 83 7d 00 00 74",
                    "address_flag": 1

// Flag to check if TLS validation has already been disabled
var TLSValidationDisabled = false;
var flutterLibraryFound = false;
var tries = 0;
var maxTries = 5;
var timeout = 1000;

// Main function to disable TLS validation for Flutter
function disableTLSValidation() {

    // Stop if ready
    if (TLSValidationDisabled) return;

    if (tries > maxTries) {
        console.log('[!] Max attempts reached, stopping');

    console.log(`[+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (${tries}/${maxTries})`)

    // Get reference to module. Necessary for iOS, and usefull check for Android
    var platformConfig = config[Java.available ? "android" : "ios"];
    var m = Process.findModuleByName(platformConfig["modulename"]);

    if (m === null) {
        console.log('[!] Flutter library not found');
        setTimeout(disableTLSValidation, timeout);
    } else {
        // reset counter so that searching for ssl_verify_peer_cert also gets x attempts
        if (flutterLibraryFound == false) {
            flutterLibraryFound = true;
            tries = 1;

    if (Process.arch in platformConfig["patterns"]) {
        var ranges;
        if (Java.available) {
            // On Android, getting ranges from the loaded module is buggy, so we revert to Process.enumerateRanges
            ranges = Process.enumerateRanges({
                protection: 'r-x'

        } else {
            // On iOS, there's no issue
            ranges = m.enumerateRanges('r-x')

        findAndPatch(ranges, platformConfig["patterns"][Process.arch], Java.available && Process.arch == "arm" ? 1 : 0);
    } else {
        console.log('[!] Processor architecture not supported: ', Process.arch);

    if (!TLSValidationDisabled) {
        if (tries < maxTries) {
            console.log(`[!] Flutter library found, but ssl_verify_peer_cert could not be found.`)
        } else {
            console.log('[!] ssl_verify_peer_cert not found. Please open an issue at https://github.com/NVISOsecurity/disable-flutter-tls-verification/issues');

// Find and patch the method in memory to disable TLS validation
function findAndPatch(ranges, patterns, thumb) {

    ranges.forEach(range => {
        patterns.forEach(patternInfo => {
            var matches = Memory.scanSync(range.base, range.size, patternInfo["pattern"]);
            matches.forEach(match => {
                var info = DebugSymbol.fromAddress(match.address);
                console.log(`[+] ssl_verify_peer_cert found at offset: ${info.name}`);
                TLSValidationDisabled = true;
                hook_ssl_verify_peer_cert(match.address.add(thumb), patternInfo["address_flag"]);
                console.log('[+] ssl_verify_peer_cert has been patched');

            if (matches.length > 1) {
                console.log('[!] Multiple matches detected. This can have a negative impact and may crash the app. Please open a ticket');

    // Try again. disableTLSValidation will not do anything if TLSValidationDisabled = true
    setTimeout(disableTLSValidation, timeout);

function isFlutterRange(range) {
    var address = range.base
    var info = DebugSymbol.fromAddress(address)
    if (info.moduleName != null) {
        if (info.moduleName.toLowerCase().includes("flutter")) {
            return true;
    return false;

// Replace the target function's implementation to effectively disable the TLS check
function hook_ssl_verify_peer_cert(address, address_flag) {
    Interceptor.replace(address, new NativeCallback((pathPtr, flags) => {
        return address_flag;
    }, 'int', ['pointer', 'int']));
M4st3r1337 commented 3 months ago

Hi, @M4st3r1337 Without an app package name, I can't solve this problem for you. Share the apk or libflutter.so (inside the apk)

Hey , @motattack I appreciate your help , here is the app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.g705&hl=en

try it:


A Frida script that disables Flutter's TLS verification

This script works on Android x86, Android x64 and iOS x64. It uses pattern matching to find [ssl_verify_peer_cert in handshake.cc](https://github.com/google/boringssl/blob/master/ssl/handshake.cc#L323)

If the script doesn't work, take a look at https://github.com/NVISOsecurity/disable-flutter-tls-verification#warning-what-if-this-script-doesnt-work 


// Configuration object containing patterns to locate the ssl_verify_peer_cert function
// for different platforms and architectures.
var config = {
    "ios": {
        "modulename": "Flutter",
        "patterns": {
            "arm64": [{
                "pattern": "FF 83 01 D1 FA 67 01 A9 F8 5F 02 A9 F6 57 03 A9 F4 4F 04 A9 FD 7B 05 A9 FD 43 01 91 F? 03 00 AA ?? 0? 40 F9 ?8 1? 40 F9 15 ?? 4? F9 B5 00 00 B4",
                "address_flag": 0
    "android": {
        "modulename": "libflutter.so",
        "patterns": {
            "arm64": [{
                    "pattern": "F? 0F 1C F8 F? 5? 01 A9 F? 5? 02 A9 F? ?? 03 A9 ?? ?? ?? ?? 68 1A 40 F9",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "F? 43 01 D1 FE 67 01 A9 F8 5F 02 A9 F6 57 03 A9 F4 4F 04 A9 13 00 40 F9 F4 03 00 AA 68 1A 40 F9",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "FF 43 01 D1 FE 67 01 A9 ?? ?? 06 94 ?? 7? 06 94 68 1A 40 F9 15 15 41 F9 B5 00 00 B4 B6 4A 40 F9",
                    "address_flag": 0
            "arm": [{
                "pattern": "2D E9 F? 4? D0 F8 00 80 81 46 D8 F8 18 00 D0 F8 ??",
                "address_flag": 0
            "x64": [{
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 50 49 89 f? 4c 8b 37 49 8b 46 30 4c 8b a? ?? 0? 00 00 4d 85 e? 74 1? 4d 8b",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 18 49 89 FF 48 8B 1F 48 8B 43 30 4C 8B A0 28 02 00 00 4D 85 E4 74",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 38 C6 02 50 48 8B AF A8 00 00 00 48 85 ED 74 70 48 83 7D 00 00 74",
                    "address_flag": 0
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 EC 38 C6 02 50 48 8B AF A8 00 00 00 48 85 ED 74 71 48 83 7D 00 00 74",
                    "address_flag": 1
                    "pattern": "55 41 57 41 56 41 55 41 54 53 48 83 ec 38 c6 02 50 48 8b af a0 00 00 00 48 85 ed 74 71 48 83 7d 00 00 74",
                    "address_flag": 1

// Flag to check if TLS validation has already been disabled
var TLSValidationDisabled = false;
var flutterLibraryFound = false;
var tries = 0;
var maxTries = 5;
var timeout = 1000;

// Main function to disable TLS validation for Flutter
function disableTLSValidation() {

    // Stop if ready
    if (TLSValidationDisabled) return;

    if (tries > maxTries) {
        console.log('[!] Max attempts reached, stopping');

    console.log(`[+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (${tries}/${maxTries})`)

    // Get reference to module. Necessary for iOS, and usefull check for Android
    var platformConfig = config[Java.available ? "android" : "ios"];
    var m = Process.findModuleByName(platformConfig["modulename"]);

    if (m === null) {
        console.log('[!] Flutter library not found');
        setTimeout(disableTLSValidation, timeout);
    } else {
        // reset counter so that searching for ssl_verify_peer_cert also gets x attempts
        if (flutterLibraryFound == false) {
            flutterLibraryFound = true;
            tries = 1;

    if (Process.arch in platformConfig["patterns"]) {
        var ranges;
        if (Java.available) {
            // On Android, getting ranges from the loaded module is buggy, so we revert to Process.enumerateRanges
            ranges = Process.enumerateRanges({
                protection: 'r-x'

        } else {
            // On iOS, there's no issue
            ranges = m.enumerateRanges('r-x')

        findAndPatch(ranges, platformConfig["patterns"][Process.arch], Java.available && Process.arch == "arm" ? 1 : 0);
    } else {
        console.log('[!] Processor architecture not supported: ', Process.arch);

    if (!TLSValidationDisabled) {
        if (tries < maxTries) {
            console.log(`[!] Flutter library found, but ssl_verify_peer_cert could not be found.`)
        } else {
            console.log('[!] ssl_verify_peer_cert not found. Please open an issue at https://github.com/NVISOsecurity/disable-flutter-tls-verification/issues');

// Find and patch the method in memory to disable TLS validation
function findAndPatch(ranges, patterns, thumb) {

    ranges.forEach(range => {
        patterns.forEach(patternInfo => {
            var matches = Memory.scanSync(range.base, range.size, patternInfo["pattern"]);
            matches.forEach(match => {
                var info = DebugSymbol.fromAddress(match.address);
                console.log(`[+] ssl_verify_peer_cert found at offset: ${info.name}`);
                TLSValidationDisabled = true;
                hook_ssl_verify_peer_cert(match.address.add(thumb), patternInfo["address_flag"]);
                console.log('[+] ssl_verify_peer_cert has been patched');

            if (matches.length > 1) {
                console.log('[!] Multiple matches detected. This can have a negative impact and may crash the app. Please open a ticket');

    // Try again. disableTLSValidation will not do anything if TLSValidationDisabled = true
    setTimeout(disableTLSValidation, timeout);

function isFlutterRange(range) {
    var address = range.base
    var info = DebugSymbol.fromAddress(address)
    if (info.moduleName != null) {
        if (info.moduleName.toLowerCase().includes("flutter")) {
            return true;
    return false;

// Replace the target function's implementation to effectively disable the TLS check
function hook_ssl_verify_peer_cert(address, address_flag) {
    Interceptor.replace(address, new NativeCallback((pathPtr, flags) => {
        return address_flag;
    }, 'int', ['pointer', 'int']));

[+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (1/5) [!] Flutter library not found Spawned com.g705. Resuming main thread! [SM-G988N::com.g705 ]-> [+] Attempting to find and hook ssl_verify_peer_cert (2/5) [+] ssl_verify_peer_cert found at offset: 0x78f0ee [+] ssl_verify_peer_cert has been patched

great i was able to intercept requests , any tutorial on how you fixed that ? also i have another problem the requests body are encrypted : EGv5Ft4NpFw9rIPqYspr3jiGWOEv7TY/fJ+L/9MCpa0= , probably AES any idea on how i can find it in flutter apps ?

TheDauntless commented 3 months ago

I've updated the signatures to include the new one, but I can't replicate the need for return 1. It doesn't really make sense, since the function should return ssl_verify_ok, which is 0

enum ssl_verify_result_t BORINGSSL_ENUM_INT {

If somebody can replicate the need for 1, please let me know.

@M4st3r1337 encryption is definitely out of scope, and you'll have to dig in with a decompiler/disassembler and figure it out. Flutter is really difficult to analyze though.