NVentimiglia / Unity3d-Databinding-Mvvm-Mvc

Unity3d uGUI Observable library for Mvvm / Mvc
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Status of Unity5 Functionality #2

Closed negue closed 9 years ago

negue commented 9 years ago

Is there any status page of what works in Unity5 and what not?

Anyway I tried the Observabletests Scene, it compiles without errors, once I try something it rains tons of errors :D (in the Console)

Also the selection of the "ViewModel Component" seems not to work, I can't select any file / class

NVentimiglia commented 9 years ago

What are the errors and on what platform? I am using Unity5 right now.

negue commented 9 years ago

Is there an easy way to get all log messages ? One at a time is bit much to copy & paste :D

NVentimiglia commented 9 years ago


negue commented 9 years ago

Thanks! (still a unity / game dev noob)


negue commented 9 years ago

FYI I imported all packages from your git repos (but before I had the 3.2 Version imported, should I remove and re-import everything) ?

NVentimiglia commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I would recommend deleting the old stuff and re-importing. There were a number of API changes which will cause headaches if you try to convert. It took me the better part of the weekend to upgrade the lobby for Unity5 / Foundation4 for instance.

The lobby and server also had a moderate upgrade as well (those are pending in the asset store). I have the new server and lobby temporarily here : http://mmofoundation.com.petunia.arvixe.com/Wiki

negue commented 9 years ago

Removed all, and reimported all packages again.

The new databinding scene shows me no controls and once I try to run it, I get these errors:


negue commented 9 years ago

This is also strange, a screenshot of LocalizationService.asset http://i.imgur.com/jZgHTBm.png

NVentimiglia commented 9 years ago

What platform ? I just tested on a new project and built for Windows and Web.

NVentimiglia commented 9 years ago

Ok, looks like something is getting corrupted on the import.

Try this.

1) Redownload this git

2) Create a new unity project

3) Import the .unityPackage (file in root of git)

4) add NoLocalization (or import that also)

5) run.

negue commented 9 years ago

Windows 8.1 x64 Unity 5.0.0f4

Okay I`ll try that

to 3) I didn't even know that it is possible to import the package not in the root folder

NVentimiglia commented 9 years ago

I meant its in the root of the git

negue commented 9 years ago

Huh, it works with a clean project. Seems that there is something wrong with my current project?

Thanks for the live support :P

I`ll test tomorrow again with my normal project and see If I can get it to run there too, will update once I have some new informations

NVentimiglia commented 9 years ago

Np =)

Hopefully resetting the primary power coupling might help.