Closed LinyeLi60 closed 5 years ago
These are very low loss values, ~0.0028 is more common to me for a fully trained model. Can you investigate how the belief maps look like, there might be some black images in there.
Can you try to overlay the belief maps onto the image:
def OverlayBeliefOnImage(img, beliefs, name, path="", factor=0.7, grid=3,
norm_belief = True):
""" python
take as input
img: a tensor image in pytorch normalized at 0.5
belief: tensor of the same size as the image to overlay over img
name: str to name the image, e.g., output.png
path: where to save, e.g., /where/to/save/
factor: float [0,1] how much to keep the original, 1 = fully, 0 black
grid: how big the grid, e.g., 3 wide.
norm_belief: bool to normalize the values [0,1]
tensor = beliefs
belief_imgs = []
in_img = img
in_img *= factor
norm_belief = True
for j in range(tensor.size()[0]):
belief = tensor[j].clone()
if norm_belief:
belief -= float(torch.min(belief).data.cpu().numpy())
belief /= float(torch.max(belief).data.cpu().numpy())
belief = torch.clamp(belief,0,1).cpu()
belief =[
belief.unsqueeze(0) + in_img[0,:,:],
belief.unsqueeze(0) + in_img[1,:,:],
belief.unsqueeze(0) + in_img[2,:,:]
belief = torch.clamp(belief,0,1)
# Create the image grid
belief_imgs = torch.tensor(np.array(belief_imgs))
save_image(belief_imgs, "{}{}".format(path, name),
mean=0, std=1, nrow=grid)
Also if you are training on a textureless mug I am not sure it is going to work well given the symmetries of the object.
lly@lly-XPS-13-9360:~/Downloads/Deep_Object_Pose/src/training$ python --data ~/fat/ --object mug --outf mug start: 23:05:16.797258 load data training data: 61500 batches load models Train Epoch: 1 [0/246000 (0%)] Loss: 0.035773992538452 Train Epoch: 1 [400/246000 (0%)] Loss: 0.000075019132055 Train Epoch: 1 [800/246000 (0%)] Loss: 0.002809691475704 Train Epoch: 1 [1200/246000 (0%)] Loss: 0.000005863605111 Train Epoch: 1 [1600/246000 (1%)] Loss: 0.000004666615496 Train Epoch: 1 [2000/246000 (1%)] Loss: 0.000004310214536 Train Epoch: 1 [2400/246000 (1%)] Loss: 0.002799089299515
This is how the loss change when I train an object from scratch with a batchsize of 4 on my gtx1070, learing rate is 0.0001.I wonder if there is some problem.