NVlabs / FPSci

Aim Training Experiments
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v22.04.01 likely changed the S2019 sample experiments #363

Closed jspjutNV closed 2 years ago

jspjutNV commented 2 years ago

Release v22.04.01 changed the default model spec and the glossy term on models compared to previous FPSci releases. See the release notes for snippets to fix the issue.

jspjutNV commented 2 years ago

I just tried out these samples, and, while they have changed somewhat, I think the change is closer to what we had intended for those experiments than we achieved at that time. I'm going to close this as a change, but an intentional one.

For future reference, if anyone wants to recover the old behavior, at the top level of the experiment config add the following:

        targetGloss = Color4(0.4f, 0.2f, 0.1f, 0.8f);
        referenceTargetModelSpec = ArticulatedModel::Specification{
            filename = "model/target/target.obj";
            cleanGeometrySettings = ArticulatedModel::CleanGeometrySettings{
                        allowVertexMerging = true;
                        forceComputeNormals = false;
                        forceComputeTangents = false;
                        forceVertexMerging = true;
                        maxEdgeLength = inf;
                        maxNormalWeldAngleDegrees = 0;
                        maxSmoothAngleDegrees = 0;

And in each target type in the target list, add the following:

        modelSpec = ArticulatedModel::Specification{
            filename = "model/target/target.obj";
            cleanGeometrySettings = ArticulatedModel::CleanGeometrySettings{
                        allowVertexMerging = true;
                        forceComputeNormals = false;
                        forceComputeTangents = false;
                        forceVertexMerging = true;
                        maxEdgeLength = inf;
                        maxNormalWeldAngleDegrees = 0;
                        maxSmoothAngleDegrees = 0;